Precious Metals As Currency, My Thoughts

precious-metals I have a some­what skewed view of pre­cious met­als. I believe that in a post SHTF sit­u­a­tion peo­ple will not just turn to pre­cious met­als as cur­ren­cy.  The aver­age per­son will raid their change jar and use what­ev­er cash they have on hand to pay for goods until they run out of that fiat cur­ren­cy.  They have no choice. It’s all they know.  Addi­tion­al­ly, being a fiat cur­ren­cy, it’s worth­less (the US Dol­lar), backed by noth­ing, and it’s val­ue is clear­ly only per­ceived after the SHTF. They’ll use what they have until what they have is gone, and then they get des­per­ate or get smart about what they have in their per­son­al inven­to­ry; alco­hol (beer, wine, & liquor), fuel, food, ammo, soap , jew­el­ry, etc… It becomes their cur­ren­cy.

Pre­cious Met­als… What are they worth? Real­ly? My view is that they’re worth very lit­tle until you come across some­one else post SHTF that has use for them. Then and only then is their per­ceived val­ue real­ized. Sure they’re worth some­thing while the mar­kets are up and run­ning, when you buy them, when you sell them, etc. But how valu­able do they become post mar­ket val­ue if the grid is down? The mar­kets of course fluc­tu­ate and the val­ue of the pre­cious met­als fluc­tu­ate with it, whether organ­i­cal­ly, propped up, or arti­fi­cial­ly sup­pressed. I believe pre­cious met­als become more valu­able to those that are pre­pared to use them, have them, and have resources to barter and trade for. Oth­er­wise, pre­cious met­als are worth­less, with the caveat that if some­one on the out­side sees them being used to sell or pro­cure resources, they will real­ize val­ue in their minds. They will sud­den­ly need some sil­ver, gold, plat­inum, cop­per, or what­ev­er is being used as the cur­ren­cy of choice.

So what does this mean?  I believe it means that unless you know any­one else who has the same belief as you about pre­cious met­als as cur­ren­cy they are pret­ty worth­less.  Those that don’t have them pre-SHTF may not see the val­ue in them when you need to use them.  I believe you have to have a net­work of peo­ple that plan on procur­ing, stor­ing, using, and bar­ter­ing with them when the time to do is made appar­ent.  I also feel that in order for this to hap­pen, you’ll need to be in a sit­u­a­tion where you have to have a rela­tion­ship with, and are in rel­a­tive­ly close prox­im­i­ty to those that feel the same as you.  That is not to say that pop-up mer­chants, mer­chants on main street Amer­i­ca, etc. won’t even­tu­al­ly see the val­ue in using them.  In fact, I am pret­ty sure that is an inevitabil­i­ty that they will see it as high val­ue.  I also make the assump­tion that those same mer­chants will take any con­sum­able that has per­ceived val­ue as cur­ren­cy as well.

What are your thoughts?

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By: That Guy

My thoughts on it are, not many people will rely on PM’s as a currency because they’ll be to focused on “what do I need to survive”. IF they managed to keep a stock of PM’s either in coin or jewelry most will quickly give up anything to someone with the item/product they need. If your family is absolutely desperate and I have a ton of food, you will give me whatever I want even if it’s all of it.

I do however believe Alcohol, fuels, foods, weapons (all of them) and ammo supplies (cartridges, arrows, bolts etc) will become extremely valuable.

To those people/families that have a stock, they will be fine/ok with using their sources in moderation and trading/gathering/growing more (thinking long term here) and what they have will become trade goods for those in need.

In short, PM’s… not so much.

By: suburban

In reply to Redstone .

Sorry Redstone. Have been out of the loop with personal stuff for many weeks.

By: rubtwostix

Gold and silver in my line of business is used heavily in manufacturing. You have given me a new perspective on the worth of precious metals in the event that the shtf. From now until the EOT I will stock soft goods for trade for precious metal so i have a one up on the rebuilding of society. My garden helps.

By: Redstone

Thought I left a comment here… anyone home?

By: Redstone

I agree. PMs are useful before a collapse as a way of converting cash into something other than cash that retains value. If a collapse is an economic one with a bit of a lead time, those PMs could go up a lot in value. If you see that coming, you could convert PMs into food, medical items, ammo, etc. Right after a collapse PMs will probably be useless. If it’s a no-kidding Mad Max fall, eventually PMs will probably become used as money again, as they have been for thousands of years. Then someone will come up with fiat currency and the cycle can repeat 😉

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