NYC, MRAPs, Humvees, Protests, Hooray!

I had a friend in town this week­end from Flori­da. Ms. Prep­per  and I went into NYC last night to go to din­ner. While in the cab down­town on the low­er east side, as we were dri­ving around the 20th street area, was­n’t I sur­prised to see an MRAP ( ) parked on the uptown side of the street, and a few feet up on the down­town side of the street, there were a few Humvees parked. Addi­tion­al­ly, the police pres­ence was through the roof. Not just police, but there were black SUVs EVERYWHERE with US Govt. plates. I could keep going on & on Vans full of cops and feds every­where. I have not seen any­thing like this since 9/11. I will say, no tac­ti­cal teams were out. I assume they were sit­ting in the vans & SUV’s await­ing deploy­ment to wher­ev­er they might be need­ed.

It was a lit­tle sur­pris­ing to see an MRAP and the Humvees. I am not sure if they were local, state, or fed­er­al as I did­n’t see a plate because we went by so quick­ly. But I am going out on a limb and say­ing that there are more stashed on res­i­den­tial side streets all over the city.

I also read yes­ter­day that while Debla­sio is blow­ing his horn about retrain­ing the police, they have over $1MM in over­time already because of the protests. Not sure if there is a by design cor­re­la­tion here. Addi­tion­al­ly, Ms. Prep­per heard from an NYPD friend of her’s yes­ter­day that there is medi­um to high ter­ror alert as domes­tic islam­ic mil­i­tants are being encour­aged to engage the NYPD (and assum­ing oth­er cities PDs) dur­ing protests and attempt to kill them in pub­lic. So it is prob­a­bly fair to say they are on very high alert. I can­not stress enough the police were ALL OVER THE CITY last evening. You could not go any­where with­out see­ing packs of them.

While it has been doc­u­ment­ed that the protests have been heav­i­ly coor­di­nat­ed by far left orga­ni­za­tions, this is almost a per­fect storm if it keeps up gong for­ward for islam­ic jihadists. I believe, espe­cial­ly if there is some acci­dent that sparks more out­rage. Not a good time to be on the job, if you ask me.

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