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April 8, 2011

[Guidance Overview]
DOL Extension of Enforcement Grace Period for Certain Internal Claims and Appeals Requirements (PDF)
"No relief is provided with respect to the external review requirements; however, the grace period does apply to the requirement that notices to claimants include a description of available external review processes and how to initiate an appeal." (Alston & Bird LLP)

Does Employer-Based Health Insurance Discourage Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation?
"Nearly three-quarters of all full-time workers in the United States get health insurance from their employers. Concerns have long been voiced that workers with employer-based insurance may be reluctant to leave their jobs to start new businesses because of the high cost of premiums or the possibility of disrupting or losing insurance coverage -- a phenomenon referred to as 'entrepreneurship lock.'" (RAND)

Defining Essential Benefits: How Much Is Too Much?
"Two of the most contentious topics under debate are the scope of essential benefits and insurers' application of medical necessity criteria when making coverage decisions." (American Medical Association)

Making the Case for Workplace Wellness Programs (PDF)
"Almost one-third of Americans entering the work force today (3 in 10) will become disabled before they retire. Freak accidents are NOT the culprit. Back injuries, cancer, heart disease and other largely preventable illnesses cause the majority of long-term absences. The average long-term disability will last 2.5 years." (The Wellness Council of America)

Raising Medicare Age Could Cost Employers $4.5 Bil.lion
"Researchers at the Menlo, California-based foundation projected the cost increase would occur because employer plans would become the primary payer of health care bills for retirees from age 65 to 67 rather than a secondary payer, as is now the case." (Workplace Management: free registration required)

Educating Employers about COPD
"With higher health care utilization, absenteeism and reduced productivity, employees with COPD can cost companies up to four times more than average employees . . . ." (Employee Benefit News; free registration required)

How Health Risk Assessments Can Be Dangerous
"The key question is whether or not completing an HRA is a good start to changing habits, and if the reports that come from the process are useful in getting people to make lifestyle changes." (Employee Benefit News; free registration required)

Benefits in General; Executive Compensation

Review of Effects of Annual Changes in Interest Rates, Social Security Figures and Thrift Savings Plan Limits
The article covers Federal salary issues, Social Security figures, Federal retirement plans, and Medicare changes. (Government Executive)

Why Should Social Insurance Reform Not Affect Those Over Age 54?
"If seniors are receiving tens of thousands of dollars more than what they paid in for Medicare, then they should not be allowed to hide behind the tired old argument of being too old to bear any adjustment cost. Indeed, seniors hold most of the nation's assets and a progressive-minded reform would ask them to fork over a small share to relieve the financial burden that must otherwise be imposed on young workers and future generations." (Cato Institute)

Press Releases

Employee Benefits Jobs

Employee Benefits Attorney in IL for Aon Hewitt

Health Actuarial Position in GA for Swerdlin & Company

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Webcasts and Conferences

Federal Health Care Reform Continues to Make Headlines in California on April 19, 2011 presented by Western Pension & Benefits Conference, San Diego Chapter

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Jeanette Hull, News Editor
David Rhett Baker, J.D., Editor and Publisher

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