September 11th – 10 Years Later

Never forget September 11!This 9/11 marks not just anoth­er pass­ing year but an anniver­sary. It’s been 10 years since that fate­ful day in 2001. I was work­ing in low­er Man­hat­tan off Wall Street at that time. The whole thing unfold­ed before my eyes. But this day isn’t about me. It’s about three things:

One– The 3,000 Amer­i­can civil­ians mur­dered on that day as they just went about liv­ing their dai­ly lives. The moth­ers and fathers, sis­ters and broth­ers, and chil­dren of old­er par­ents all just liv­ing their lives. Total defense­less. Even the Japan­ese on Decem­ber 7 th 1941 had the decen­cy to attack a pri­mar­i­ly mil­i­tary tar­get with at least the capa­bil­i­ty of defense.

Two– Ref­or­ma­tion of the unde­ni­able factthat there is evil in the world and that are evil peo­ple in the world. There are peo­ple who don’t real­ly have a spe­cif­ic goal, a spe­cif­ic des­ti­na­tion they want to attain in their actions. That kind of per­son at least has a chance to dis­cuss issues with. But instead, as Michael Caine’s char­ac­ter of Alfred said in Bat­man: Dark Knight quote

 “Some men can’t be  rea­soned with, can’t be bought. They just want to see the world burn.”

And sim­i­lar­ly, a ref­or­ma­tion of the unde­ni­able factthat peo­ple like this are com­ing for us– you, your fam­i­ly, your chil­dren, your friends, your co-work­ers, your favorite TV and sports stars, et al. — as Amer­i­cansjust because we are Amer­i­cans!

Some may actu­al­ly believe their God wants them to kill us and will be reward­ed for this. That’s hard to defeat with words.

Some may just want to kill and cause may­hem. Too much can­dy as kids?

But what­ev­er the rea­sons this aspect of real­i­ty sim­ply can not be glossed over with a white-wash of Polit­i­cal Cor­rect­ness.

Three– Com­mit­ment to nev­er ever for­get! Almost imme­di­ate­ly after 9/11 peo­ple began to push that day out of their minds. I’m not just refer­ring to the his­to­ry revi­sion­ists and the PC crowd. Quite a few Aver­age Joe’s seemed to for­got very quick­ly. It may be human nature, the pref­er­ence of the human mind, not to want to recall unpleas­ant mem­o­ries. But when these mem­o­ries embody all the above and are still very real threats to these very same peo­ple who choose to for­get that just isn’t sane .

As prep­pers let us hon­or their mem­o­ries by re-affirm­ing our com­mit­ment to be vig­i­lant in our prepa­ra­tions, aware of our sur­round­ings and world event, and brave enough to take the nec­es­sary actions as sur­re­al as it may seem if it should come to that point.

There isn’t any­thing more to add on this solemn anniver­sary.

I leave you with these videos as thought and hon­or­able remem­brance:

“Lit­tle Did She Know” by Kristy Jack­son


“Amer­i­can Sol­dier” by Toby Kei­th


“Cour­tesy Of The Red, White, and Blue” by Toby Kei­th




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By: Arsenius the Hermit

You’d be surprised how many programs NPR is airing right now , talking about the real tragedy of 9–11 being the “harassment” Moslems in the U.S. have had to deal with since the attack. They interview Imam Scrachmyazz who tells how someone gave him an ugly luck and how infringed upon he felt. I think we are all supposed to feel like 911 was our fault. They’re selling hard but I’m not buying.

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