
About C2UExpo
C2UExpo is a Canadian-led international conference designed to:
  • showcase the best practices in community-campus partnerships worldwide
  • create a space for collaboration around key issues 
  • foster ideas, connections, and frameworks with the purpose of strengthening our communities 
Held every two years, the conference allows community members, universities, colleges, government, and non-profit organizations to work together to create an innovative learning environment where research, knowledge, and relationships can be shared and cultivated over a conference program. Activities and sessions range from workshops to art activities, deliberative dialogue to mobile tours, and everything in between.
 The C2UExpo movement was founded by:
centre for community based research
community based research canada
community-campus partnerships for health

A history of C2U engagement

Community-campus partnerships provide an important vehicle for researching pressing issues facing society. They enable faculty and students to work directly with community groups to bring about positive change. This approach involves creative methods of engagement to meet community needs and to produce results that are important and useful to community, academics, and policy makers.

When the idea of community-campus partnerships first took root, researchers and community groups had limited resources available. The C2UExpo movement began in Canada to address this dearth, and provide those involved in community-campus partnerships with a forum to share experiences, strategies, and ideas.

The first C2UExpo was held in Saskatchewan in 2003. The conference has since been held in Newfoundland, Ontario, British Columbia, and Manitoba.

C2UExpo is organized collaboratively by communities, universities and colleges, government, and non-profit organizations.

4  themes to spark dialogue

Comprehensive C2U engagement

Community-engaged research, participatory action research, experiential education (service learning, co-op, practicums), alliance building, and so on - Explore the full range of community-campus partnerships.

The engagement process

Critically examine the methods that open doors to dialogue, and explore the policy and practice behind community-campus engagement. 

Project life cycle

Conception, birth, development, and rebirth. Celebrate community-campus partnerships that have led to tangible changes, such as reducing homelessness, preserving the environment, and enabling access to credit.

C2U without borders

Critically examine the methods that open doors to dialogue, and explore the policy and practice behind community-campus engagement.

What past participants have said ... 

"I learned lots, met wonderful people and felt engaged and eager to continue expanding community university engagement initiatives."
"It's about learning and meeting the many people involved in creating stronger, more vibrant communities"
"C2UExpo has, for me, always been about amplifying voices normally shut out by mainstream society."

Past events: 

CUexpo 2003
Partnerships, Policy 
and Progress
CUExpo 2005
Leaders in Urban Change
CUexpo 2008
Connecting for Change
CUexpo 2011
Bringing Global 
Perspectives to Local Action
CUexpo 2013
Engaging Shared Worlds
Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador
Community-University Partnerships
CUexpo 2015
Citizen Solutions. 
Better World.
Ottawa, Ontario
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