The Advantage of the Suburban Farmers Market

You might not think there is one.  At first glance you might say, the veg­eta­bles are not organ­ic, they have less fla­vor because they are fac­to­ry farm grown, they have steroids, etc.  But there is one advan­tage of the sub­ur­ban farm­ers mar­ket.  They get fresh ship­ments of veg­eta­bles every day for pur­chase at a dis­count­ed price.  This means if I want to can toma­toes, I can run down to the farm­ers mar­ket right now pick up the toma­toes, and any oth­er veg­etable to bring home and start prep­ping to dehy­drate or to can/jar.  And, I can do this all year long, so that I do not have to wait for a fall or ear­ly win­ter  har­vest to do so.

I know what you are think­ing.  This goes against much of the self reliant frame of mind, being organ­ic, and not enabling cor­po­rate farms, etc.  But my argu­ment is that the veg­eta­bles pur­chased are still fresh, “sort of,” and the goal is to can/jar them for stor­age any­way.  Now, I am not advo­cat­ing

We were talk­ing about can­ning the gar­den har­vest this time of year, and some­thing hit me like a ton of bricks.  With the advent of the sub­ur­ban farm­ers mar­ket, you could lit­er­al­ly can and jar all year long, less expen­sive­ly than you could if you went to Stop & Shop, or any of the oth­er places around here.  In fact, I have a friend that dri­ves out of NYC almost week­ly to go to the farm­ers mar­ket so he can load up on fruits and veg­eta­bles because it saves him a bun­dle.  I can eas­i­ly save 30S% — 50% and some­times more over the tra­di­tion­al gro­cery stores here in north­ern NJ.

Would the canned veg­gies be as tasty.  Prob­a­bly not, but they would still have nutri­tion­al val­ue and could be stored in a cool envi­ron­ment for up to five years.  That goes a long way, espe­cial­ly if a sched­ule of can­ning every few months for a cou­ple of days could hap­pen.  It is an inter­est­ing thought.  I have nev­er canned / jarred any­thing yet.  I have thought about giv­ing it a shot, but I need to find the time, or make the time to stay moti­vat­ed to do it.  I would­n’t get hung up on organ­ic vs. fac­to­ry farm either.  This is your future dur­ing hard times we are talk­ing about.

Doug also brought up can­ning meats.  I know that can be done, I have seen it done before, and I think it is a great way to store game or oth­er meats for long peri­ods of time as well.  You get some liq­uid out of the jar too, that can be used for cook­ing and/or a sauce/gravy I would imag­ine…

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By: Apartment Prepper

Going to the farmer’s market would be worth it just for the savings alone. If you are able to can those fruits and veggies then even better, since you will have “fresher” produce on hand. Canning is also on my list of things to try out, just have not gotten to buying the equipment; we also have space issues on where to store the equipment.

By: suburban

In reply to MasterPo .

If you know what you are doing, it is not so bad. My mother and grandmother did it for years, with no issues… It is certainly more work, but worth it for the storage, for sure.

By: MasterPo

Canning meat (including fish) is VERY DANGEROUS compared to canning veggies or fruit!!

By: Nobody

Great idea. A lot of towns in my area have farmer’s markets and I’ve stopped in from time to time and you are right about the prices being better. Plus, the stuff is grown locally and not shipped in from California or wherever. Buying local is cool!

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