The Secret Fears of a Prepper

Back from anoth­er daunt­ing busi­ness trip to the west coast last week, I did some­thing I don’t nor­mal­ly do these days.  I did­n’t bring with me any of my trav­el preps or trav­el EDC . What?  You ask.  After both you and Prep­per­Jim have been writ­ing about the impor­tance of bring­ing some preps on your busi­ness trav­el?  Yes.  In some ways this was an exper­i­ment, and in anoth­er cat­e­go­ry, I was try­ing to light­en my load since it was a large roller suit­case.

Pri­mar­i­ly, it was an exper­i­ment.  It was an exper­i­ment in fear.  It was­n’t too many years ago that I would trav­el with­out any EDC, and I had no preps at all.  It was­n’t too many years ago I was­n’t pay­ing atten­tion to the econ­o­my , pol­i­tics, etc.  I want­ed to test some of my own fear on this busi­ness trip.  How did it work out?  Well, I’m back, unscathed, with no major dis­as­ter, with the excep­tion of the stock mar­ket decline last week, giv­ing me the fear of eco­nom­ic decline.  In truth, all week long, in the back of my mind I had the tin­gling feel­ing that I should have brought with my my trav­el EDC.  It again has changed and expand­ed upon, which I will out­line in anoth­er post, how­ev­er, it is my safe­ty net when trav­el­ing, and as it seems, gives me men­tal solace while trav­el­ing.

So, what does that have to do with my secret fears.  Well, in many ways, my lit­tle exper­i­ment spawned some thought around what some of my fears as a prep­per (or human being) in gen­er­al are.  They are a lit­tle extreme, but in the back of my mind not unlike­ly.

So here are a list of my fears while trav­el­ing:

1.   EMP .  Yes, an EMP.  But not nec­es­sar­i­ly “just” an EMP.  It seems I am death­ly afraid of an EMP that is not iso­lat­ed to a small area, but an EMP that may be det­o­nat­ed above the Unit­ed States while I am in the air, in a plane, going my work des­ti­na­tion.  It is a cer­tain death from 35,000 feet in the air.  No amount of preps are going to save you (me) in the event of an EMP while I am in the air.

I would much rather be on the ground in famil­iar or unfa­mil­iar ter­ri­to­ry dur­ing an EMP than in the air.  As far fetched as some peo­ple think it is, it is close to the top of my fear list.

2.   Earth­quake.  A real fear for me, since I spend some time in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia pret­ty con­sis­tent­ly.  I have been in a cou­ple of “light” earth­quakes out there that have made the TV and Radio.  In both cas­es they hap­pened at night/very ear­ly morn­ing.  I slept through both.  Both were on the news the next day, and both were in the 4.0 range.  How­ev­er, I am fear­ful of a much larg­er earth­quake while on the west coast where it par­a­lyzes ground and air trans­porta­tion to get­ting home and not hav­ing ade­quate preps with me while on the road, and hav­ing to depend on gov­ern­ment in an urban and sub­ur­ban envi­ron­ment.

3.   Eco­nom­ic Col­lapse.  Yes, eco­nom­ic col­lapse, while trav­el­ing.  I always try to keep an ade­quate amount of cash on my per­son while trav­el­ing.  How­ev­er, if the banks close, if the ATMs are not work­ing, if the cred­it cards are not work­ing, it may be near to impos­si­ble to get home in the short term.  While it did­n’t hap­pen this past week, I watched the finan­cial news eager­ly won­der­ing what might hap­pen while on the road, won­der­ing if I should car­ry extra cash in an enve­lope which might be enough to buy an emer­gency plane or bus tick­et at the air­port if nec­es­sary to get me home.  Maybe bring with me a sev­er­al of those sil­ver coins that I have recent­ly acquired to sell in a pinch.  Note, how­ev­er, there will be added weight.  Sigh…

4.   Riot.  Dete­ri­o­ra­tion of rule of law is a huge con­sid­er­a­tion.  When I trav­el it is gen­er­al­ly to a city.  After look­ing at what is hap­pen­ing in Lon­don with the riots over the past cou­ple of weeks, there is uncer­tain spec­u­la­tion that this is com­ing to a city near you soon if our coun­try’s job and finan­cial sit­u­a­tion does not improve…  I am not lim­it­ing riots to cities how­ev­er, but gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, this is where they hap­pen, and get report­ed on first.  Not sure I want to wake up to a riot out­side my hotel while trav­el­ing.

5.   Being Strand­ed.  A few weeks ago, when I was on the west coast, I drove to Las Vegas for the week­end.  Not to gam­ble mind you, but to vis­it two long time friends that coin­ci­den­tal­ly live in the Las Vegas area.  Dur­ing my dri­ve through the desert to vis­it my two old friends, you pass many exits that seem­ing­ly go to nowhere… You pass the exit to Death Val­ley, etc.  I look down at the ther­mome­ter on the car and see 105 degrees, etc.  What if some­thing were to hap­pen, back to my EMP argu­ment, if the car stops run­ning, many or all of them stop run­ning and you are stuck in the desert.  I usu­al­ly bring with me sev­er­al large bot­tles of water in the trunk when I dri­ve from LA to Las Vegas (I do this about once a year), but being from the north­east, my only sur­vival train­ing for the desert is watch­ing Dual Sur­vivor with Cody Lundin , co-host­ing.  This is only one exam­ple of being strand­ed, how­ev­er.

6.   No Com­mu­ni­ca­tion.  Based on some of the above, com­mu­ni­ca­tion may be cut off.  Not being able to know if my fam­i­ly and friends are okay, or let them know if I am okay is a real fear.

7.   Injury.  Injury while trav­el­ing dur­ing a man made or nat­ur­al dis­as­ter and hav­ing to depend on med­ical care ser­vices that are already strained with many peo­ple wait­ing for med­ical ser­vices, is not my idea of fun.  And again, while I trav­el to cities, most­ly, this is a real pos­si­bil­i­ty…

Those are my main fears while trav­el­ing… Are they found­ed?  I think so.  I think they are all real­is­tic, per­son­al­ly.  I thought about them a lot while trav­el­ing in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia last week.  I prob­a­bly will not be trav­el­ing with­out my trav­el EDC again any­time soon.  While it may not be per­fect, it is cer­tain­ly a lit­tle piece of mind, whether or not I may ever need it.

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By: AmandaK

My fear about this happening is simply the fact that we are going to be back to where we were in the “dark ages”. People need to become more aware of this and also become more prepared. Seeing as how this month is almost over and it’s no longer going to be Preparedness month, I still feel people need to be more aware. I am constantly going to informational websites to find more out about EMP. I go to EMPact Americas Radio Blog every Wednesday and listen to their show. Wednesday October 5th, a man named Fritz Ermarth is going to be talking about EMP at 12noon. If you go to their site you can read about him and what he’s done and what he’s doing, he is a widely considered to be a true hero of the Cold War. To read more and to listen to this show when it airs; here’s the site:

By: suburban

In reply to Wicker67 .

@Wicker67 Interestingly, a whistle is one of those items I do not carry as much as I should. Might be my ego getting in the way, but it is something so simple that should be in more of my carry…

That said, you are welcome regarding the blog. I do what I can, but the other contributing writers help out a lot too, and the sponsors keep the blog running on it’s own, so that is a HUGE help.

By: Wicker67

I don’t envy you, having to travel for work. I used to 50% of the time, but haven’t in nearly 6 years. Got a new job doing 8–5, M‑F 20 minutes from my house. It’s great.

Love your travel EDC. One thing that I like to have in all of my bags, is a whistle. In line with the post, I have a fear of being able to hear searchers, but them not hearing me.

Thanks for what you do here, and giving us a forum.

By: suburban

In reply to Stacey .

@Stacey — we clearly sped too much time in the air…

By: Stacey

I travel for a living too. Your fears are my same fears.
I carry what I can but I am going to start checking a bag and carry more.
I am very interested in your travel edc so looking forward to your post.

EMP strike while in the air is my worst nightmare and keeps me up at night sometimes.
I sometimes wish I remained oblivious to that particular nightmare since theres nothing one can do about it.

By: suburban

In reply to Prepperjim .

@PrepperJim — Of course… I always carry a means to cut, build fire, see, and carry water. However, I left my “Travel EDC Kit” ( ), at home. In fact it is greatly expanded, and must still be checked in my luggage while in transit. I will post a followup to this post from last year in a few days with the updated gear…

By: suburban

In reply to DaveNV/AZ .

@Dave , wow. I am sorry to hear you are having trouble finding a job. Your comment, however, makes me feel my fears are not so bad. This is proof that everyone lives in their own bubble, and until they get to see or hear about someone else’s bubble, they don’t understand how good they have it. What kind of work is it that you used to do? Where specifically do you live? Feel free to email me directly at jack [at] I know a lot of people. Maybe I can talk to some people if it makes sense or they know of something in your area. I am at work at the moment, but can shoot an email to friends I have out west in the NV and AZ areas, and depending on where you live if it makes sense, it might work out or they may know someone.

By: DaveNV/AZ

I have been unemployed for over 2 yrs. I had my own business and I had to let it go to help my daughter recover from a major accident and several surgerys to help her walk again. I had the ability to do this as my better half had a secure job with a retirement plan and medical that would see us through the hard times. Now I ant even find a job. My family expects me to return to my earning status asap so they can continue to live at their old life style. Where is this going along the article lines is I carry as many EDC items with me where ever I go. I am back to using mass transit and my bike as transport. People I use as references no longer live or work at the numbers I give for them. Its getting harder to maintain prep items because we are using many of them to just get by. Recently I had major surgery and had to use a cab to get home because my better half could not take the time off to get me home. Her secure job is very threatened. I have cached items that I might have to recover just to continue to live day to day. My edc items are becoming my BOb.

By: suburban

In reply to millenniumfly .

I do fret about those things. I was in the Pacific NW recently, I tend to focus on the disasters in the area that I am visiting at the time. i.e. if I were to go to FL this week, I would certainly worry about Hurricanes, however, this week looks like Minneapolis. As for spills, etc. They are always a concern. I was in LA last summer for business, and there was an overturned tanker with something all over the freeway. Wasn’t sure what it was, but they shut down the freeway and it took forever to get from point A to B.

By: millenniumfly

Hate to break it to you, but depending on where you’re travelling you might also fret about hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, winter storms and blizzards, heat waves, nuclear catastrophes, volcanic eruptions, comet impacts, natural diseases and pandemics, wildfires, floods, hazardous material spills, coronal mass ejections, and possible alien invasions. Have a nice day. 🙂

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