On the 2012 Presidential Election, My Personal Thoughts, More Emotional Than Not

A few thoughts on the elec­tion: I try to avoid the pol­i­tics, but this morn­ing I feel com­pelled to speak out. I stayed up late last evening to watch the elec­tion results in dis­be­lief.

  • Being a con­ser­v­a­tive.
  • Being a per­son who just wants to be left alone to work and live.
  • Being a per­son who believes in the Con­sti­tu­tion in it’s lit­er­al sense.
  • Being a per­son that believes that luck is when oppor­tu­ni­ty meets pre­pared­ness .
  • Being a per­son with a good heart, is pas­sion­ate about his work, and that gen­er­al­ly has a pos­i­tive out­look on life.
  • Being a per­son that is a real­ist.

I awoke the same way I went to bed at about 2:00 a.m. East­ern Time this morn­ing. I awoke feel­ing beat­en. I awoke feel­ing like the dream of life, lib­er­ty, and the pur­suit of hap­pi­ness, that truth, jus­tice, and the Amer­i­can way, that being an Amer­i­can is some­how, now dif­fer­ent from what it was as a child of the 80’s grow­ing up vague­ly remem­ber­ing sit­ting in the back seat of my par­ents car as a young child sit­ting in the gas lines for hours while my par­ents wait­ed for gas, as I now do as an adult in the state of NJ post Hur­ri­cane Sandy.

The upside, more peo­ple again came out this year and vot­ed than had in the past 20+ years of vot­ing. Peo­ple vot­ed for their sec­ond time ever. Sad­ly, they vot­ed for:

  • Per­son­al and busi­ness tax increas­es
  • Increased lever­age in the Sen­ate keep­ing them fur­ther from want­i­ng to com­pro­mise in the cen­ter to achieve goals of the peo­ple.
  • More exec­u­tive orders that will nev­er be pub­li­cized fur­ther lim­it­ing our free­doms
  • Fear for the First and Sec­ond Amend­ments are up for slaugh­ter as we know them.
  • More nation­al debt
  • Oba­macare, which will put doc­tors out of busi­ness, and make wait­ing for health care unbear­able for those that need it imme­di­ate­ly.
  • I fear for Israel and the changes that will come to the Mid­dle East in the com­ing years. They are on their own.
  • Ener­gy as we know it is going to change as we know it, and more jobs will be lost in that sec­tor.

I woke in a ver­i­ta­ble depres­sion. I woke look­ing out the win­dow not rec­og­niz­ing the street in which I live, although it is impos­si­ble for it to change less a nat­ur­al or man­made dis­as­ter. Iron­i­cal­ly, I had hope. I had hope for change. I had hope that our nation’s pop­u­la­tion was not a nation that would be look­ing for hand­outs. A coun­try that want­ed to get up and build itself again.

Yet I woke this morn­ing feel­ing the lib­er­ties and the free­doms that I believe in are about to change, for­ev­er, per­ma­nent­ly.  Did I think Rom­ney was the right alter­na­tive.  Hon­est­ly, I was­n’t sure.  Did I believe that Rom­ney could change the econ­o­my and cre­ate jobs in a frist term of a pres­i­den­cy?  I did not.  The jobs, sad­ly are per­ma­nent­ly gone from out econ­o­my.  They are all out­sourced and not com­ing home, both man­u­fac­tur­ing and admin­is­tra­tive in nature.  Very dras­tic mea­sure would have to have been made hurt­ing busi­ness at home to bring back man­u­fac­tur­ing.  But I will post a whole set of thoughts on that anoth­er time.

I feel noth­ing is going to change.  I feel noth­ing is going to get bet­ter for those that have been hurt­ing now for 5+ years.  I feel our Pres­i­den­t’s per­son­al agen­da will con­tin­ue to trump the needs of the peo­ple.  Will out incum­bent pres­i­dent mend fences, make change, and can we hope that he reach­es across the isle to make real com­pro­mise and make real change the peo­ple can believe in?  Again, I “hope” so, but my hope is gone.  My hope is fall­en through a hole in the floor.

Again, we as peo­ple must work hard­er to:

  • Earn less mon­ey
  • Watch the land­scape of our lives trans­form in front of us.
  • Watch the self enti­tled get hand­outs with­out try­ing to make change or inno­va­tion in their own or oth­ers lives
  • Watch int he next 12 — 36 months as we become like Greece as we go north of $20B in nation­al debt
  • Watch as our chil­dren’t future is fun­da­men­tal­ly changed before our eyes, ensur­ing that they have to make 300,000+ dol­lars annu­al­ly to eek out an aver­age liv­ing at best as adults, assum­ing they are ambi­tious enough not to be part of the hand­out sys­tem.

I fear we will no longer be the Unit­ed “States” of Amer­i­ca, but are not mov­ing towards the Unit­ed “State” of Amer­i­ca.  One in which we will not see the wheels of pros­per­i­ty, nor will we see the wheels of lib­er­ty.  I leave you now, lost in my own thoughts as I try to make sense of them by writ­ing this post.  I no longer know how to feel or what to think.  Every­thing I think I was taught about the exper­i­ment of our Repub­lic is falling apart before my eyes.  Am I going to be the sr. cit­i­zen that is sit­ting on the park bench in 30 or so years say­ing, “I remem­ber when we were free” in a whis­per to a child play­ing in the park?

One thing remains a fact, how­ev­er.  A fact that is unde­ni­ably as sol­id as a 100+ year old oak tree; that we have become a nation of sheep.  A nation of tak­ers, a nation where the enti­tle­ment mind­set trump human inno­va­tion?  Ques­tions for me to pon­der.  Ques­tions for you to pon­der.

I implore you to com­ment with your thoughts.  I am eager to learn what oth­ers are think­ing.  Even com­ment anony­mous­ly if you must.  I would still like to hear from you.

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By: NJNobody

I woke up feeling much the same way.  (Some random thoughts in place of a coherent statement.)
*My biggest fear is who now ends up in the Supreme Court.  With “Conservatives” like Roberts making decisions like that regarding Obamacare, perhaps that it already lost too?
*I think the Country has already gone off the proverbial cliff, “we” just don’t know it yet.  
*I don’t think either Party is really on board with the Constitution as it was intended.  Those who do are in such a small number that they get laughed at and labeled extremists. 
*Money is the only thing that matters.
*I worry for the future in store for my young daughter.  How do I prepare her for what lies ahead?
*I think once it is obvious that we’ve gone down the wrong path, again, looking back in 20 or 30 years to today, we’ll perhaps say we lost our chance.  We were sheep, lambs to the slaughter.
*The History buff in me tries to remember that Americans have been through bad times before too.  We’ve gotten through the Civil War, Depression, World Wars, and the like, but I’m not convinced the people are as resilient or principled as then.  Such conditioning as to the wisdom of Government to do everything.
*All this talk about compromise.  It seems for the Republican to survive, they need to become even more like the liberal?  How is even less differentiation a good thing?  It seems either compromise or staying true will lead to a smaller, and less effective opposition.  What’s the solution?  Fight the good fight I suppose, and come what may.
*What is the big deal about minimizing America’s exceptionalism? Don’t people understand why this country has achieved so much in its short history?  Nothing else like it.  Ever.  Why do so many people come here?  Because it is NOT like where they live now.  If we’re on such a rush to make the USA more like other places, what will make us different?  I suspect nothing.  We’ve actually been doing many things right over the decades.
*Have we ever really been Free?  Is freedom an idea of the past that we’ve lost, or a dream of the future that we strive to obtain (or retain?)?

By: Lusitan

In reply to suburban .

suburban Lusitan Thanks, man.  I really do appreciate it.  We are getting by OK — all of my family is safe and that is what is most important.  I’m glad you made it through in good shape.  I’m looking at this as a good learning opportunity for me.  And it will further solidify the support I have from my wife on our preps. 
I do wish Romney would have been able to pull it off, but just consider how difficult it is to run against the socialist fantasy of “we (the govt) will give you everything you want”; it’s like running against Santa Claus.  Sadly, it also shows the depth of stupidity and dependence to which the majority of Americans have sunk.  In the end, this will only accelerate the disintegration.  All we can do is build our community of like-minded individuals, and prepare as best we can.

By: suburban

In reply to Lusitan .

Lusitan I am sorry to hear that you are still dealing with the aftermath, but am glad the family was able to bug out and get to safe ground.  We’re all learning as we go on this one, with the exception of a couple of guys that I know.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do.  Not sure where you are, but if I can help in any way, please let me know.
As for the election, you are right as is bfescoe in the reply below.  Marginally better, would still ease the pain a little, however, and when you are talking such large numbers of unemployed, even “a little” can be quite a large number.  
It’s all wait and see at this juncture, however.

By: Lusitan

Take heart, my friend.  Romney would have been marginally better, but he wasn’t the answer either, because the problem at this point is too far gone for one person to correct, even a president.  
We just need to keep on doing what we have been doing — building our self-reliance skills and building the community of people who share our values and beliefs in what this nation is supposed to be about.
Like you I’m in NJ and STILL dealing with the aftermath of Sandy (and now Athena) … we’re still without power/heat/hot water, my wife and kids had to execute the bug out plan while I hold down the fort here, the generator is running, the preps are being used and I’m learning as I go.  Of course I am disappointed that the ultra-statist Obama was reelected, but dealing with this stuff over the past week tempered my reaction to the election results, because I see how at the personal level there are still so many other things that I can do.
So don’t let the Thug-in-Chief bother you.  Fly the Gadsden Flag in your heart and just stay the course.

By: bfescoe

The fact of the matter is that this country was going to slip towards serfdom no matter who won. When people are too comfortable they get lazy and complaisant. Romney probably would have only slowed it down… a little. Eventually we will end up having to pay for our debits and over spending. Until people really feel the pain, nothing will ever change.

By: suburban

In reply to UKJohnM .

UKJohnM Thanks for your comment, and you are not the only one that feels the way “we” do.  I have spoken to many people today already that feel the same way.  They hear empty promises and rhetoric, with little actual passion or action to make the change that they need to survive.  They are beaten down psychologically, so it is easier for them to give in to forsaking their liberties.  It is sad really.  
We are well on the way to simulating Italy and Greece’s financial strife, and with it will be the loss of many freedoms as the masses will be ready to give into whatever the government wishes.  So sad…

By: UKJohnM

Although I am a ciztizen of the UK I am deeply moved by you sentiments. What has happened to the America I knew of as a child, an America that I thought was a free country and wished that I had been born in.
For me the results of this election are a death kneel to the people of your great country. You are right that the US is going down the same road as Greece, Spain and other European countries. I watch it from the outside and can see them same mistakes these countries have made being made by your govwernment.
The people in the UK gave away any freedom they had years ago don’t let your people do the same.

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