Book Review: The Frugal Survivalist, Disaster Preparedness Under $500.00, by James Dakin

The Fru­gal Sur­vival­ist, Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness Under $500

For those of you that do not know him, James Dakin, authors, Bison Sur­vival Blog , is rather out­spo­ken Prep­per Sur­vival­ist that has STRONG opin­ions about prep­pers in urban and sub­ur­ban areas.  In fact, he calls us “ Yup­pie Prep­pers .”  I find his blog full of enter­tain­ment, inter­est­ing para­noia, fru­gal prep­per and sur­vival­ist infor­ma­tion, and touch­es of self suf­fi­cien­cy.  Which brings me to my point.  James wrote a self pub­lished book called “ The Fru­gal Sur­vival­ist, Dis­as­ter Prepa­ra­tions Under $500.00.

Just based on the title of this book, you might say, “Huh?  Prepa­ra­tions for under $500.00…  Can’t hap­pen.”  Well, they can.  You may not live like Rock­e­feller, but as James states in his book ” In any com­ing trou­bles you will be the minor­i­ty as 99% of your fel­low men will have failed to make any prepa­ra­tions at all.”  In very plain eng­lish, with his con­ver­sa­tion­al writ­ing style, James explains why one should pre­pare.  I sup­pose if you are read­ing any book on pre­pared­ness you already have giv­en your­self a clue why, but I think it is a pre­req­ui­site for most sur­vival and pre­pared­ness books to dis­cuss.

When he get’s into the meat and pota­toes of the book, he dis­cuss­es the basic needs of a per­son and what they would need to get by.  When you think about it, a per­son sim­ply requires “food, water, shel­ter, and pro­tec­tion.”  Jim makes it a point to be this sim­ple, and not over com­pli­cate the areas of sur­vival that are vital to life going for­ward.  He details each after giv­ing a pret­ty thor­ough def­i­n­i­tion of each.  Regard­ing food, he focus­es on Wheat, and what you need to do to store and pre­pare it in var­i­ous ways.  You will not find recipes on how to pre­pare it once it is prepped, but you can do the research else­where to find that infor­ma­tion.

Essen­tial­ly, Jim does the same with water, shel­ter, and pro­tec­tion.  He also makes a point of touch­ing on Light­ing, Bug­ging In , Bug­ging Out , Finances, and final­ly pro­vides with a “short list” of preps based on every­thing dis­cussed in the book with asso­ci­at­ed costs that bring you to the $500 title of this book.  I think that due to some infla­tion since this book was writ­ten, the cost may be clos­er to $600.00 today, how­ev­er, if you are get­ting start­ed prep­ping , and want a no non­sense sim­ple text on get­ting the ball rolling and have a few dol­lars to jump in with, this book isn’t bad.

A lit­tle addi­tion­al com­men­tary… The for­mat was a lit­tle weird to me.  The book came in 8 1/2 x 11 for­mat.  It was about 70 pages, which made it more like a note­book than a book to me.  If it were a typ­i­cal 8 1/2′ x 5 1/2″ it would be eas­i­er to han­dle.  That said, this should not deter you if you are a begin­ner prep­per from pick­ing up and read­ing this book .

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