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Loire Valley
Chateau Gue-Pean
When we checked out
Château Gue-Pean
we and a charming French couple were its only visitors that day  -- this is part of its charm -- not as an immediate choice as its grandeur neighbours but if you are in the vicinity you should drop in! Its design is a little different with the inclusion of the tower with its bell-shaped roof - similar to the grander
Chateau de Valencay
Gue-Pean is built on a the former site of a Roma
n ca
mp later to become a Middle-age stronghold before its rise as the
ing you see today -- this like many others had to rebuilt after the 'Hu
ndred Years War'.
 Once through the gate you are left to check out the private chapel and  the 'bell tower' on your own before being given '
the tour' in French by your guide.The chapel is simple and serene and gives the desired effect.
The tower is interesting in that it contains World War 1 graffiti where USA soldiers have left their mark --vandalism or History ? - judge for yourself.
The views from the tower are interesting and give you some idea of how life at the chateau must have been like in its grandest times. Its not hard to imagine the privileged classes parading in the courtyard.
Inside is not overly impressive and like most chateaux you only get to see part, the library and lounges, of what's on offer as it is still used as a private residence - currently we believe by Denis Laming the designer of the
theme park near Poitier. It has been filled with general bric-a-brac and non-matching pieces of furniture -- perhaps to make it more interesting.
Rumour has it that
 this is where King Francois I and Mary Queen of Scots would have their clandestine meetings.
Open from 1st May to 30th September: 10.30 am to 12.30 and from 2.00pm to 6.30pm.
Directions and time to Gue-Pean
External links:
Official website of Gue-Pean
Gue-Pean in German on wikipedia
Blogpost in French with 30+ photos
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"Author: Jim Craig"
hoose a village house to rent in the Loire Valley direct from the owners.
' Les Balcons'
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Le Grand Pressigny
'Le Bourg'
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'Les Tilleuls'
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Les Nocereaux
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