Covering a wide range of timely pension and benefit topics - on location in your city.
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If the program you want is closed, please e-mail for information about possible last-minute openings, or if you have questions or need more information.

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  • Enjoy the convenience of consecutive sessions on consecutive days!
  • Register for additional programs in the same location -- save time and money
    • Early registration discount per program if registered 15 days in advance of events
    • Register for 2 or more events and receive a Multi-Event discount
  • Please note that fees shown do not reflect additional discounts, which may be applied during registration.
There are currently no Multi-Event Specials available.

Our Spring/Fall Advanced Pension Conferences address current pension legislation and important technical issues. Our annual Client Conference addresses our latest software and business developments.

If the program you want is closed, please e-mail for information about possible last-minute openings, or if you have questions or need more information.

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If the program you want is closed, please e-mail for information about possible last-minute openings, or if you have questions or need more information.

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