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Cancer Cure


My subject line is no joke. I really did find a cure for cancer!!

The realization will come as quite a shock to many of you.

I spend a lot of time reading and talking about health and fitness. I thoroughly research each and every blog post before I share it with you. Patient education is a top priority at OrthoWell and it is an integral part of our mission statement. We really DO care about you and your health. For this reason, I feel obligated to share the following information.

I was introduced to a book by one of my patients that may change or even SAVE your life! The title of the book is Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce. I have had the unfortunate experience of getting a phone call by my father that he has bladder cancer. The realization, of course, was more unfortunate for him. This came up in the conversation with my patient as we broached the cancer subject. She shared her experiences regarding her own cancer history and then she began to open my eyes, my mind, and my anger to the realization that our medical establishment is intentionally misinforming the public about cancer. Some of you may be saying “yeah, right, why wouldn’t my doctor tell me if there was a cure for cancer?” or, like my father said, “yes, I have heard these things before” but then he dispels the “myth” and decides to go through with his radiation and chemo. Don’t get caught up in the “disbelief factor”. I am telling you, from the bottom of my heart, not to be naïve and not to stay ignorant to this realization. You NEED to read this book as my words alone will not do it justice.

Outsmart Your Cancer is not a promotional vehicle for a new cancer pill or a new cancer prevention diet. As a matter of fact, the author does not promote any one single approach to curing cancer. Her objective is to share with us all that has been hidden from us. Yes, there are MANY alternative treatment options to both prevent and to cure yourself of cancer. Her introduction to cancer was the same as mine. The realization that a loved one may die from cancer! I would like to share some excerpts form the book regarding the misinformation campaign that has been waged on the public.

In the author’s words:

I have also discovered that for many of these cancer approaches, the way they work has been proven by rigorous scientific research performed by highly respected physicians, brilliant biochemists, and Nobel prize-winning scientists. Effective alternative approaches to cancer ARE obtainable today, and they are not bogus methods developed by quacks and kooks as the public has been led to believe.’

“During my research, I spoke to over 100 people who had recovered from their cancers using the alternative treatments presented in this book.”

“The suppression (of information ) has been carried out in many different ways by many different organizations and is simply the result of business economics and common unethical tactics that tend to occur when large money interests are involved in any field.’

‘Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation involve billions of dollars of profits for the industries that supply them… the cost of developing and bringing a new cancer drug to market is close to $1 billion… A treatment made up of natural ingredients is not patentable… A natural form of treating cancer will never be pursued by a drug company… alternative treatments will always be considered an economic threat to the multibillion-dollar cancer establishment.”

If you want to watch a YouTube video to convince yourself of the misinformation campaign that has been waged by the FDA and American Medical Association, then watch this video on Dr Burzynski’s treatment for cancer. CLICK HERE.

So when should you start an alternative treatment approach if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer?

As soon as possible! Unfortunately, most people start with conventional treatment before they try alternative approaches. It is the fear and shock factor associated with “I have Cancer” that makes people decide prematurely regarding the BEST treatment option. They usually start with the big three…chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Don’t become a statistic. Get educated!

So how do you make an educated decision on what treatment path to follow after you’ve been diagnosed with cancer?

Outsmart Your Cancer spells it out in simple terms and in black-and-white. There ARE options…successful options that have cured thousands of patients with cancer. All you need to do is read and/or listen (a DVD of patient testimonials comes with the book).

So when do you start a cancer prevention program?

NOW!! Outsmart Your Cancer will empower you to start a prevention program today. Scrutinize what you put into your body. Yes, you ARE what you eat. Don’t forget to read my post on Vitamins-To Take or Not To Take for more information.

Because I WANT to be your advocate for health and wellness and because I WANT you to stay cancer-free, I am stocking Outsmart Your Cancer in my clinic. I feel that strongly about the information in this book! I have purchased them in bulk so the wholesale cost is only $20 per book. Don’t delay! Get the facts!

Other things that could change your life that are discussed in the book include:


Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that cancer cells cannot survive if the environment is alkaline enough? Did you know that the QUALITY of what you consume determines whether your body becomes acidic or alkaline? Many people, either with cancer or attempting to prevent cancer, strive to maintain their body pH at an optimal alkaline range between 7.0 and 7.5. Your body pH can be evaluated by a simple saliva test using pH strips in the privacy of your own home. So how do you do this? I’ll give you the answer even though you need to read more about it…CALCIUM. One of the most important roles of calcium is to help our bodies maintain proper pH levels. In addition, the absorption of calcium into the body is completely dependent on the levels of vitamin D in the intestinal tract.


Do you really understand the effect of synthetic hormone replacement therapy? Outsmart Your Cancer discusses what every woman NEEDS to know about the effects of The Pill and hormone replacement therapy. You need to really be aware of the things that your doctor is NOT telling you. Long-term clinical studies have proven the cancer-causing effects of synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Get the facts!


As for the men, did you realize how controversial conventional treatments are for prostate cancer? There are studies in the medical literature which contradict the current use of testosterone inhibiting drugs to lower your PSA level. It has been shown that testosterone actively INHIBITS cancer growth and that elevated PSA is actually a man’s defensive strategy for fighting prostate cancer. So then, why does the medical establishment advocate the exact opposite approach?


Did you know that the main component of silver fillings is mercury and that mercury is one of the most deadly substances on earth if ingested? Did you know that your dentist is not required to tell you that your filling contains mercury? Did you know that several European countries have band silver-mercury amalgam feelings for decades but they continue to be used in the United States? The toxic nature of amalgam feelings has been down-played by the American Dental Association for a century in spite of warnings to dentists to “never touch the amalgam with your fingers” and “it must be disposed of under strict toxic waste protocols.” Dentists who have been outspoken against amalgam fillings have lost their licenses to practice. Outsmart Your Cancer references a book written by one such dentist who describes the alleviation of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson symptoms as well as cancer via the removal of amalgam feelings. Once again, get the facts.

There is SO MUCH more in Outsmart Your Cancer . The rest is up to you!!

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