Teamwork for Suburban and Urban Survival – Part One

Is it inevitable; A dis­as­ter of cat­a­stroph­ic pro­por­tion that changes everyone’s liv­ing sit­u­a­tion going for­ward for good?  Is liv­ing post dis­as­ter just an unfore­seen real­i­ty that many of us have not expe­ri­enced yet?  Look at Haiti just over a year ago.  Look at Aus­tralia with flood­ing that has destroyed homes and lives.

One thing is cer­tain, how­ev­er, that it is impos­si­ble to know when, how, and what dis­as­ter is going to strike.  While read­ing through Les Stroud ’s new book, even he real­izes that you can­not be pre­pared for every sit­u­a­tion. Learn­ing EVERYTHING you need to learn to be pro­fi­cient in every sit­u­a­tion is just impos­si­ble.  You (and I) can­not afford the time or mon­ey to learn every­thing we need to learn to be an expert in every­thing.  In fact, if the SHTF and we were thrown back into a third world sit­u­a­tion, my skill sets are not in the blue col­lar area.  I am in sales.  I can­not weld; it has been years since I have done any type of con­struc­tion, etc.  Admit­ted­ly, this is not good for me, or for you, if I was to wan­der by, and you asked what I know how to do to help… This is not a future I would wish upon you or I in the near of dis­tant future.

So, let’s say you are like me; few skills (which by the way I am look­ing to improve upon) and good inten­tions.  What do you do?  Who do you look to?    Well, who are your friends and fam­i­ly?

If you are a read­er of this blog , you may have read a cou­ple of posts I have writ­ten around build­ing a team or going it alone .  As I con­tin­ue to learn, regard­less of past posts, I am real­iz­ing that one thing is cer­tain; that you can­not do it all alone.  It is pret­ty sim­ple to real­ize that.  I see it every day at work.  We are a team, and if some­one does not work in the team men­tal­i­ty, the process and the project fall apart.  That said, team­work will be essen­tial to your sur­vival in a SHTF whether you are Bug­ging Out , Bug­ging In , or just liv­ing in a post SHTF or TEOTWAWKI world.  And unless you have a big fam­i­ly, and each of them have a range of skills that you can call on, you are going to have to go out­side your nuclear fam­i­ly unit.

As an exam­ple, my Mom (yes, my Mom) is great at cul­ti­vat­ing a gar­den , but is aging and would not be good at till­ing the gar­den, mak­ing tools to gar­den with, etc.  My Dad is good at tak­ing apart stuff, fix­ing it and putting it back togeth­er, but not so good at black­smithing, etc.  There is a lot out­side the knowl­edge that the three of us might hold that would be required to live.  What if my par­ents decid­ed to get some goats for milk and food?  I don’t know the first thing about goats, and nei­ther do they.  What if the goats get sick?  What then?  “I dun­no.”  I am call­ing on my friend Tom a life­long friend of the same mind­set as mine, and a farmer with dairy cat­tle.  He may or may not have the answers.  But I am going to ask.  He may be able to point me in the right direc­tion.

Your assign­ment for the night, think about who your friends are out­side your nuclear fam­i­ly that you would think about call­ing on in a sit­u­a­tion where you might need them.  Think about it though, don’t take action on it yet.  This is Part One of a mul­ti-part series…

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By: MasterPo

While I agree a team can have many advantages, there are also major disadvantages. For example, each person brings his/her own “baghage” with them. It’s really really hard IMO to find a person so reliable you can trust your life — and your family’s life — to them. Let’s not loose sight of that which is really the ultimate end of having a team: Mutual, unwavering, all-for-one/one-for-all support. IMO anything less is worse than being along because it gives a false sense of security.

If I were to form a group there are a couple of people I would consider asking to join. But while they come with some good skills they also come with some significant baggage.

Other than groups centered around immediate family (and even then maybe not) it’s really really hard to find good people.

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