Surplus Rifles

As one of my pre­vi­ous arti­cles shared, I love the Mosin ‑Nagant sur­plus rifles . The Mosin is not my only sur­plus rifle. I also have a good col­lec­tion of Carl Gus­tavs Swedish Mausers in 6.5x55SE.

I must con­fess the­ses are my favorite rifles. The 6.5x55SE is a fair­ly easy load that I or my wife and kids can shoot all day long and not need a shoul­der replace­ment. It is effec­tive at tak­ing game up to the size of a Moose. More Moose have been tak­en in Swe­den with this cal­iber than any oth­er. Back to the rifle. The one I hunt with when I am hunt­ing in Cana­da was made in 1898 and it still func­tions per­fect­ly. I have one with a fan­cy maple stock from the fac­to­ry that was clev­er­ly hid­den by the fac­to­ry fin­ish. Now I digress, so let me get back on the top­ic.

There are many sur­plus rifles avail­able for the prep­per and for the most part they are a good weapon capa­ble of home defense or hunt­ing. There are Egypt­ian, Argen­tine, Swedish Mausers, Mosin-Nagants, Chi­nese, Czech, Yugosla­vian AKs and SKS or some vari­ant there­of. Of course in the last few years the price has gone up due to a sup­ply and demand inver­sion. As I have said most of these are a good deal. If you do not know any­thing about sur­plus rifles please do your­self a favour and vis­it one of the sites ded­i­cat­ed to the rifle you are inter­est­ed in or bring along a knowl­edge­able friend or gun­smith.

One of the prob­lems with using a sur­plus rifle as your pri­ma­ry or even sec­ondary defense weapon is the avail­abil­i­ty and the price of ammu­ni­tion.

  • 7.62x54R sur­plus FMJ can be had 880rds for $137.00 and Wolf Gold hunt­ing ammo can be had for around $20.00 per box.
  • 6.5x55SE can be had for around $20.00 for a box of 20
  • 7.62 Argen­tine is up around $40.00 for that same 20 rounds
  • 7.62x39 runs around $30.00 for 100 rounds
  • 8mm Mauser is run­ning around $30.00 for 20 rounds.

These prices are just an exam­ple to show that even if you get a great deal on the rifle the price of the ammo may be too high to stock enough ammo to make you hap­py.

So now that you have a decent sur­plus rifle you wake up one day and real­ize it is ugly. Either the fin­ish is hor­ri­ble or the stock is dam­aged. Of course I am mak­ing the assump­tion that you checked the bore and action before you bought it, at least you should have.

So lets address the ugly fin­ish syn­drome.

I have found a lot of very nice wood under those ugly brown fin­ish­es. Now there are a lot of com­mer­cial strip­ping agents out there that will do the job but lets face it I am cheap. So what I do is dis­as­sem­ble the rifle com­plete­ly and break out a sharp edge and just scrape the fin­ish off. I use a Dremel type tool to clean out the lit­tle nooks and cran­nies I could not get with the scraper. I then pro­ceed to hand sand the stock until I am hap­py. I then apply some stain that will com­pli­ment the wood and fin­ish with a paste fur­ni­ture wax. Why wax you say? Wax will water­proof the stock and it is easy to reap­ply as opposed to var­nish. I know some­body will say that the wax will melt off or stick to your cheek but I have been using this method for 20 years and nev­er had any prob­lems. I just refin­ished a Mosin Nagant stock and start to fin­ish was less than four hours.


The bro­ken stock

I have anoth­er Mosin Nagant that I put onto an ATI Monte Car­lo stock and that took around two hours. I know I should be able to just drop it in but for the eight of these I have done, not all mine, not a sin­gle one dropped in per­fect­ly. So out comes the Dremel again and I grind a lit­tle bit off the sides of the stock so it just fits in. As soon as I can get it to slide in I put a drop or two of nail pol­ish on the bot­tom of the rifle and check to see if it seats cor­rect­ly. If not grind a lit­tle more.  I did a Dra­gunov stock on an SKS once and it did drop right in. There are numer­ous stock options avail­able right now and every one of them can be gor­geous, rel­a­tive­ly, if installed prop­er­ly.

The sights on just about every sur­plus rifle are iron which are just fine by me. I was taught to shoot on iron sights to 500yards and that is how I trained my fam­i­ly. As far as I am con­cerned peo­ple have got­ten lazy and rely far too much on that scope to do the work for them. Besides, adding a scope will dri­ve up the cost of that low priced rifle. Fig­ure you can get a decent Mosin Nagant 91/30 for $150 and 880 rounds for anoth­er $150. $300 and you are good to go if you can shoot with iron sights. Now add a scope mount. I recent­ly used the Brass Stack­er scope mount on a rifle and got it on sale for $50, now add a long eye relief scope with rings for$100, and that is a low val­ue scope a real­ly good one will run you at least $200 and anoth­er $50–100 for rings. So for $450 you can get that Mosin set up with a scope. Oops for­got to add the syn­thet­ic stock, add anoth­er $100 so now that is $550 for that Mosin. Oh you do not want a LER scope, bet­ter add anoth­er $100–200 to the price because you are going to need a gun­smith to add the scope mounts. So now your $150 rifle is a $750+ rifle but you do have 880 rounds of FMJ to shoot. You can see how easy it is to go from a great deal to OMG I spent what?? Of course you can get some awe­some deals on stocks, scopes, mounts etc if you have the time to shop the inter­net and can do the work your­self.

A word of cau­tion here regard­ing the sur­plus rifle with the already mount­ed scope. If you did not buy the Sniper ver­sion with the fac­to­ry mount be care­ful. I test fired a rifle once that had a mount and when I took out the car­tridge there was a hole in the side. Stu­pid gun­smith had drilled right through and cre­at­ed a poten­tial­ly dead­ly sit­u­a­tion and did not want to tell any­one.


Where to get the sur­plus rifle.

Go buy a copy of Shot­gun News and or Guns & Ammo Sur­plus Firearms mag­a­zine, yes there is such a thing, and see who adver­tis­es. There is also Arm­slist which I have used with min­i­mal suc­cess. The best deals I have found late­ly have been on Face­book, yeah thats right the thing your teenag­er spends all day updat­ing. Search for some­thing like your town guns and more, or your­town sport­ing goods.

I am sure by now some­body has noticed that I did not men­tion any US made sur­plus rifles. What can I say, they are just to few and far between which makes them expen­sive. They are out there you just need to keep your eyes open. I had a chance to buy a beau­ti­ful M1 about four years ago for a real­ly good price but I just did not have the spare cash in the time frame the own­er need­ed it.

There are coun­tries oth­er than what I have men­tioned that have sur­plus rifles avail­able in the US. Again it comes down to rifle + ammo + acces­sories = how much do you want to spend?

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By: silver account

Trust the Russians to manufacture an obsolete, ugly, but thoroughly rugged and absolutely dependable military rifle. The 7.62X54R cartridge is comparable to the .30–06. The rifle was carried by Russian and communist armies from WWI through the Viet Nam era. Good soft point hunting versions of this cartridge are manufactured by Winchester, PRVI Partizan, Lapua, and Wolf. I purchased an original standard issue military carbine in unfired condition for a mere $120, then went to the range and shot a three-inch, 100 yard group using Barnaul Russian military surplus ammunition. Expect to pay from $80 to $200 for good examples. I have seen some scoped sporter conversions with custom stocks listed for up to $600. Mosin Nagant carbines can be easily converted to scout type configurations at low cost. I have not seen a Mosin-Nagant in a caliber other than 7.62X54R, except for one single shot conversion in 7.62X39, but the ammo is cheap and there is plenty of it.

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