Hygiene In the Field, or Bug Out Hygiene

I’ve done a lot of camp­ing this sum­mer, and with the drought, you can imag­ine it was pret­ty hot out there.  I can attest that it was.  At our camp site we cut a lot of wood, and we used much of it for the camp fire.  Those were hot days swing­ing an axe, and can say in no uncer­tain terms that you were soak­ing wet with sweat when you were done.  I got a les­son in hygiene in the field this sum­mer, and decid­ed that at the end of the day or the end of a long ses­sion of hump­ing wood, from point A to point B and chop­ping it, that noth­ing would feel as good as a hot show­er.  All of this with the excep­tion that there is no hot show­er to have at the camp site.

With that, more than once a day I found myself clean­ing up and wip­ing the sweat off of me.  I also found that it was futile to do so until I let my body heat cool to the point I was no longer sweat­ing, oth­er­wise my pores act­ed like mini faucets and clean­ing up was mute.  Enter a cou­ple of items that made a huge dif­fer­ence for me this sum­mer:

  1. My razor.  Recent­ly I switched to a safe­ty razor from the stan­dard Gillette with five blades in the car­tridge.  I did so for two rea­sons.  The first was the cost of the car­tridges.  Just crazy, and sec­ond I have a bud­dy who swears by the safe­ty razor.  All in all a good switch, but that is anoth­er sto­ry for anoth­er time.  I found that noth­ing made my face feel clean­er than a good shave, even in the field.  Not only was it pleas­ant to not have annoy­ing stub­ble on hot humid days, but it was psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly sat­is­fy­ing have a clean shaven face, even if tem­po­rary, it felt “clean.”
  2. Shav­ing Cream.  You may think this is sil­ly because I already men­tioned shav­ing, but I brought with me, to con­serve even more space in my kit,  Sea to Sum­mit Trek & Trav­el Shav­ing Soap .  You don’t need a lot, use just about as much as the size of a nick­el in your hand and lath­er your face.  The upside is they are good to go, get­ting you through the TSA check­points at the air­port as well…  I did notice, that I had to add a lit­tle water to my hand and re-wet my face a cou­ple of times when I shaved, but it re con­sti­tut­ed well on my face after doing so.
  3. Camp Mir­ror or Sig­nal Mir­ror .  I used this camp mir­ror , but any­thing that is a mir­ror will do for you.  It is now a per­ma­nent part of my hygiene kit.
  4. No Rinse Body Bath .  What a great addi­tion to my “hygiene kit,” as I call it.  This allowed me, with the addi­tion of  Bel­guim Fold­ing Plas­tic Wash Bowl  (a rub­ber­ized bowl that you can put water in and use as a small sink) to clean up.  I sim­ply packed a wash cloth and a tow­el along with the kit. I could sponge bath down a cou­ple times a day to get the dirt, grit, smoke, and sweat off.
This isn’t every­thing in my kit, it has all the essen­tials you would expect.  You can google “ Bug Out Hygiene ” (or just click the link, and it will show you a TON of Hygiene lists and videos for your bug out gear or camp­ing gear…

In addi­tion I recent­ly pur­chased anoth­er safe­ty razor, added some tal­cum pow­der, anti-bac­te­r­i­al  aloe, and more to my hygiene kit.  It was good to have some­thing more com­pre­hen­sive with me on those HOT days.  Which, sort of brings me to my point of the post: Bug­ging Out .  I real­ized that (at least for me) there are two areas of par­tic­u­lar impor­tance I need­ed to under­stand about hygiene if/when I have to Bug Out, espe­cial­ly if it’s on foot, no mat­ter how hot or how cold out it is.  The first is that you can­not under esti­mate the pow­er of feel­ing good psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly.  It could be a long hard day of hump­ing gear or hard work, but get­ting cleaned up if you can, will make you feel bet­ter and give you some renewed ener­gy to get through the rest of your day/evening.  The sec­ond is, you can’t walk around for­ev­er in the same clothes with­out your own body becom­ing unsan­i­tary in some way. i.e. dare I say, crotch rot, ath­letes foot, etc. that can set in.  It is not healthy and can seri­ous­ly slow or stall your Bug Out plans.

I think until recent­ly I took hygiene in the field for grant­ed.  I know I have not writ­ten about it much, and I real­ly spent more time out in the bush this year than I have in many years, so it was sort of top of mind after it hit me that I need­ed to pay more atten­tion to my own hygiene.  Not to men­tion I hat­ed the way I smelled at the end of the day after a long day of hard work. 😉

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By: suburban

In reply to Mr Jones .

Mr Jones I honestly forget which one I went with.  However, I just bought a couple of cheap $8.00 safety razors on Amazon.  One for my Bug Out Bag and one for my camping gear.  I did that because I am trying to separate bastardizing gear from my BoB and using it, but keeping small inexpensive parts of it redundant.  I’ll have to try the Dr. Bonner’s soap as well.  Never have used it in the past.

By: Mr Jones

I like the safety razor idea. I have decided to switch to.  Which razor did you go with?  I’ve been looking at the Merkur razors, but they are kind of expensive.  For soap in the field, I use the Dr Bonner’s soap.  It is biodegradable and you can use it for shampoo, shaving, washing clothing, dishes, soap or even tooth paste in a pinch.  I try to use multi-use items in my existence load.

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