Are Preppers Being “Set UP” on YouTube?

There are hun­dreds if not thou­sands of prep­per video on YouTube. If you haven’t already tried it, just do a search for SHTF or WROL and you’ll see what comes up (and that doesn’t include “sur­vival­ist”, “prep­per”, “sur­vival”, “eco­nom­ic col­lapse” etc). The videos range in qual­i­ty from some­one with a PC cam and a head­set micro­phone just talk­ing about var­i­ous top­ics to well made hands-on dis­cus­sions on a range of top­ics. And many YouTube video prep­pers have large fol­low­ings. I will say that I have sub­scribed to a cou­ple of prep­per chan­nels and have learned sev­er­al good things from them, as well as say­ing that I don’t always agree with the opin­ions expressed.

Recent­ly I watched a video from a non-prep­per woman that was a response to a well known and fol­lowed prep­per. I won’t men­tion the prep­pers’ screen name since I do not want to be crit­i­cal of him per se (the com­ments in the video and that fol­low can and do apply to many oth­er YouTube prep­pers as well), though if you have seen any of his videos you will like­ly know who he is based on the descrip­tion.

I also will not be post­ing the response video in ques­tion nor a link to it because it is a very pro­fane, racists, reverse-dis­crim­i­na­tion, extrem­ist (to the left) point of view.  I don’t have to give her fur­ther audi­ence. There­fore I will need to describe her crit­i­cisms for you.

How­ev­er, putting those neg­a­tives aside for a moment (and I am not dis­miss­ing them), I do think she makes an inter­est­ing point. And one that I too have won­dered about while watch­ing some of these videos, see­ing the types of equip­ment and quan­ti­ties of equip­ment these prep­pers show.

In the response video the woman was very crit­i­cal of how the prep­per presents him­self based on his appear­ance in the video, as well as his sur­round­ings and props, and man­ner of speak­ing. In short, her point was she doesn’t believe he can be for real. She believes that he (and I pre­sume some oth­ers) are just ‘too good to be true’ (my para­phrase).  She believes that he and oth­ers are a ‘set up’ to pur­pose­ly give false or mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion. A “pat­sy”. Or to make oth­ers come out of anonymi­ty and expose their beliefs and preps for pos­si­ble legal action late if/when a dis­as­ter hap­pens

 And she rais­es sev­er­al good ques­tions.

The par­tic­u­lar prep­per she was respond­ing to usu­al­ly presents him­self sit­ting in front of a wall-size Amer­i­can flag, on a wood­land pat­terned sofa, hold­ing a large AK style rifle that is adorned with all sorts of high-end acces­sories (holo sights, front grip, drum mag­a­zine, etc), and wears a bat­tle vest with each pock­et burst­ing with loaded 30 round mag­a­zines (and is that body armor under the vest?). Clear­ly the cam­era is on a tri­pod in front of him as he does his pre­sen­ta­tion.

The woman rais­es sev­er­al points of which the 3 main ones are:

  1. Where does he get the mon­ey for such a weapon setup?He is a young man, best guess in late 20’s. By his own words he recent­ly was dis­charged from a tour in the mil­i­tary which is noto­ri­ous for poor pay. The woman “doubt’s he’s an invest­ment banker” (her quote). While I pre­sume he’s sin­gle and no kids (any­one mar­ried and/or with kids will tell you they have no mon­ey!) that bat­tle rifle and out­fit alone must cost at least $2,000. And that’s before all the ammu­ni­tion he shows in his preps.Plus, that isn’t his only weapon. And that is in addi­tion to oth­er equip­ment and preps he shows in his videos.

    So where does a 20-some­thing who appar­ent­ly only ‘worked’ in the mil­i­tary get the funds to pur­chase such equip­ment and sup­plies? And when did he have the time while serv­ing in the mil­i­tary to shop for, pur­chase, and orga­nize these things?

    I sup­pose he may have had help from friends or fam­i­ly with the pur­chas­es. And who knows – maybe he is inde­pen­dent­ly well off! (Though at the risk of judg­ment, I doubt it) Nor­mal­ly I would say it’s no one’s busi­ness where some­one else gets their income (unless you’re going to try to prove they got it from illic­it activ­i­ty). But I do think this is a legit­i­mate ques­tion. Not just of this par­tic­u­lar prep­per but oth­ers as well.

  2. Why would he present him­self in such an open and clichéd man­ner on YouTube?In all his videos his face is clear­ly shown, he isn’t try­ing to hide or be anony­mous. That and his ‘bat­tle ready’ char­ac­ter is such a cliché for any­one who wants to believe sur­vival­ists are noth­ing more than good ol’ boys with big guns that can’t wait for a fight with the government.In this day and age of near para­noid secu­ri­ty, one would think he’d be a lit­tle con­cerned for get­ting a vis­it from DHS, FBI, NSA, ATF or a dozen oth­er Fed­er­al (or local) agen­cies. Not that he is vio­lat­ing any laws per se (that I can tell, I don’t know the details of the sta­tus where he lives – for all I know that gun and acces­sories might just be a good look­ing fake movie prop!) nor has he made an overt threats but some of the things he has said can, in today’s world, at the very least get him on a ‘watch list’.

    He is clear­ly express­ing very patri­ot­ic ideas. So as a patri­ot he may feel he is pro­tect­ed by 1 st and 2 nd amend­ment rights as well as the spir­it of the Con­sti­tu­tion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in this day and age that and $1.00 will get you a small cof­fee at best. While you and I may not care, or at best just roll our eyes, such an appear­ance is a very strong and extreme imag­ine in today’s PC word.

    It’s a del­i­cate sub­ject: Stand for what you believe in and face the pos­si­ble harsh con­se­quences, or, try to remain under the radar and be part of the prob­lem instead of the solu­tion. I can’t answer that. But I do I agree it is curi­ous. Very very few oth­er on YouTube take it that far.

  3. He speaks too clear­ly, too well pre­pared to be an ‘arma­ture’ video producer.The prep­per is always well spo­ken, clear, no stut­ter­ing, no “um” or uneven speak­ing. He seems extreme­ly well pre­pared with what his is to say, almost professional.This too is a very sub­jec­tive crit­i­cism. Some peo­ple are just bet­ter pub­lic speak­ers than oth­ers. You can’t tell that by appear­ance alone. And he does seem to have notes in front of him, which is a very com­mon speak­ing tech­nique taught in every high school.

For these rea­sons she pon­ders if this prep­per and oth­ers are legit­i­mate­ly just the guy-next-door or are ‘pasties’ to pro­vide dis­in­for­ma­tion and false efforts. A bit tin-foil- hat -ish but you have to con­sid­er the source.

Nev­er­the­less, points 1&2 I tend to agree with in so far as won­der­ing those points too. I am much old­er than many of these prep­pers with more of an estab­lished pro­fes­sion­al career. Yet even so I can’t afford the kinds and quan­ti­ties of equip­ment and preps these peo­ple seem to have. Even if I cut all enter­tain­ments and any­thing extra out of my life I wouldn’t be able to afford these items in the quan­ti­ties they seem to have. It would take me yearsto accu­mu­late all the items, if at all, pre­sum­ing I paid for them all myself.

At the risk of putting on the tin-foil-hat myself, there is some log­ic to the idea that maybe , just per­haps , in today’s world prep­pers are seen by some to be a threat. Or per­haps a “prob­lem” to be addressed. In that light, it is a time proven tech­nique to place mis-infor­ma­tion and false lead­ers inside such com­mu­ni­ties.

I am not mak­ing any accu­sa­tions about this or any oth­er prep­per on YouTube. In fact, the above crit­i­cisms aside, I find lit­tle wrong tech­ni­cal­ly with that these prep­pers are say­ing. Cer­tain­ly well with top­ics of dis­cus­sion.

I believe the point is a warn­ing to prep­pers: Be care­ful about who and what you see on YouTube. And who you asso­ciate with. Always be cau­tious.

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By: steve618

Regarding point #1;  the military is no longer poorly paid.  They are VERY well paid compared to their civilian counterparts.  Their base pay is not necessarily high by itself, but considering the fact that the extra (nontaxed) money they receive for housing and free healthcare for their dependents, they have much more “disposable” income than the typical civilian wage earner.  So I think it is perfectly possible that this prepper accumulated all of his arms, equipment, and supplies using his own money.

By: Flintlox

In reply to Chir .

Chir, I realize this is months late but having just found this blog i felt the need to put my 2 cents in, as unwelcome as it may be.
I completely understand your position in this day and age, to “keep your mouth shut” , move along, nothing to see here, mentality. It seems like such a good and sensible idea. Why in the hell, would I ever say anything like that to others when it will inevitably lead back to me in a negative manner. It seems counter intuitive to tell them what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, how I’m doing it, or even for what purpose I’m doing it. Hell, anytime you see something, your first reaction is almost always “keep your mouth shut” and move on. Seems normal.
But just why is that normal? Why do we have to hide something we believe in? for that matter, what is “normal”? (These are of course rhetorical questions.) All I’m saying is, challenge those preconceived notions, challenge the status quo.
I grew up in the city and moved to the country when I was in my mid teens and living in this new place was, to say the least, a culture shock in more ways than one. In reference to my subject, however, I found it most disturbing that people were so open, willing to share information, share ideas, feelings, or even ‘tell on people.’ It was very odd, and very honest. From moving from a more liberal area of a city to a more conservative town, it felt pretty ironic that there was much more free exchange of ideas in the conservative town than the liberal city schools.
To quote the articles author: “Stand for what you believe in and face the possible harsh consequences, or try to remain under the radar and be part of the problem instead of the solution.” I wish more people did the former, because I know the majority does the latter.
“Above all things I hope the education of the common people will be attended to, convinced that on their good sense we may rely with the most security for the preservation of a due degree of liberty.” ‑Jefferson
Because if we don’t do it, who will?
I wish more people were as brave as some of the people I see on youtube, television, or even the internet. People that get mocked and made out to be “tin foil hat” wearing wackos. In spite of that, they keep trudging forward for ideals and values they truly believe in. I have a lot of respect for these people, no matter what they are advocating, because they choose to fight and explain to others what they believe.
I mean honestly, when is the last time you saw 90% of voting age adults in your county attend a caucus or a party meeting? Never. ever, ever, ever, have you seen that. I can almost gold stamp guarantee it. Why? It’s hard. Freedom is hard. It really is. (and if you’ve ever attended a caucus before you know why…lol)
However, I do sympathize with the other aspect of the argument to lay low and stay under the radar. Stay out of the way. Say nothing. It is easy to cruel, it’s to easy, especially for government.  Why is it though? Only because we let it. That’s the only reason.
Thanks for your time,
P.S. Sorry for the long read.

By: Flintlox

In reply to Chir .

Chir, I realize this is months late but having just found this blog i felt the need to put my 2 cents in, as unwelcome as it may be.
I completely understand your position in this day and age, to “keep your mouth shut” , move along, nothing to see here, mentality. It seems like such a good and sensible idea. Why in the hell, would I ever say anything like that to others when it will inevitably lead back to me in a negative manner. It seems counter intuitive to tell them what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, how I’m doing it, or even for what purpose I’m doing it. Hell, anytime you see something, your first reaction is almost always “keep your mouth shut” and move on. Seems normal.
But just why is that normal? Why do we have to hide something we believe in? for that matter, what is “normal”? (These are of course rhetorical questions.) All I’m saying is, challenge those preconceived notions, challenge the status quo.
I grew up in the city and moved to the country when I was in my mid teens and living in this new place was, to say the least, a culture shock in more ways than one. In reference to my subject, however, I found it most disturbing that people were so open, willing to share information, share ideas, feelings, or even ‘tell on people.’ It was very odd, and very honest. From moving from a more liberal area of a city to a more conservative town, it felt pretty ironic that there was much more free exchange of ideas in the conservative town than the liberal city schools.
To quote the articles author: “Stand for what you believe in and face the possible harsh consequences, or try to remain under the radar and be part of the problem instead of the solution.” I wish more people did the former, because I know the majority does the latter.
“Above all things I hope the education of the common people will be attended to, convinced that on their good sense we may rely with the most security for the preservation of a due degree of liberty.” ‑Jefferson
Because if we don’t do it, who will?
I wish more people were as brave as some of the people I see on youtube, television, or even the internet. People that get mocked and made out to be “tin foil hat” wearing wackos. In spite of that, they keep trudging forward for ideals and values they truly believe in. I have a lot of respect for these people, no matter what they are advocating, because they choose to fight and explain to others what they believe.
I mean honestly, when is the last time you saw 90% of voting age adults in your county attend a caucus or a party meeting? Never. ever, ever, ever, have you seen that. I can almost gold stamp guarantee it. Why? It’s hard. Freedom is hard. It really is. (and if you’ve ever attended a caucus before you know why…lol)
However, I do sympathize with the other aspect of the argument to lay low and stay under the radar. Stay out of the way. Say nothing. It is easy to cruel, it’s to easy, especially for government.  Why is it though? Only because we let it. That’s the only reason.
Thanks for your time,
P.S. Sorry for the long read.

By: will

I know the prepper you speak of. He was a gun guy before hand and didn’t have that big of a collection to begin with. I know from personal experience that when I got back from a deployment with no where to spend money, I had quite a big chunk of change. So the gear isn’t that suprising to me.
Nothing he posted has ever contained anything close to illegal in it. Mostly just run n gun shooting vids. ( He hasn’t posted in months and rarely posts to his forum) he did report that his 3 man team had went there seperate ways because of school obligation. Wired wrong is a hell of a guy and quieter a good shooter
The lady in the rsponce forum is nothing short of a racist moron who spouts CRAZY leftist positions and I’m sort of suprised she was taken seriously.
I wouldn’t worry about “plants” unless you start hearing them talk about doing actual illegal activities. Other than that, I think they are out there trying to wake folks up. And it takes a lot to stick your neck out there for the trolls to take a swipe @.

By: Chir

Is this guy a shill, a paid actor trolling youtube for the goverenment to harvest information on “malcontents”? Probably not. However, to assume that our “Homeland Security” *cough* police state *cough*, is NOT gathering intel on “malcontents” (aka: citizens) would be foolish on our part. Often enough its simply the fact that people can’t keep their mouths shut that gives the government all the information it needs. I would have to say though that after seeing his video, he did a wonderful job of outing himself as a threat to the government.

In the society we live in, it is prudent to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. The government desires power. The best way to achieve this is to make the populous indebted to government. If you are part of the system and dependent on the system then you will do anything to preserve the system. People who are not dependent on the system are a threat and will be enemies of those who are dependent on the system.

Remaining under the radar and keeping the front up of a helpless sheep is the best way to avoid relocation to FEMA re-education camps in the not too distant future. The best tool we have is our brains. Best to use them first before flapping our gums on YouTube or Facebook.

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