978 - 462 - 2700
978 - 522 - 4199

Why the OrthoWell System is Right for you


OrthoWell Physical Therapy is a full service orthopedic and sports physical therapy clinic with locations in Newburyport as well as Beverly. In our clinics, you will experience a holistic and comprehensive approach to physical therapy that gets our patients better…faster!

Our clinic is unique in that we specialize in Bio-Mechanical Evaluation (the study of body movement). This means that your initial evaluation will be “from the ground up” in order to identify impairments throughout the system and to determine how they are connected. On the day of your evaluation, you will discover that our therapists think “outside the box” of traditional physical therapy.

5 Question to ask your physical therapist 4


You will be given a Wellness Plan after your evaluation that summarizes the results of your evaluation and a discussion of your plan of care to alleviate the SOURCE of your problem.

Another unique aspect of OrthoWell is that all of our physical therapists undergo a comprehensive in-house mentorship and training program to establish a foundation of knowledge needed to provide our specialty evaluation and treatment techniques. This is what we call the OrthoWell System.

The OrthoWell System is the foundation on which we build a solid and strong team of physical therapists. Every physical therapist that graduates today has a doctorate of physical therapy. However, this does not mean that all graduating therapists have the same level of expertise. This is just as true with more experienced therapists. Just because you had physical therapy, does not mean that you had the RIGHT physical therapy. This is where the OrthoWell System comes into play.

The OrthoWell System is essentially an evidence-based approach to the process of evaluation and treatment that enables us to maximize your results in minimal time.  It provides all of our physical therapists with a foundation of knowledge that builds around the therapist’s existing knowledge or expertise. Our mentorship and training program includes comprehensive training in:

  • Bio-mechanical evaluation
  • Evidence-based exercises
  • Specialized manual therapy techniques
  • Patient education
  • Foot Orthotics
  • Clinical reasoning

The OrthoWell System has its groundings in our mission statement, core values, and vision statement which you can read HERE . The OrthoWell System is what sets us apart from other physical therapy clinics. It is our formula for YOUR success in physical therapy!

We offer specialized services such as

Graston Technique
Active Release Technique
Trigger Point Dry Needling
Orthopedic Manual Therapy
Cupping Therapy
Custom Foot Orthotics
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy .

Because we specialize in Biomechanical Evaluation, we have a strong emphasis in the treatment of the foot and lower extremity. We specialize in the evaluation and treatment of walking and running injuries. Your evaluation will include a video gait analysis in order to determine any gait imbalances and the need for custom foot orthotics.

The combination of our specialized hands-on services, evidence-based exercise i.e. exercise that WORK! and patient education maximizes results in minimal time. You can read much more and view our VIDEOS demonstrating our techniques as well as read our BLOG.

Give Us a call at:  978-522-4199 Beverly, 978-462-2700 Newburyport

What to Expect

We work with you to set specific goals and to establish an effective plan of care.  Achieving your goals means you must treat your body as a whole and be compliant with your home program.  We combine hands-on therapy with exercise and education to accomplish your goals.  Our treatments are usually at least 60 minutes in duration in order to effectively treat the area of dysfunction and to create the global circulatory effect needed to promote healing of damaged, weakened, or stiff tissue.  We treat you until you have achieved optimal functional recovery.

Click the video below to see how physical can help you.

Click HERE to discover WHAT physical is and how it can help YOU.

Individual Focus

Everything we do is with your needs in mind.  We establish individualized treatment plans and provide attentive hands-on care.  We spend quality time showing you how to help yourself.  We empower you with the knowledge to take control of your health.  We treat you with the kindness, honesty, and respect that you deserve.


Optimizing your recovery means we must work as a team.   We send a detailed plan of care to your physician after our initial evaluation and send monthly notes to update your physician on your progress.  Your therapist is always available to consult directly with your physician as well.  Physicians appreciate our approach because they know it gets results.


We understand that you are busy.  For that reason, we are available for appointments from 8:00 am until 7:00 pm.  We accept all major health plans.

Give Us a call at:  978-522-4199 Beverly, 978-462-2700 Newburyport

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