Registered Voter Statistics


The term America's Finest Elections Team isn't a slogan for our two-time international award-winning office -- it's a reflection of those who serve Seminole County's democracy. Nearly 700 of your neighbors serve as pollworkers, and together with 16 full-time staff, proctor elections which continue to have the highest voter turnout in the region, at the lowest budget, with a greater than 99 percent satisfaction rating.

To that end, we're committed to transparency; providing voters, campaigns, academics, media members and the general public with current and accurate data for analysis. To use this tool, select one or more criteria to see details on currently-registered Seminole County voter demographics and turnout by method from the most recent countywide general election. Hover your mouse over a data set to see data closer. Have fun drilling down the data and tag us on Facebook and Twitter by using the hashtag #VoteSeminole or follow us on either at @VoteSeminole!

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