A Knock at the Door: Reflections on Fear, Faith, and the World Today

So, yes­ter­day, I had a thought, after a brief encounter at the front door of my home. Two slight­ly old­er women showed up at my front door. Invari­ably when two women show up at the front door with pam­phlets in hand, you think, Bap­tists or Jeho­vah’s Wit­ness­es. As my dog is bark­ing non-stop, and my daugh­ter is yelling for me in the back­ground, I am try­ing to be polite. And of course, they keep talk­ing and talk­ing over my dia­tribe about not being inter­est­ed, etc. I final­ly sim­ply said, “I am Jew­ish, ladies.” And at that moment, The thought, “F*CK!” went through my mind. The one thing that I would like­ly say in the past that would give them pause to go on talk­ing…

Back­ing up for a moment, I have been watch­ing the news non-stop.  Watch­ing fringe news, watch­ing YouTube news, etc on the Israeli/Palestinian con­flict , etc.  I can­not even put into words how I feel about it.  As a coun­try, our gov­ern­ment seems to be fund­ing both sides of this con­flict, and it is esca­lat­ing very quick­ly in the Mid­dle East to some­thing that has us dis­tract­ed from the Ukraine/Russian con­flict.  This is by design, of course with the Iranian/Russian alliance in place for many years.  We’re fund­ing both sides of this con­flict.  Chi­na has moved its navy into posi­tion, Rus­sia has sent assets to the region, and WWIII feels immi­nent.  This is not the world I was hop­ing our beau­ti­ful six-year-old would be grow­ing up in.  It is very scary to watch and expe­ri­ence from the arm­chair…

That said, my spidey sens­es are tin­gling, and my gut is doing flip-flops.  I am try­ing to remain some­one who is not vis­i­bly affect­ed by this, but for the first time in my life­time, I feel like with wide open bor­ders, mil­i­tary-aged men from ene­mies of the state com­ing over the north­ern and south­ern bor­ders in mass, that there are sleep­ers all over the coun­try just await­ing the ‘offi­cial word’ from their lead­ers to acti­vate for what­ev­er nefar­i­ous bullsh!t that they are going to per­pet­u­ate.  I hon­est­ly believe it is not a mat­ter of if, but when at this junc­ture, and I fear the fight will be brought the aver­age cit­i­zen on our soil, some­where, some­time… I may be wrong.  It may be an attack on the 9 major sub­sta­tions that man­age pow­er for the coun­try.  It may be some­thing else.

Back to the nice Jeho­vah’s at the front door.  At that sec­ond, I real­ized I need­ed to scan the imme­di­ate area to see if there were any oth­er indi­vid­u­als stand­ing over­watch to see who they might be. Are they in a car, are they stand­ing on the cor­ner, in the street, etc.  Some­thing I usu­al­ly do pri­or to open­ing the front door (the storm screen door was in between us).  Despite this…OPSEC blown… Now, I did­n’t say I was Jew­ish sim­ply to get them to stop talk­ing. I am Jew­ish, albeit more spir­i­tu­al today than prac­tic­ing.

As I watch the news, I watch the protests, the stu­dents protest­ing, the protests of the pro-Pales­tin­ian ral­lies, not to men­tion those in our own gov­ern­ment who are sup­port­ing and not con­demn­ing the Pales­tin­ian hor­ror show.  This is where the fear and the thoughts come from.  It could be any­one from a mis­guid­ed high school kid to a sea­soned mil­i­tary-aged for­eign oper­a­tor who came over the bor­der ille­gal­ly.  By this, I mean, an ambush, and attack, etc.  Anti-semi­tism is at an all-time high.  How is this pos­si­ble?  Six mil­lion Jews were exter­mi­nat­ed dur­ing World War II.  My Grand­fa­thers, both who fought in WWII must be rolling over in their graves.  My Dad’s Dad, on the Jew­ish side of my fam­i­ly, was a POW dur­ing the Bat­tle of the Bulge , inter­ro­gat­ed by the Naz­i’s.  As the sto­ry goes, he threw his dog tags away pri­or to being cap­tured, and they inter­ro­gat­ed him about his last name. “Why would some­one with a Ger­man last name be fight­ing against the Ger­mans?”  He’s rolling over in his grave.  I nev­er met him, but have to believe his fight for his coun­try and the Jew­ish peo­ple should not go unrec­og­nized.

Back to the ladies at the front door.  As I thought about it after they left, this could have been any one of the below bul­let point sce­nar­ios:

  • This sce­nario could have eas­i­ly been Jihadi’s map­ping out the Jews for future attacks.
  • Ambush attacks on Jews on a home-by-home basis.
  • Ambush attacks on Jews as they leave their home to sim­ply go to the gro­cery store or drop their chil­dren off at school
  • And there is so much more swirling through my head.

OPSEC… I revealed what I feel should be kept qui­et to those who do not know me.  I did it because I have done it so many times in the past. Sigh…

The world we live in today is filled with uncer­tain­ty and fear, espe­cial­ly giv­en the cur­rent glob­al polit­i­cal cli­mate. The Israeli/Palestinian con­flict, along with the involve­ment of major world pow­ers, has cre­at­ed a tense and volatile sit­u­a­tion that feels like it could esca­late into some­thing much larg­er and more dan­ger­ous at any moment. This is not the world I want my daugh­ter to grow up in, and it is not the world I want for any of us. The fear of the unknown, of what could hap­pen, is pal­pa­ble and affects us all in dif­fer­ent ways.

Fur­ther­more, the inci­dent with the Jeho­vah’s Wit­ness­es at my front door was a stark reminder of the need for vig­i­lance and cau­tion in these uncer­tain times. It is easy to let our guard down, to become com­pla­cent, and to for­get the poten­tial dan­gers that exist in our world. How­ev­er, we must always be aware of our sur­round­ings, be cau­tious of those we inter­act with, and be pre­pared for any­thing that might come our way. In a world that feels like it is tee­ter­ing on the brink of chaos, we must do every­thing we can to pro­tect our­selves and our loved ones.

I’ll leave you with this… Where uncer­tain­ty seems to be the only cer­tain­ty, the impor­tance of prep­ping and being a prep­per can­not be over­stat­ed. The glob­al cli­mate is cur­rent­ly fraught with poten­tial dan­gers, with polit­i­cal unrest and the threat of war. And I think the attacks on Israel have remind­ed us that our world can change in an instant, and that being pre­pared can mean the dif­fer­ence between sur­vival, suf­fer­ing, or even death. Prep­ping is not just about stock­pil­ing food and water , but also about being men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly pre­pared for what­ev­er chal­lenges may come our way.

Being a prep­per means tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for your own safe­ty and the safe­ty of your loved ones. It means hav­ing a plan in place for emer­gen­cies, and the knowl­edge and skills to car­ry out that plan. It means being self-reliant and resource­ful, and under­stand­ing that in times of cri­sis, we can­not always rely on oth­ers to help us. In a world that is increas­ing­ly unpre­dictable, being a prep­per is not just a lifestyle choice, but a nec­es­sary step towards ensur­ing our sur­vival and the sur­vival of future gen­er­a­tions. As we face the chal­lenges of the exist­ing world cli­mate, the impor­tance of prep­ping and being a prep­per has nev­er been more clear.

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By: suburban

Brian, Sounds like you have your hands full. At least you have a plan. It is more than many have. And that is the first step.

By: Brian

Yes your post is spot on. I’m a person much like you who hopes for the best but prepares for the worst.
With all the external turmoil I also have it within my four walls. My spouse is a prescription drug abuser and near alcoholic. Her doctors damn well know it and wont take her off her “maintenance” pills. Our son died in a tragic accident earlier in the year and now she’s mentally unstable as well. Sometimes threatening violence and self harm or uncontrollable rage. We are late 50s and my family is all passed on. I’ve spent 1000s prepping and if things don’t improve I want a divorce. Which segues me into this unfortunate but necessary Spouse Bug Out and survival plan.
I have a shop at work. And access to shower. I keep copies of all important documents and files under lock and key in my shop at work. Also enough food for 10 days, toiletries and hygiene,meds and 4 changes of clothes for summer or winter. Plus my back pack with all the essentials. Cordage, compass, fire rod and knife with hone and a blanket. An emergency phone and sparse GPS and a pistol with ample ammo.
It’s sad I know but in this world of mass drug addictions ( all legal and prescription in her case) and general societal breakdown every serious prepper should consider it even if your marriage seems stable.
The deep financial and legal ties that bind couples can also be a prison. Just up and leave isn’t always an option for many people. I’ve had to abruptly leave in the middle of the night before. Dealing with someone emotionally unstable and taking more meds than prescribed plus drinking can be dicey. And no one wants a domestic dispute legal problem to deal with man nor woman.
So cover all your bases from threats both foreign and domestic.

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