EMP, One of My Favorite Disruptive Disaster Subjects in the Blogsphere Again

So if you haven’t been pay­ing atten­tion over the past few days, EMP is get­ting some blogspe­here atten­tion again.  As I have men­tioned in pre­vi­ous posts, in the sub­urbs I see it as being a viable dis­rup­tion for the group that would like to make it hap­pen.  With that in mind, here are a few of those blog posts over the past few days:

I think that the blog­sphere is a bit inces­tu­ous, as every­one has a dif­fer­ent take on a top­ic and typ­i­cal­ly writes about it just after some­one else writes about it.  In this case, it is a top­ic I watch close­ly.

Recent­ly when in LA, dur­ing the last solar flare we had, my GPS was a mess for a whole day, giv­ing me issues with direc­tions.  I assumed it was due to the solar flare activ­i­ty mess­ing with the satel­lites.  It seems to hap­pen almost every time there is a solar flare or storm.  Yes, I keep track in my head.  Jack some­times = geek.

That said, after read­ing these three posts, all inter­est­ing in their own right, I set out to find a few plans to build EMPs so that I could pos­si­bly run some tests.  Run tests?  Yup, run tests.  I want to build Fara­day Cages and test them out on small elec­tron­ic objects.  I want to fur­ther under­stand the process of EMP to help pro­tect myself and my elec­tron­ics from it.  Some of the plans I found are below, and allow you to build direc­tion and uni­di­rec­tion­al EMP devices.  Some of the com­po­nents are going to be more expen­sive than the oth­ers, but I think this might make for a good win­ter project for me.

Please excuse some of the ads on the pages, as they are a lit­tle risqué:

Here is a chron­i­cle of an EMP Exper­im­ient (Parts 1 — 3)

As for Fara­day Cages , they say your Microwave is a Fara­day Cage because it keeps the elec­tro­mag­net­ic microwaves from being released beyond the unit itself.  There is also some spec­u­la­tion on this, but there is only one way to find out…

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Interesting stuff !

By: lux18

How bad will it be? Well,  If you don’t prep for it and it happens I suppose you will be dead in a few weeks.

By: suburban

In reply to AmandaK .

I have not, yet, Amanda… Been traveling for work, and it takes up a lot of my time when on the road… This weekend, I am sure.

By: AmandaK

In reply to suburban .

No problem:), Did you end up checking it out??

By: suburban

In reply to AmandaK .

Thanks for the kudos, and thanks for the information about the blog talk radio show. I will check it out…

By: AmandaK

I’m not expert on this topic, I just heard about EMP’s a few weeks ago. I’ve been researching on the internet about them though and they scare me. I have come across a few really great blogs. This one is short and sweet and very informative. Thank you. I wanted to let you know about another really great blog I came across. It’s a radio blog on the internet that has new guests on it every week on Wednesdays. I think that you should check it out. This week the guest is actually going to be a returning one. Her name is Clare Lopez. I’m looking forward to the show. You may have heard of her before since you seem to have some knowledge on EMP’s, but anyways- I’ll give you the link so you can take a listen. It should be very interesting!

Thanks again for the great post!

By: suburban

In reply to MasterPo .

Good point!

By: MasterPo

In reply to suburban .

Yes. The EMP from a nuke — intended as an EMP attack or not — would be substantial.

I was thinking more of merely an EMP attack only usually a high power/low yield device or similar.

BTW — in your scenario they wouldn’t even need to bring it to a field. Just detonate it dock side in NY harbor. Same effect. Even worse fallout as it would be a ground burst (more dust generate).

By: suburban

In reply to MasterPo .

Scenario. A tanker comes into Port at Newark, NJ docs full of containers. One container contains a ground to air missile with nuclear warhead not yet armed. The container is unloaded, and loaded onto a truck where the driver drives it to central or western NJ where it is very rural. The truck stops in a field, the missile is taken out of the container, raised, armed, and launched. EMP, radiation, and fallout ensue. Far fetched, maybe… But if I can think of it… So can they. Logistics and Ops excluded from this post, of course…

By: MasterPo

At this moment in time I don’t believe an EMP attack is likely. The only adversarial nations that could pull it off are China and Russia. China needs us for trade (we are more valuable as an indentured servant than as a conquered people) and Russia needs trade with us and China. World politics being what it is this can all change quickly. But I don’t think likely any time soon.

England, France, maybe Israel could perform an EMP attack but they have no reason to even given the rocky relations we have with them these days.

And an EMP large enough to do some real damage, muchless knock out a city or a region, I think is beyond the capacity of a terrorist group.

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