Filling a Hole In My Preps, Fruits, Vegetables, and the New Dehydrator

I always knew I had a dam­ag­ing hole in my food prepa­ra­tions. I have quite a few pro­teins. In fact I con­sis­tent­ly rotate my pro­teins because I use them in every day life. I also need to boost some of the pro­tein preps , as an aside. How­ev­er, what are/were miss­ing are crit­i­cal prepa­ra­tions because they cov­er two areas of impor­tance that I per­son­al­ly think are over­looked. Over­looked you ask? Yes, over­looked. Here is why I say that. I think “most of us” focus on the “meat,” no pun intend­ed. I pur­chase a lot of canned meats for my preps. Canned ham, turkey, chick­en, etc. I also use them. I am start­ing to inves­ti­gate can­ning my own meats to help cut costs if I can. I’m look­ing at a new pres­sure cook­er for that. But more on that lat­er. Back to the hole. When I looked over my food preps, I noticed a huge hole in veg­etable prepa­ra­tions. I pur­chase and store a lot of stuff, but dehy­drat­ed veg­eta­bles or canned veg­eta­bles. I will tell you I like canned veg­eta­bles because they come packed in their own liq­uid (water) which can be recy­cled, puri­fied, and ingest­ed if nec­es­sary for hydra­tion. How­ev­er, the cans can get heavy and bulky if you had to pack’em for bug­ging out . So I have recent­ly pur­chased a Nesco 75 PR 700 Watt Dehy­dra­tor .  I imme­di­ate­ly start­ed look­ing for YouTube Chan­nels on Dehy­drat­ing.  I came across Dehydrate2Store ’s Chan­nel.  I was imme­di­ate­ly hooked.  I ran to the gro­cery store, and start­ed dehy­drat­ing…

Now, I men­tioned there were two rea­sons I start­ed dehy­drat­ing veg­eta­bles.  While writ­ing there are actu­al­ly three rea­sons I can come up with imme­di­ate­ly:

  • To gain ample fiber into my prepa­ra­tion diet
  • To gain ample car­bo­hy­drates into my prepa­ra­tion diet
  • To add ample vit­a­min, min­er­al, antiox­i­dant con­tent into my prepa­ra­tion diet.

I have read and hon­est­ly believe man can­not live on pro­tein alone.  I have seen diets such as the Atkins diet do as much harm to a per­son as it is sup­posed to do good, and in gen­er­al is NOT good for the kid­neys.  The body needs car­bo­hy­drates.  A lot of them.  The body needs fiber, for a num­ber of rea­sons.  All three rea­sons are of the utmost impor­tance, and hack­ing my own diet in the past, I can tell you that they are all impor­tant to me for some var­i­ous health rea­sons.  Espe­cial­ly from a fiber and vit­a­min impact.  Not to men­tion to keep you going from a car­bo­hy­drate per­spec­tive.  I have noticed that when replac­ing whole grains with veg­eta­bles for car­bo­hy­drates I have noticed I require a LOT of veg­eta­bles to get the same ener­gy impact, with the excep­tion that the ener­gy impact lasts much longer with veg­eta­bles (and fruits) than with refined wheat prod­ucts.  It has also been part of the Paleo Diet that I am try­ing to fol­low (not always as suc­cess­ful­ly as I think I should).

It feels good to be able to add to my preps in an area that I know has been both­er­ing me.  So what have I been dehy­drat­ing and pack­ag­ing for stor­age?

  • Corn
  • Broc­coli
  • Car­rots
  • Peas
  • Green Beans
  • Ital­ian Green Beans
  • Mixed veg­eta­bles
  • Pota­to (Hash Browns)

What I am sur­prised at is the speed at which the veg­eta­bles dehy­drate.  The size at which they dehy­drate to, and how light they are for pack­ag­ing post dehy­dra­tion.

Test­ing and rehy­drat­ing the dehy­drat­ed veg­eta­bles was also inter­est­ing.  I am going to have to play around with the dehy­drat­ed mea­sure­ment and rehy­drate to know exact­ly how to por­tion con­trol the dehy­drat­ed veg­gies so that I can build a prop­er meal with­out wast­ing veg­eta­bles once rehy­drat­ed… Maybe I will post some find­ings and calo­rie counts per por­tion so that you can pair your por­tion with your pro­tein por­tions, etc. for meal­time once I mess around with it a bit.  I was sur­prised how quick­ly the veg­eta­bles rehy­drat­ed.  There was a cel­lu­lar lev­el change in how they felt in some of them, so don’t expect your car­rots to feel as firm as they did pri­or to dehy­dra­tion.  But, I made soup with some of them and it turned out just fine.  I rehy­drat­ed peas and ate them like I just popped them out of the pod.  I was pret­ty impressed and con­tin­ue to dehy­drate to store…

If you are not buy­ing pre-canned veg­eta­bles through a ven­dor, I high­ly rec­om­mend try­ing to dehy­drate your own veg­eta­bles.  You may be able to pick an inex­pen­sive dehy­dra­tor up on Craigslist (NJ Search)  for MUCH less than pur­chas­ing new.  I have noticed that many peo­ple use them just after they have been pur­chased, but tend to let their inter­est fall off short­ly after.  This is a great bud­get item to add to your prepa­ra­tion tools that take VERY LITTLE effort to com­plete.

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By: suburban

In reply to Survival Food .

 @Survival Food That is the point of the dehydrator to add the balance to my preps diet.  Thus far my preps have contained starchy carbohydrates, proteins, and fibers, but not the nutritional value, fiber, or carbohydrates from vegetables until now.

By: Survival Food

Instead of concentrating on one type of food, it would be more prudent to go in for balanced diet.

By: suburban

In reply to Wicker67 .

 @Wicker67 No worries with the questions.  This is what I have learned.  Frozen vegetables are pre-blanched so you can put them right in the dehydrator frozen and let them go.  As for longevity, it depends on how you package them, room temp, etc.  The same as any food storage variables.  I have done fresh fruit as well, and strawberries, etc. will seem to store fine because they are sliced and dehydrated.  As for blueberries, you have to blanch them and then poke a hole in each one with a toothpick to give them an area for the fluid to dehydrate from.  A pain in the ass to be sure.  There is a level at which I will stop and poking a hole in several hundred or 1000 blueberries is a bit tedious.
There are a LOT of great Youtube channels on dehydrating fruits and and vegetables.  I would start there.  I did… 
Back to the frozen vegetables.  It is always going to be cheaper for me to hit the farmers market and blanch myself, but when I am feeling lazy, I buy the frozen bags.  

By: Wicker67

Hey Suburban, great post. I am getting this right? You buy frozen veggies and dehydrate them? Do you defrost them first? I’ve done fresh fruits with decent success but question their longevity of storage times. Great for trail mixes, but I’d love to do veggies. Sorry for so many questions, but I’d love to give this a shot if you’re willing to give a few more details. I can email you if you’d prefer and we could chat that way.

By: suburban

In reply to Larry .

Thanks Larry.  Will check out the sweet bell peppers this weekend and try it out.  How thick do you cut the peppers?  Dice them or into strips?

By: Larry

We did the math and the dehydrator is the best. No need to heat and store all that water. Take a look at sweet bell peppers; they are very nutrient dense and re-hydrate beautifully. We got the Excalibur and love it. Good post! 

By: suburban

In reply to kito .

Kito, there is a Meetup group.  I used to run it, but stepped down because I didn’t have the time.  I took it over from someone else.  You can find it here:  http://www.meetup.com/NJPreparedness/.  Last time i went there were about 20 people that showed up.  
You are right about NJ.  It is an anomaly.  It is it’s own economy because where we live (Bergen county) is a stones throw from Manhattan.  However, you would be surprised how many like minded individuals there are here. 

By: suburban

In reply to millenniumfly .

I have the foodsaver.  I have found that the dehydrated vegetables can have sharp edges, and will penetrate the plastic foodsaver bags.  I have been using the plastic containers that my protein shake powder comes in with a couple O2 absorbers until they get full, and then I plan on buying the canning jars so I can heat them and get a good airtight seal… A work in progress for sure.

By: millenniumfly

You definitely can’t go wrong with dehydrating. And, since you’ve found Dehydrate2Store you’ve got all the tips I can share except that I would suggest you also invest in a foodsaver, canning jars, and the accompanying regular and wide mouth jar sealing attachments.

By: kito

In reply to suburban .

 @suburban have you found many like minded preppers in this area? is there a local network that you are aware of? as you know, this affluent area is in its own world. i dont see most people even contemplating anything remotely close to what i anticipate. the malls in paramus remain full, restaurants around us are still full..not much concern.…

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