Does Your Job Help You Stay Prepped, Trained, and Fit?

I work from home remote­ly from my com­pa­ny’s office.  It is a curse and a bless­ing.  I can get a LOT done in a short­er peri­od of time because almost as soon as I wake up, wipe the sleep out of my eyes, I am at work… When I need some flex time to go to the doc­tor, pick up some­thing at the post office, etc. it’s a dream.  Work­ing from home helps me to be much more pro­duc­tive in my life.  My com­mute is lit­er­al­ly one bed­room to anoth­er bed­room con­vert­ed into an office, which inci­den­tal­ly hous­es some of my food stor­age , office sup­plies, etc.  The com­mute is 10 steps from bed­room to bed­room… A far cry from com­mut­ing to and work­ing in NYC and walk­ing an aver­age of two to three miles a day for what I will call pas­sive exer­cise.  Ms. Prep­per works in NYC and has the com­mute from hell twice dai­ly.  I do not envy her.  When I worked in NYC, the walk­ing from place to place alone helped to keep 10 — 15lbs lighter on my feet.  When I start­ed work­ing from home in 2008, in just a few months, I put 10lbs on, and I can tell you it was­n’t mus­cle weight.  I con­tin­ued eat­ing at the same rate as I was when I was run­ning around NYC, and it has been a real chal­lenge over the past sev­er­al years to keep the weight off, and to lose it because my lifestyle has become more seden­tary.

I think it took six months of work­ing from home, and I was 20lbs heav­ier.  Seri­ous­ly.  Crazy, right?  10 steps and sit­ting behind a desk for 10+ hours isn’t any­one’s idea of active, and when I trav­el on busi­ness, for­get it.

In the past sev­en or so years since I have worked from home, I’ve found it hard to lose weight.  I’ve also found it hard to pull myself away from the desk to work out.  In addi­tion, I fear that the time behind a desk only steps from my bed­room has helped to con­tribute to a few oth­er med­ical issues accel­er­at­ing, such as arthri­tis in my right knee and slight arthri­tis in my neck from sit­ting in front of a PC for so long every day.  This does­n’t sound like such a big issue, but I recent­ly found out, it can be.  These days I am tip­ping the scale at just under 250 lbs.  Just under the heav­i­est I have been anoth­er time in my life.  I recent­ly also start­ed Krav Maga class­es.  Enter the arthri­tis pain in my knee.  Trips to an ortho­pe­dic sur­geon added some cor­ti­sone shots for the pain, as well as some­thing called Syn­visc .  It helps to lubri­cate the knee, and should last four to six months.  It lasts me about three before the pain starts again.  Insur­ance only cov­ers it every six months.  Even with the cor­ti­sone and the Syn­visc, my knee will feel like it’s going to explode a day after Krav Maga class­es due to the warm up cal­is­then­ics they put us through. It’s a lit­tle men­tal­ly defeat­ing when you’re try­ing to do some­thing pos­i­tive for your body, and you’re body fights back.

To define the title of this post, phys­i­cal fit­ness, I feel is a “Does Your Job Help You Stay Prepped, Trained, and Fit?” I am ever feel­ing that my abil­i­ty to be phys­i­cal­ly fit is an essen­tial prep.  And that my cur­rent and lifestyle of recent has not (and i have not giv­en prop­er con­sid­er­a­tion to), afford­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to stay that way.

With my new, echem, dis­abil­i­ties, I plan on con­tin­u­ing Krav Maga, par­tial­ly because I com­mit­ted finan­cial­ly to a year, par­tial­ly because I have always want­ed to learn it, and par­tial­ly as a way to hope­ful­ly lose some of those unwant­ed pounds, strength­en my heart, low­er some blood pres­sure, and get in bet­ter over­all phys­i­cal con­di­tion.  I have also been encour­aged, many times , by Ms. Prep­per to take some Yoga class­es to help elon­gate my spine, stay more lim­ber, as well as strength­en my core.  I’m final­ly con­sid­er­ing tak­ing her up on that.  Ms. Prep­per is a Yoga instruc­tor, so she has a bit of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in this area.

Some oth­er down­sides of the arthri­tis and my new found hand­i­cap at the ripe age of 46 is odd­ly con­fronting my mor­tal­i­ty.  Not in a life and death way, of course, but in such a way that you real­ize that you have “lim­i­ta­tions” and that you’re not as inde­struc­tible as you thought you were.  Addi­tion­al­ly, oth­er thoughts cross your mind such as, “am I going to be able to bug out on foot if I need to?” Or, “If I bug out on foot, how far will I get before the pain kicks in?”  The ques­tions go on and on.  It def­i­nite­ly makes you think dif­fer­ent­ly about bug­ging out , pre­pared­ness , bug­ging in , or many oth­er “what if” sce­nar­ios going for­ward.


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By: Mike

Hey Jack,

I know what you mean. My work allows me to take a couple of months off (work from home) in a year and I really feel lethargic during the months that I work from home.

I guess if you’re not the kind who conscientiously exercise, working from home (while productive) not a healthy life.

By: Darlene

Shortly after my last birthday—-I am 57—I decided it was time to focus on my physical health and well being. It was either get in shape or give up completely! So, I took the plunge and signed up for a program that my daughter-in-law is a coach for called 21-Day Fix through an organization they call Beach Body. Well, I didn’t want a beach body, I just didn’t want to look and feel like a mushy old lady! I was amazed at how well it worked for me and how much better I look and feel. After 8 weeks, I am down 11 pounds and over 10 inches.….enough to get into clothes I hadn’t worn in nearly ten years. So, don’t give up! Make a commitment to your SELF and good luck! (Yoga is the Sunday workout routine for my program, and I love it.) We really DO need to be in good shape to survive.

By: suburban

In reply to Miguel .

Thanks Miguel. I agree. My Fiancee is a Yoga instructor and have been looking at picking up that as well to keep me flexible. It’s just a matter of actually starting it.

By: Miguel

Feeling the hand of age is a bummer. Arthritis is one of those conditions that I refer to as “swelling we can’t explain”. I do yoga and mobility exercises daily to keep everything moving.

Inflammation can also stem from food choices digg down deep into your diet, don’t be afraid to juice.

Health is your #1 prep.

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