What’s Still Running After an EMP Event?

Today, I would like to take a look at what might or might not be work­ing after a spec­u­la­tive EMP event regard­less if it’s a man­made or nat­ur­al based dis­as­ter. I think there is a lot of spec­u­la­tion about the types of gear , vehi­cles, elec­tron­ics, etc. that may or may not be work­ing post EMP.  How­ev­er, what I think you will notice is that there are sim­i­lar­i­ties in what may or may not work. Let’s take a look:

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (specifically automobiles)

As any self-pro­fessed prep­per knows that is inter­est­ed in prepar­ing for an EMP event, your vehi­cle may or may not be affect­ed depend­ing on the make, mod­el, year, etc. where it’s parked, what it’s cov­ered with (we’ll get in to that in a sec­ond) that gets hit by such an event.  Real­ly, I am not an expert and do not pro­fess to be; but want to share what I under­stand would be the most like­ly case if you need­ed or want­ed to have a vehi­cle post EMP event.  That said if your car or truck was built before 1990, and more specif­i­cal­ly, if it was pre-1980 would be ide­al…

Exam­ple:  I per­son­al­ly own a 1990 Jeep Wran­gler YJ which has a com­put­er.  From 1987 for­ward, I believe they all have com­put­ers and elec­tron­ics of some sort. The Jeep won’t run cor­rect­ly with­out a prop­er­ly pro­grammed com­put­er.  As I under­stand it, these are the only elec­tron­ics in the vehi­cle and con­tained in one pack­age that can be unplugged and a new one plugged in.  All I need to do is buy a cou­ple of refur­bished com­put­ers, have them pro­grammed for my Jeep, keep them in a fara­day cage (pre­sum­ably) and in the event of an EMP, unplug the old com­put­er, and plug in the fara­day cage kept com­put­er.  I do not believe (and I could be wrong) there are any elec­tron­ics in the alter­na­tor or oth­er com­po­nents of the Jeep of that year.  If there are, if some­one could point that out, it would be help­ful so that I can get spare parts in the Fara­day Cage.  But, this is as I under­stand it.

Today, how­ev­er, my 20XX Toy­ota 4Runner is full of elec­tron­ics.  And I mean full.  I don’t think the car will start at all if there’s an EMP event.  With all the reliance on sep­a­rate com­put­ers for var­i­ous activ­i­ties, it would be like the car had a fatal heart attack while sleep­ing.  The best thing I think I could do at that point would be to drain the gaso­line, sal­vage what I could off the car, and move on to the what is impor­tant to my fam­i­ly and myself at that time.  My wife’s car would be in the same boat.  Drain the gaso­line, and strip what might be essen­tial or sec­ondary prep/concern and move on to what’s impor­tant.

There is a the­o­ry that some vehi­cles would still be able to start, where some elec­tron­ics may not be affect­ed, and some would be. See the video from Arthur T Bradley, PHD (also the Author of The Sur­vival­ist series) as he spec­u­lates how this may or may not work.  I look to Dr. Bradley as an author­i­ty of sorts because he actu­al­ly an EMP Emit­ter at his dis­pos­al for test­ing pur­pos­es, as you will see regard­ing the EMP cloth he dis­cuss­es in his video…  How­ev­er, the down­side of all those new cars on the road, espe­cial­ly in the NYC, NJ, East­ern PA area where we are locat­ed is that there will be giant mod­ern-day boul­ders act­ing as road­blocks on the high­ways and side roads… And if an event were to take place at rush hour, for­get it.  It’s not a boul­der, it’s a long tail of not being able to get any­where.

That said, if you are prepar­ing a vehi­cle for an EMP event, I sug­gest go pre 1990, and prefer­ably pre 1980, even if it’s a 1976 Buick Sta­tion Wag­on.  You’ll still be bet­ter off than me at the moment.  (It real­ly is time to look at a cou­ple refur­bished com­put­ers for the Jeep, and keep one in a fara­day cage in the makeshift trunk).

ATVs and Motocross Bikes.  One of the guys in our crew has an ATV.  He loves it.  Hell, I love it.  It goes every­where.  How­ev­er, I am pret­ty sure, and I have to ask him, that there are no elec­tron­ics that it con­tains that would be hit by an EMP event.  The same goes for an old endure motocross motor­cy­cle (think kick­start).  If you’re lone wolf­ing it, a motor­cy­cle might be a safe bet.  I know because we used to com­mu­ni­cate via Email, after I read sev­er­al of his books that Scott Williams over at Bug Out Sur­vival wrote about his first-hand expe­ri­ence with Motor­cy­cles as Bug Out Vehi­cles in his book “ Bug Out Vehi­cles and Shel­ters ”  To that end, Creek Stew­art , also wrote an excel­lent book on Bug Out Vehi­cles called “ Build the Per­fect Bug Out Vehi­cle: The Dis­as­ter Sur­vival Vehi­cle Sur­vival Guide ,” and if I remem­ber cor­rect­ly, he also touched on the EMP based points I speak about above.

Last thoughts on Diesel Vehi­cles before I for­get.  What I know about Diesel vehi­cles can fill a thim­ble, and I’ll fill that thim­ble up for you… Most mod­ern diesel trucks (the 2000’s) run with computers/chips that help reg­u­late sen­sors, etc.  My “under­stand­ing” how­ev­er is that those trucks use those sen­sors, etc. for reg­u­lat­ing emis­sions and oth­er points in the vehi­cle, that with some plan­ning and inge­nu­ity can prob­a­bly be removed or dis­abled to make that vehi­cle more mechan­i­cal­ly oper­a­ble than elec­tron­i­cal­ly oper­a­ble.  This is some­thing I under­stand that might be near impos­si­ble with mod­ern gaso­line vehi­cles.  The oth­er option, if you know what you are doing and because there are not that many areas to be addressed is to hit a scrap (junk) yard, and load up on the sen­sor computers/microprocessors that you would require and keep them in a Fara­day cage until you might need them.  There, you’ve got a full thim­ble from me on what I know about Diesel.  I am hap­py to hear com­men­tary from any­one with more expe­ri­ence in this area to share with the greater com­mu­ni­ty. (Oh, and if I’m wrong, please let me know that too.  I am human).


Tube Shortwave Radio | Suburban Survival BlogWell, you now know your Pio­neer Radio that inter­faces with your iPhone or Android phone aren’t going to be work­ing after an EMP event.  You also know that you’re car will “most like­ly” not run after an EMP Event.  But, what of oth­er elec­tron­ics you may or may not have in your home.  Your old mechan­i­cal record play­er that sits in the back clos­et from when you were a kid?  What about an old radio or ham radio for that mat­ter that runs on tubes and not elec­tron­ics???  First­ly, every­thing you have in your fara­day cage “should” work fine.  Your Motoro­la two way radios , your Baofeng Hand­held Radios , your old iPod , with your clas­sic rock on it (assum­ing the bat­tery isn’t per­ma­nent­ly dead), the extra Ama­zon Kin­dle you have in there with your elec­tron­ic sur­vival library on it, etc.  All those items should work…

If, you have access to old ham radio with tubes , a short-wave radio with tubes , any­thing that is tube based you may be okay if it’s not already bro­ken.  Tube-based sys­tems are not “elec­tron­ic” in nature and should not be affect­ed by an EMP.  As I under­stand it (and this is hearsay from anoth­er video I watched) that dur­ing the 1950s when the gov­ern­ment was test­ing nuclear devices and the EMP effect was being stud­ied, they real­ized that their tube-based plat­forms were not dam­aged by the EMP effect.  Of course, buy­ing these old tube-based devices sounds good in the­o­ry.  They’re not inex­pen­sive, but you also need to have elec­tric­i­ty in order to run them, and, those that have devices in a Fara­day cage have to have a way to charge their devices in order to con­tin­ue to keep them work­ing.  More on that lat­er in this post.  This is just some food for thought on elec­tron­ics.

What are some elec­tron­ics you might want to keep in your Fara­day Cage:

Power Tools (without Electronics)

It’s no secret we men like our pow­er tools.  I love’em, and wouldn’t work around the house ever with­out at least my cord­less drill… Most cord­less drills dri­ven by a bat­tery have some micro­elec­tron­ics embed­ded to reg­u­late pow­er, speed, etc.  So unless you are keep­ing any of them and their bat­ter­ies, and charg­ers in a Fara­day cage, an EMP would most like­ly ren­der a such a cord­less device use­less.  How­ev­er, there are a num­ber of tools that are dri­ven by elec­tri­cal pow­er that you can use that have no elec­tron­ics in them at all.  I have an old elec­tric cord­ed pow­er drill that has no elec­tron­ics, and assum­ing my bat­tery back­up and/or gen­er­a­tor is run­ning, I’ll be good to go in the short term.  This, how­ev­er, should not be the only route you go.  You should think about man­u­al tools (man­u­al drills, plan­ers, etc) to take the place of those tools that may have elec­tron­ics in them today.  If we get fried by an EMP, man­u­al tools may be the only way to get some­thing done, repaired or built.

Basic motor dri­ven tools such as push lawn mow­ers that pull start, should not be affect­ed.  How­ev­er, if you have a gen­er­a­tor with an invert­er built in, then we have to chat about elec­tron­ics which may be includ­ed in that invert­er, that “may be” be affect­ed dur­ing an EMP event.  Unless your gen­er­a­tor is in a fara­day cage today, you might want to look at the EMP proof fab­ric to cov­er your gen­er­a­tor as described in the video ear­li­er in this blog post.

A note on flash­lights.  I’m pret­ty sure most mod­ern prep­pers adhere to some sort of EDC reg­i­men.  Mean­ing, you car­ry a pock­et knife, pen, wal­let, keys, phone, maybe you con­ceal car­ry (if you don’t live in an over­bear­ing state), and prob­a­bly car­ry a flash­light… And, I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s an oLight , Fenix , ATACTICAL (this is what I car­ry and I can­not kill the thing for a $20 flash­light) or some oth­er brand.  The down­side of all these tac­ti­cal lights?  They all have some micro­elec­tron­ics in them to con­trol the bright­ness or the strobe.  In fact, the ATACTICAL light that I own came with a bat­tery with a micro-USB charg­er that plugs right into the bat­tery to recharge it.  Sigh, more micro­elec­tron­ics.  It would be smart to keep a few of these flash­lights in your fara­day cage and invest in a flash­light or sev­er­al that do not have elec­tron­ics.  The down­side here is you may have to go back to a light that has a reg­u­lar light bulb and a slide on and off vs. the sleek and tac­ti­cool look of the lights we car­ry today.

Power:  Solar Panels and Solar Systems

“If” you have a solar sys­tem set up, it is also “spec­u­lat­ed” that most solar pan­els will stand up to an EMP event.  Some may have elec­tron­ics on the back­sides that daisy chain in par­al­lel or series to addi­tion­al pan­els, but as I under­stand it (again, what I know fills a thim­ble so any addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion would be great­ly appre­ci­at­ed), may be okay.  The caveat (hearsay again) is that there may be a reduc­tion in out­put (not sure why) though, unless some­thing on the sys­tem back-feeds to a pan­el and there is some sort of burn out.  Not real­ly sure.  One thing is cer­tain how­ev­er, and that is that your charge con­troller will be fried, because it is full of elec­tron­ics that reg­u­late the pow­er going to the bat­tery bank, keep­ing it from back-feed­ing, and halt­ing the charg­ing to a trick­le when the bat­ter­ies are full as to not over­charge them and keep them topped off.  Depend­ing on the size and scope of your solar sys­tem you should keep one or two of these in your fara­day cage, espe­cial­ly if you have a one – five-pan­el sys­tem with a cou­ple bat­ter­ies that is portable.  If you’re bug­ging out in a camper or oth­er bug out vehi­cle and you can bring some portable pow­er, you know how impor­tant it can be.

That said, all mod­ern invert­ers also con­tain elec­tron­ics, and are sus­cep­ti­ble to an EMP event, espe­cial­ly if they are in use.  It would be smart to keep a spare invert­er or two depend­ing on the pow­er needs you have to pow­er lights, recharg­ing devices, etc. and more.

This is my the­o­ry about what might still be run­ning after a SHTF EMP event.  Please reg­is­ter here and let us know what else you think may or may not still be run­ning.  We’d love to hear from you and get your thoughts on this.


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By: Shane @hdbackpacks

Reading the book “One Second After” brought me here. All about EMP attack and what life could be like. Such a devastating possibility. Great to know others are thinking about it and what potential solutions, plans can be made. Can’t eliminate anxiety about all disasters but you can learn and try to prepare the best you can. Great stuff!

By: James Cranson

Great article, thanks. I think we should all start taking our prepping even more seriously since I see this country going down the wrong road faster and faster than ever. Here are some useful resources you might want to check out:

25 Foods You Must Have in Your Prepper’s Pantry:

Prepper’s Corner Facebook Group:

10 things to do immediately after SHTF: https://youtu.be/vDQUEuTL8tk

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