15 Thoughts About The Coronavirus COVID-19

Well, if it is one thing I can hon­est­ly say, is that I nev­er thought I would be writ­ing about an actu­al pan­dem­ic that I might be in the mid­dle of, in any stage of its process.  When I first heard about Coro­n­avirus pri­or to the COVID-19 strain being iden­ti­fied as dif­fer­ent from tra­di­tion­al Coro­n­avirus, I thought this might be the flu or a nasty strain of the com­mon cold.  I was very much in the “this isn’t going to be a big deal” camp, but my prep­per spidey sense said, let’s keep an eye on it.  My OCD nature has had me lis­ten­ing to count­less hours of pod­casts from infec­tious dis­ease experts, watch­ing YouTube videos, as well as read­ing every sit­u­a­tion report out there that I can find, every day, here are the facts as I read, heard, see them.

  1. COVID-19 (both strains) are hyper con­ta­gious. If you are in a medi­um-sized room with some­one or more than one per­son who has it, you are prob­a­bly going to get it.
  2. Not every­one who has it knows they have it. Some peo­ple car­ry it, and spread it, while show­ing NO symp­toms, ever.  They’re your typ­i­cal germ car­ri­er.  Buy­er beware.
  3. We are prob­a­bly all going to get it, or at least be exposed to it. There’s not much that can be done about that now…
  4. Event Can­cel­la­tions. The can­cel­ing of any and all gath­er­ings regard­less of what any­one thinks is to help spread the infec­tion rate out over a longer peri­od of time, rather than expos­ing every­one, and spread­ing it all at once. This strat­e­gy will pre­vent hos­pi­tals from get­ting over­whelmed too quick­ly.   It won’t help few­er peo­ple con­tract COVID-19, but it does mean few­er peo­ple will die, and I think we all can agree, this could be an impor­tant and respon­si­ble deci­sion…
  5. All data shows this is up to 10x more dead­ly than the com­mon flu.  Two weeks ago the experts weren’t so sure, and the data was incon­clu­sive.  Those at the top of the infec­tious dis­ease food chain can rea­son­ably pre­dict the mor­tal­i­ty rate now… That’s still not ter­ri­ble, and if you get it, you’re prob­a­bly going to be fine… Prob­a­bly…
  6. If you’re over 55, obese, or don’t exer­cise, you should already be in quar­an­tine. The mor­tal­i­ty rate is quite high (Upwards of 11%) for those high-risk groups. The obese and non-exer­cis­ers sim­ply don’t have healthy enough lungs to fight this thing off very effec­tive­ly.  This, of course, is rel­a­tive, depend­ing on the per­son.
  7. The incu­ba­tion peri­od from the time you con­tract it, until the time you start show­ing symp­toms is, on aver­age four to five days. How­ev­er, dur­ing that time, you are con­ta­gious. Peo­ple shar­ing air with you are prob­a­bly also going to get it from you. This is why the spread can’t be stopped.. only slowed.  They’re not offi­cial­ly say­ing that, how­ev­er.
  8. If you’re not in those high-risk groups, this will feel like a real­ly nasty cold or flu to you. Many peo­ple in the U.S. have already had it (I think it has actu­al­ly been around longer than we know, and believe that I may have had it last year), and sim­ply did­n’t know. This is why it’s spread­ing so quick­ly. There are numer­ous peo­ple are cur­rent­ly spread­ing it, and have no idea.
  9. Wash­ing your hands is always a good idea.  How­ev­er, it is not as effec­tive as the gov­ern­ment (CDC, etc.) is telling us. I mean, how many times a day can you wash your hands??? It’s prob­a­bly the only thing you can rea­son­ably do.  I’ve looked for aloe and rub­bing alco­hol in con­ve­nience stores, gro­cery stores, and phar­ma­cies.  Nada…  This thing is spread ‘most­ly’ by shar­ing air with peo­ple who are con­ta­gious.
  10. Sur­gi­cal Masks… A sur­gi­cal mask won’t help you. You need at least an N95 or N99 grade mask. If you don’t already own them, good luck, and you should be look­ing for them Hos­pi­tals have first right of refusal, and I under­stand while not con­firmed, the US Govt. has a con­tract with 3M and essen­tial­ly said, we’re buy­ing the lot, and you’re not sell­ing to com­mer­cial any longer.  Not con­firmed, again…
  11. Kids and peo­ple who are fit and exer­cise reg­u­lar­ly are the groups cur­rent­ly fair­ing the best when around those with COVID-19. It’s killed vir­tu­al­ly nobody in those two groups. In fact, most peo­ple in these two groups aren’t even end­ing up in the hos­pi­tal.
  12. Opin­ion… The CDC and WHO are not being hon­est enough about the fact that basi­cal­ly every­one is going to get this, because they don’t want to cause all-out pan­ic.  Although if you have been to BJ’s, Cost­co, Sam’s Club or oth­er big-box dis­count stores, you would think the zom­bie apoc­a­lypse is hap­pen­ing as we speak.
  13. This isn’t going to “blow over” in a few weeks.  This is at least medi­um-term.  six — 12+ months.  It will like­ly peak towards the end of April or mid-May (spec­u­la­tion), but the dust prob­a­bly won’t be ful­ly set­tled until late fall or going into next spring 2021, glob­al­ly. This is just get­ting start­ed. This means you should be pre­pared to self-quar­an­tine for two weeks to X months.
  14. Toi­let paper is prob­a­bly the least of your wor­ries, although you can­not find any any­where.  Peo­ple know that if they are in quar­an­tine they’re going to want a clean ass, and there­fore it’s gone… Stock­ing up cer­tain­ly makes sense once you’ve got all the oth­er things you’re prob­a­bly going to need.  Hope­ful­ly, you’ve got your water, food, med­i­cines, etc., already.
  15. Last­ly, clos­ing the schools will make this way worse… Peo­ple need to work, and so do health­care work­ers.  Many of them are con­trac­tors, are hourly, or work on a per diem rate.  If health­care work­ers are sud­den­ly forced to stay home with their kids because they’ll have no oth­er options, and no sit­ter will come to their home due to COVID-19, they’re not at work help­ing the sick. If you think hos­pi­tals are ill-equipped to deal with this now, close the schools and watch what hap­pens in the long term.

The con­clu­sion, I do not believe any­one is over-react­ing.  Peo­ple have a renewed inter­est in hygiene , they’re at least short term prep­ping (there is a whole oth­er dis­cus­sion that could fol­low this one about the after­math of the short term prep­ping and poten­tial unrest that may fol­low). COVID-19 is seri­ous.  It’s mutat­ed once already and may (chances are) mutate again.  It’s going to kill a lot of peo­ple. Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly speak­ing, you will prob­a­bly per­son­al­ly know or be in the six degrees of sep­a­ra­tion of three or four peo­ple who are going to die.

Stop act­ing like it’s not a big deal and start get­ting ready, if you have not.

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By: suburban

@Greg — I get it. However, my fear is a bit different at this juncture. Being in the Northeast, the quarantine is wearing on people, quite a bit. As you know there are now ‘peaceful protests’ all over the country because of this. But tempers are getting thin, for sure. My fear is the continued oppression of Govt. overreach. Meaning, citizen tempers getting thin, they’re not making enough money to survive, and support their families, and one of them let’s loose one day in a fit of rage, and the government reaction is one of stronger force vs. the compassion that that person deserves because they’re having a hard time expressing their frustration. All they want to do, remember is likely to keep their family safe, fed, and a roof over their heads, which I suspect is getting harder for many.

By: Greg

Nice information,anyone who believes what the government is telling you is very naive,like the aftermath of an EMP,the government says 1‑year in 70% of the people could be dead,no one really knows-could me more or less,no matter the virus does(as in the taking of lives)Is mostly irrelevant,especially if it happened to yourself.The only question(in my opinion)Is are we possibly headed for a SHTF/WROL-Situation.Iv’e prepped for years,but mostly for natural disasters.I’m solo,so for me it’s (if possible)Working with my close neighbors,all of us which are friends and at least now get along,I’m not really into firearms,haven’t fired an M‑16,since my service days(under Carter ‚yes I’m 61,but at least in decent physical shape)but for me,my only long arm is a 12-gauge Mossberg-500,and a 9mm pistol,The key factor(in my opinion)will be police response to various problems,since many officers now have symptoms or have caught the virus,forcing many officers to work double/triple time.So the possibility Olof response to a situation,may not come to fruition.

By: Cache Valley Prepper

Great article Jack. The government has definitely put out propaganda and even changed position to make sure they are able to function, to attempt to calm investors and to attempt to prevent the hospitals from getting overwhelmed.

I’ll start by stating that I’m not a doctor, but I don’t think doctors have a monopoly on reason.

I agree that many will be infected because they aren’t able to both quarantine and pay the bills. Due to company policies, most people will work even when sick, because they’ll lose their jobs if they stay home. However, I do think that the standard precautions taken for any respiratory virus will help. Based on past research on the effectiveness of masks against respiratory viruses (before the government fired up it’s propaganda machine) I think that N95 or N99 mask are somewhat more effective than surgical masks (it’s what I wear when needed) but I think surgical masks are better than nothing because the immune system can deal with the small numbers of viruses in in tiny airborne droplets more effectively than it can fight the millions of viruses contained in even a single large droplet.

For this reason, I think that even surgical masks are better than nothing since only microscopic droplets get around the masks and even N95 or N99 masks don’t have fine enough filtration to filter out individual viruses, which can also enter the body through the eyes and ears. and I have purchased them for family in Brazil where N95 masks are not available. So, if you run out of N95 masks, I’d still use a surgical mask.

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