Including Flour Based Recipes In Your GHB, BoB, etc.

So, I already to this.  I fig­ured some time ago, it would be smart to have some­thing flour based with me when I hike or go camp­ing.  In fact, I will go a step far­ther and say that I have also added small jars of dried veg­eta­bles with a cou­ple of bouil­lon cubes to make soup with when I hike or camp.  I can make a quick nutri­tious meal, as I may have a Ban­nock bread mix, dried veg­eta­bles with bouil­lon cubes, and usu­al­ly Jerky that I car­ry with me.  I also usu­al­ly keep a few instant pack­ets of Gatorade with me as well, but more on that in a lat­er post.  A soup with a side of Ban­nock makes for hearty meal, espe­cial­ly with some Ban­nock mix.  Man I love mak­ing that bread.  It is thick, heavy, and packed with calo­ries to keep you hik­ing or mov­ing.  Not to men­tion tasty.  You can sea­son it how­ev­er you like with herbs, pep­per, etc, and it sits in a plas­tic ziplock bag until you are ready to use it.

The rea­son for this post, is that I came across an arti­cle on anoth­er blog about keep­ing a flour based food in your kit that you can use in the bush, hik­ing, camp­ing, or bug­ging in , or bug­ging out .  You can check it out here:   http://goo.gl/UT16

My favorite recipe for Ban­nock is below.  Some­times I take a table­spoon of olive oil and mix it with some Ital­ian sea­son­ings and when I make the recipe I add that to it to add some addi­tion­al fla­vor.  I use a vari­ety of flour depend­ing on the fla­vor I am look­ing for, but always mix 1/2 whole wheat flour with a white flour.  Here is the recipe:

  • 1‑cup whole wheat flour (1/2 cup of wheat and 1/2 cup of white)
  • 1 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
  • ¼ tea­spoon salt (if I am using white bread flour I will not use salt)
  • 3 table­spoons but­ter (I buy pow­dered but­ter by the pound and use this in the recipe to keep the but­ter from melt­ing or spoil­ing)
  • 2 table­spoons milk pow­der

I will put a lit­tle water in the bag and kneed it until I get the con­sis­ten­cy I am look­ing for and either bake it in my toast­er oven or wrap it around a stick and cook it over the fire…

Oth­er Ban­nock Recipes to make:

Multi-flour Bannock Recipe

This com­bi­na­tion of flours, spices, and dried fruit makes the ban­nock a deli­cious meal of itself and makes me hun­gry just think­ing about it. It can be cooked over an open fire on a green stick or formed into a loaf and baked and makes a 3‑day sup­ply:

1 Cup Bar­ley flour
1 Cup Wheat flour
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1 Cup White Sug­ar
1/2 to 1 Cup Raisins or oth­er dried fruit
1 1/2 Cup But­ter­milk
1 tea­spoon bak­ing pow­der
1 tbsp. Coarse Ground Salt
1 tbsp. Cin­na­mon
1 tbsp. Cloves
1 tbsp. Nut­meg

Fried Ban­nock

If you like fried foods then you need to try fried Ban­nock.

4 cups flour
2 tbsp bak­ing pow­der
2 tbsp sug­ar
1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup margarine/butter
2 eggs (Try using pow­dered eggs and adding some water to the mix­ture)
1/4 tbsp salt

Mix all the ingre­di­ents so a dough ball is formed. Break off pieces and flat­ten into rounds about ½ inch thick. Fry to a gold­en brown in the oil of your choice.

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