Testimonials* page2

My terrifying journey down the prescription drug path started with Ambien, moved onto Ativan, and stopped with Klonopin. I was having severe pain issues in my jaw, neck, and shoulders due to a stressful work environment to such a degree that I could not sleep or get out of bed. Because I wanted to muscle myself through the pain and continue to work, I started taking Ativan which was the biggest mistake of my life. I decided to cold turkey the medication after it caused more pain in my neck and shoulder areas, pain and tension that it promised to erase.

After being off the medication for nearly a month, I had nearly lost hope because I could not even walk around the block as the pain was so intense. The Lord really saved me one day when I was panicking in bed as to my current state. My dad called me and told me he found an organization online that might help heal me. I called and left a message. Alesandra promptly called me back and talked to me for over an hour, reassuring me that all would improve. Alesandra was so kind and the care and concern for me really touched my heart. After the call, I had hope that God was leading me to healing and He was.

I decided to reinstate on a long acting benzo, Klonopin, because I could not function after cold turkeying. Throughout this Klonopin taper, Alesandra was just an angel and always answered every email (sorry Alesandra for harassing you!) and every call. She gave me so much encouragement and compassion throughout the process during times that were so trying that I did not know if I could make it. I know now that God sent her specially to help me on this journey and I am so very thankful for her. She and all the people at Point of Return genuinely cared about me and rooted me on during the most difficult time of my life.

I really appreciate all the support with nutrition and the amazing supplements. Support is still and always will be a mainstay as well as the Sleep and Mood. I believe that I will always use these products so as not to allow my health to degrade ever again. I have learned a new lifestyle through POR and that through proper diet, faith in God, and supplementation, I should never get to such an unhealthy state again.

I am still dealing with sleep issues and jaw pain, though I am getting to the root of these issues. Even so, Alesandra, Terry, and Andrea still encourage me and answer any question. I am so so very thankful for Alesandra who bestowed so much love and care on me. She is truly an inspiration and her heart is no doubt one of pure gold. I cannot wait one day to visit all the folks at POR and give them huge hugs. There is no way I can repay them for all they have done for me. I will forever thank God for Alesandra, the lovely lady He sent to walk with me during the most difficult time in my life.

Thanks so much, Alesandra. You have been so amazing through this process. I am forever grateful for you.

With much love and THANK YOU,

Sylvia R. (CALIFORNIA) - Ativan

I was on benzo's for 7 years and had tried to stop several times over that span with no luck. Each and every time I tried to stop, the withdrawals were so severe and impacted my life so much that I had to continue on with my benzo trip . A trip that I thought was never going to end. That was until I came across the POINT OF RETURN website and the great program. Being on the program has changed my life and I would strongly recommend this program to all. The staff is extremely caring and approach everyday with love for their job and for the clients on the program. I am extremely grateful for having the program in my life.

Scott K. (VIRGINIA ) - Klonopin

I started Ambien about 6 years ago due to high-pressure job anxiety that woke me up around 3:00 a.m. every morning thing about work.  Asked my doctor what I could do, and was introduced to Ambien. I thought I found miracle drug. I had never slept so good, and immediately went to daily dosage of 2.5mg which I thought was safe and small. Doctor told me no worries, he's got patients on 50 mg and they are doing just fine… Every year or so after that, the dosage needed to be increased. Well ok, I still have a long way to go to get to 50 mg.

After about 4 years, I started to realize these may not be working as good as they started out… I started taking mental steps to go cold turkey. Doctor said no problem. This was after they tried to put me on Trazodon, Halcion or anything else that I may have preferred. Thanks to the internet I could see how dangerous these drugs really were. We had planned our vacation time around my withdrawal just to be safe. Based on what my doctor was telling me, I should experience no more than minor discomfort.

Ambien bet me to the punch and stopped working before I had a chance to prepare. It turned my whole world upside down. Coincidentally, I had a complete physical right around the same time and was considered in perfect health. The first thing to happen outside of no sleep, was anxiety attacks followed by blood pressure issues so bad I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Then my blood sugar went over 200 pretty much every time I ate, and I had no ability to concentrate or focus. A mental meltdown that is very difficult to describe. I was instantly handicapped and not feeling healthy.  What was happening to me?  The doctors had no advice other than additional drug options.

My wife hooked me up with an acupuncturist here in town. She had a PhD in Internal Chinese Medicine with over 30 years experience. I had over 20 visits, which I really enjoyed, but no step down from Ambien was in sight and there was no clue when I might see the end of the tunnel.  I was given Chinese herbs and some pills I could not pronounce, and I thought I may be on my way to a slow recovery. Little did I know that these herbs were slowly compounding my problem. My mental anguish increased and I was getting desperate.

A client I have known for many years suggested I try Klonopin, because it was his miracle drug. Reading about this drug was even scarier than the last. In checking it out I accidentally discovered "Point of Return."  Discovering this website and seeing the Testimonials of people in similar pain literally brought tears to my eyes. I called and spoke with Alesandra, received the starter package and within 24 hours and was on my journey to recovery. I was skeptical at first, wondering who these people were that gave so freely of themselves. I quickly discovered that everything they did and said was for real. The supplements worked just like they said they would, and if I had any doubts, they were always there for me, providing encouragement.

Ambien did its job while it was working, and then it turned into a nightmare pretty much overnight, affecting my family, job, social life and my mental stability. For a while I thought I was losing my mind and on my way to insanity. The experience was Horrific and I am so very grateful that Point of Return was there for me. I am now drug free!  I sleep better than ever, and I am back as good as new, with a few extra miles.

Alex B. (CALIFORNIA) - Ambien

I want to take a few moments to tell my story, and to especially acknowledge and thank the great team at POINT OF RETURN (POR)!!!

I have lived a fairly normal life for over 60 years, with very little knowledge or involvement with mind altering prescription drugs. However, last year that all changed and I have found myself living in a nightmare that has been an unbelievable life threatening journey.

My nightmare with hypnotic type drugs all started with a fall on ice and a broken ankle in Jan /08. Then six months later I was diagnosed with two 100% blocked arteries and a need for open heart surgery immediately. When I look back I realize how hard I have been hit with many drugs, and some of them I thank God for because of the pain I would have never been able to bear without them.

However, when I arrived home from the hospital after my open heart surgery, I couldn't sleep for three nights, which was actually a normal reaction to such an intense trauma to our bodies. Because of fear, I placed a call to my doctor and he consequently sent me a script for Ativan to "help me". The drug did have a printout of warnings but I felt so fearful and desperate to sleep that I immediately began to take the Ativan. I was very ignorant and naive as to the side effects of this monster drug. The drug helped me to sleep at first, but within weeks I hit a wall and started to have very strange symptoms and difficulty sleeping "again". I became very sick to say the least, and felt despair many times.

In my desperation I began to search the internet for answers as I prayed that God would spare my life and lead me out of the web I was now caught up in. As you will see, He has heard my prayers by leading me to POINT OF RETURN!!

One night I was feeling quite alone and a sense of panic was hovering over me when I found a website called 'point of return' with, of all things, an '800' toll free number. It was around 8pm here in Ontario Canada but in desperation I dialed the 800 number and Andrea answered. I later realized that it was 5pm in California and Andrea was still in the office selflessly helping others, as usual. She was able to help and comfort me at the end of her already long day and she immediately began to research some of my panicky type questions on line as we spoke. Within 24 hrs I had my first order of supplements at my door. In spite of my skeptical and very reluctant doctor I was able to find a compounding pharmacy in Toronto Canada and started my taper as soon as I was up to the correct supplement level. I stuck very close to the program, and still do to this day.

It has been a very scary journey to say the least, but I have been Ativan free for over six months now and still continue to heal. I have 2 close friends that went cold turkey from Ativan and both of them had seizures in the beginning. Thanks to POINT OF RETURN and the supplements that did not happen to me.

There is so much that could be said about my ongoing battle with CNS problems and continuing sleep issues and I know that Andrea and Terry have heard most of them and have been so sensitive to my plight. I do not believe that what the POR team does is a job or even a career choice, but rather a calling from a merciful God who desires to help those caught up in this prescription drug trap. Being moved with compassion for hurting humanity they have obeyed this heavenly calling. Andrea, Terry and Alesandra have helped me with advice and a listening ear so often that I can never thank them enough for bearing with me in my times of horror!!!! The scriptures teach us that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and right now their team is experiencing that truth about life. It has always seemed so incredible to me that some times in my deepest despair Andrea has so often picked up the phone at the second or third ring and has never put me off and after a sometimes very long, even tearful conversation, I have always hung up the phone with a new encouragement and strength to go on in the battle. She is a store house of solid information that many doctors, making outrageous money could never answer or even take the time to care about, this incredible problem of our day.

POINT OF RETURN. is the real deal for sure, and so are the supplements, they have been well researched and I would recommend them to anyone with a dependency to prescription drugs. Maybe one day I will be able to pay them back in some small way for all they have done for me!!!

Very highest regards to the POR team!

Dennis L. (Canada) - Ativan

Hi, my name is Graham, from Ireland, and I've struggled with depression for many years. I have spent time in different countries around Europe, the Middle East and Africa and had occassion to visit doctors in all 4 countries, with the result of having many different drugs prescribed over the past 15 years (Prozac, Xanax, Mirtazipine, Fluoxetine and others I forget!). I eventually was put on Zispin (Mirtazipine) for the past 4 years and was told I could never and should never come off them. However, over the past years I noticed and grew to be concerned over many of the side effects, also the doctor wanted me to come off 'for a break' as my white blood cell count went too low. So, in June of this year my GP prescribed strange way to taper and it did not suit my body and mind, so I thought it right to go back on the main dose...but before I did, I found Point of Return on the internet and wrote to Alessandra telling her of my concerns about tapering. She promptly and kindly emailed me her thoughts/experiences on the matter and I just couldn't bring myself to take the step and commit to a proper taper schedule. It was fear that was holding me back. Fear of failure, fear I couldn't function without my drugs, fear the depression would return...fear is a terrible thing, it holds so many people back from becoming the person they really are. I eventually took the plunge and have successfully tapered off Zispin and during taper I experienced very little symptoms/side effects. It was NO WAY as scary a process as I had built myself up to 'fear'. I'm delighted to have come off the medication and have felt much better as a result...clarity of thought, memory function and generally feeling 'normal' at last...after so many years. I hope this will help you make a more informed decision - take the risk...it's well worth it!

I wish you well...

Graham W. (Ireland) - Zispin (Remeron)

I still can't believe it. After 15 years I am finally med free thanks to the POR team!!!!! I was put on Paxil when I was 15 years old due to anxiety attacks. Instead of pointing me towards talk therapy, my doctor had me believe the infamous "chemical imbalance" theory and that I would have to be on a SSRI for the remainder of my life. I completely bought into his explanation and even preached how great Paxil was, as it seemed to be such a magic drug at first. However, every few years my anxiety would come back and my doctor would increase my dosage. This continued for over 13 years until the day I bumped my dosage up to 40mgs and my body reacted badly (horrible restlessness and increased anxiety). I dropped back down to 30mgs and that is what started my withdrawal journey.

The doctors tried rapidly take me off Paxil (which of course didn't work) as well as introduce other SSRIs (just made things worse). After finally doing my own research and realizing I was experiencing SSRI withdrawal, I decided to go back on 40mgs of Paxil and slowly taper off the drug. So off I went, struggling everyday with the horrible symptoms that withdrawal can cause. And believe me, I have experienced every single symptom that people have complained about during my journey. After a year I was able to get down to 10mgs and I hit a brick wall. I became very desperate for relief and didn't think I could follow through with the remainder of my taper. Would I have to go back to upping my dosage back to 40mgs of Paxil? Should I keep trying to find another SSRI that may help? How about adding a benzo to ease my discomfort?

Just when I was going to throw in the towel, I found the Point of Return website. I picked up the phone and spoke to Andrea. She ensured me that I could get off Paxil and give your body time to heal from the damage (I like to say changes) that SSRIs cause. I ordered up the program and 8 months later I was Paxil free!!!

I would like to thank everyone at the POR office for helping me through this horrible time of my life, especially Andrea (you were always there when I had a question or needed support). The POR nutrients are the real deal and they work. I just wished I would have found them two years sooner!

Dan C. (CANADA) - Paxil

I'm so sorry I took so long to get this testimonial to you. 

Three years ago God led me to POINT OF RETURN.  I was in pretty bad shape.  I was suffering with a Stress and Anxiety disorder.  My nightmare started in 2003 when my doctor placed me on Paxil.  I was on Paxil for about a year and told the doctor that I had lost my drive.  We had a six year old son at the time and we were thinking about having another child.  My doctor then placed me on Prozac.  Prozac kept me up at night, so I started taking Celexa.  Oh boy, I was on the prescription drug ride of my life!  Then came Effexor, Remeron, Seroquel.  I gained sixty eight pounds taking Seroquel.  Through this barrage of drugs I was given Ativan.  I would take a .5 mg's pill two or three times a month, nothing addictive yet.  When I stopped taking Seroquel, I started taking Ativan more frequently and before I knew it, I was taking 1mg pills four or five times a day.  I was hooked and headed down a bad road.  My dependency was so bad I would count my pills when the prescription was filled.  I knew something was wrong with me when I stayed up all night and sleep apnea begins to creep in.  I started becoming really depressed and my blood pressure started to rise.  I knew things had to change, so I started researching the effects of Ativan and what I needed to do to make it through the withdrawal process.  I told my doctor I wanted off Ativan.  He told me he wanted to wean me off the medication.  His so called taper program would probably have killed me.  I really started to focus (what focus I had) on my research and I found POINT OF RETURN.  From the minute I spoke with Terry, I was hooked on their program.  I followed the program to the letter.  I ended up reducing a bit quicker than I was suppose to, but Terry was there for me and the process began.  I know in my heart if it were not for Alesandra, Andrea, and Terry, I would probably not be alive today.  They would greet me with their assuring voices every time I called.  Their voices were like medicine to me.  I have been drug free for three years now and my life seems so much more fulfilled.  Thanks so much Alesandra, Andrea, and Terry.  You are, and will always be my saving angels!

Mark M. (CALIFORNIA) - Ativan

Wow, it is hard to know where to start.  Let me try!  It has been quite a long road, but well worth it.  I should probably start at the beginning.  I believe it was in 2006 when I started having some issues with anxiety.  My doctor put me on Prozac and Klonopin as a result.  After about one year on the meds, I decided that I wanted to stop taking them.  I spoke to the doctor and he was in favor of reducing the dose but did not support me stopping.  I tapered off them fully outside of his advice and within a few months, I was having issues with anxiety again.  He was furious with me for not listening, so I agreed to go back on the medication. His explanation of the relapse was that I just needed to be on medication and that was why I was having reoccurring issues.  He never spoke of the possibility of withdrawal, even when I brought it up.  After being back on them for quite a few months, I was not satisfied.  I just didn't feel that this path was what I needed to do.  I really didn't know what to do! 

After some intense prayer and searching, I found the POR website.  I read the information on the site and it immediately clicked that I was much like those on the website.  I had made two attempts in the past to come off the meds and was not successful. I was hesitant that there might be a solution for getting off the meds.  My doctor was frustrated with me and tried to convince me that I had a chemical imbalance and there was nothing I could do about it except take medication.  The doctor made me feel so helpless.  During this time, I felt so distant from the Lord and so focused on myself.  I did not realize how inwardly I was focused until recently.  I now realize that He was there the entire time. 

I emailed the POR website and got an answer back almost immediately.  As a matter of fact, I believe it was a phone call from Alesandra.  I went back and forth for a few weeks concerning the decision to start the program before I finally placed the first order.  I prayed so much and wanted to make sure it was the Lord's will for me to do.  I was scared, but also encouraged that I had a potential solution.  I must have emailed Alesandra two or three times a day for months after starting the program.  I was constantly checking with her on every twitch, ache, and feeling that I had.  She graciously helped me through it all.  I admire her patience and care and believe that she has a gift to help people. 

I tapered the Klonopin first and then the Prozac.  Over the course of approximately one year, I was free from both medications.  I have to admit, I did not always follow the protocol of the program.  For that, I did have some set backs.  That typically resulted in frantic emails to Alesandra looking for what to do.  Almost every time, I had missed some of the supplements or done something not recommended by the program.  I also was lacking faith. 

My advice to everyone reading is to follow the program exactly.  Do not try to make your own version or modify it without consulting with the people at POR who know.  I had such a desire to feel better, but frequently went my own way.  Believe me, save yourself some hardship and stay on the path that has been established. 

Also, have confidence that there is a way out.  Through my trial, I found the true faith I should have always had. 

I need to take time to acknowledge Alesandra, who was always there when I needed support.   I have emailed late nights, weekends, and other times and always got a quick response.  Believe me, I was very needy! Alesandra, thank you truly, from the bottom of my heart.  It is no doubt that God has you in the place where He wants you.  You have put so much of yourself into helping me when there was nothing in it for you but seeing me succeed.  I praise God that He worked through you to help me and all those who struggle with getting off the medications.  

I also thank God for answering my prayers to find answers and for strengthening my faith.  Our trials are designed to help us seek Him, not ourselves.  That is still something I have to remind myself.

I also need to thank the whole POR staff, including Terry and Andrea.  I called many times looking for help and always got an uplifting word or laugh.   

For those currently struggling, try the program.  Give the POR team a call or email. Also, find faith to help you through.  If you are a Christian, cling to Jesus!

Eric A. (NEW HAMPSHIRE) - Prozac, Klonopin

My experience with Point of Return is one of connecting with people (Alesandra, Teri and Andrea) who are caring , loving, and knowledgeable about the process of withdrawing from benzodizapines. The one on one support and nutritional products that I received from Point of Return gave me the fatih and strength that I needed to move through the process of withdrawal and recovery. Point of Return's up to date knowledge about the interactions of the drug with wahtever I was inclined to ingest saved me many times from taking something that would only intenseify my withdrawal sympotoms. I am deeply grateful for the support and reassurace that I have received and continue to receive from the staff at Point of Return.

Mary Ann T. (CALIFORNIA) - Ativan

Thirty years ago may have been the beginning of a down-hill spiral for me when I was put on antidepressants for a persistent nerve pain in my arms and hands. Amazingly they did stop the pain and because of my trust in our medical Dr./friend I thought I'd need this drug for rest of my life to correct the diagnosed chemical imbalance.

While on the Amipramine I had mood swings, dry mouth and a nightly three hour ritual of twitching and jerking. It was the end of the blissful deep sleep I had once known. Relocating to another state meant changing to another doctor and then another and another as I became discouraged with their inability to make me feel better. The first and only effort ever made with each new doctor was to change my antidepressant. I even had the degrading experience of a homeopathic Dr. tell me there wasn't anything more they could to for me. "O.K. what is wrong with me? I don't feel well. Am I going to wither up and die for no reason at all? Oh, yes, I have Fibromyalgia. It's causing the tiredness, muscle pain, acid reflux and sleep disorder.

Oh, thank goodness. My joins are wearing out. Now there is a real reason for the pain. The five joint replacements have been helpful but the diseased spine is still hard to deal with. The spinal injections haven't helped so I really don't know what to do next. Suffer and live with it I suppose. At this rate I may not want to see 70.

Five children and their spouses, fourteen grand children all live a thousand miles away and seldom come to visit. They are too busy with their own lives so I am doomed to die lonely in some facility because my husband won't be able to care for me as my mental and physical health diminish. They will keep me calm and quiet for a few years until I slip away."

GOD BLESS MY DAUGHTER, BARBIE, who so tenderly and cautiously questioned me about my antidepressants. "Mom, I have a friend who was really sick and taking several drugs but now she is off of them and she has a whole new life." "But I still have the pain and the Dr. said I have a chemical imbalance.I can't hardly ride in the car because the vibrations hurts me so bad. Dad does all of the housework and shopping." "Would you mind if my friend e-mailed or called you? "No, I don't' mind. I can listen or not listen."

That was the beginning of my journey to healing with POINT OF RETURN and my, now dear and precious, friend Alesandra. It has been one year this month of September since I began the program and today I am free of drugs. Free from Xanax which was causing me more Anxiety, Tramadol that caused more pain, Mirtazapine and Effexor. Even my stomach is healing and I have stopped the purple pill.

It hasn't been a bed or roses. It was hardest on my dear husband of 48 years. He is a saint you know. We are acting silly again just as we did years ago and we are still very much in love at the age of 66 and 70.

We hope to shorten the miles between us and our family by traveling more frequently. We have been blessed with a Great Granddaughter and we have yet to see and spoil her just a little. We just returned from Arizona where we reunited with two friends we had not seen or heard from in thirty years.

My grandchildren thought it was amazing to see photos of me (grandma) on a recent camping trip, standing up to the waist in a stream of water and fly fishing for trout. I'm a tough cookie sometimes and stubborn (they say) but I didn't know what a fighter I was until now that I look back on this past year andrealize that I never once thought about quitting the program.

Could it have something to do with Alesandra Rain , the program itself, the prayers I didn't know about. Yes, all of the above and more. I am dead set against the misuse of drugs and have always made a strong and lasting impression upon our children pertaining to them. For me to think that I was addicted to prescriptions drugs never entered my mind and would have horrified me.

Pain is no stranger to me so I am more compassionate to those who suffer than I use to be. I want to say clearly that I don't believe a laboratory cocktail of chemicals, compressed into a tiny pill, are natural to the human body and they are definitely not the answer to a healthy mind and body.

Laura S., (COLORADO) - Xanax, Mirtazapine, Effexor, Tramadol

I cannot clearly recall how I came across POINT OF RETURN; but I am certainly grateful that I did, because it was most definitely my point of return – to sanity. I was diagnosed with depression shortly after my mother passed away over 20 years ago. I was depressed all right…of that there is no doubt; however, I now know that I should have been given other ways of coping besides being prescribed drugs. At the time of my mother's death, I was a single mother and she was the only real support system I had. I was probably a bit too close to my mom and consequently, I took her death pretty hard. I left a job of 8 years and moved away from the city I was living in at that time, which is definitely not something I should have done. Nevertheless, following my doctor's advice, I went about changing a few things in my life, and took the antidepressants prescribed. Over the years, I was given an assortment of antidepressants; Desipramine, Prozac a couple others thrown in for good measure (the names of which I can't remember now) and finally the doctors settled on Effexor. It was never recommended that I seek any kind of grief counseling nor was I told how harmful making major decisions in my life could be…but…thank God; it is all behind me now.

After a few years of taking antidepressants, I started to question my doctor about why I couldn't come off them because in fact, it had been so many years. I was repeatedly told not to worry about it – they were not addictive – and I just needed to accept that I was one of those people that have a brain chemistry that doesn't properly supply the serotonin levels I need to live a normal life. If I were a diabetic, I was asked, would I not take insulin?

About 3 years ago, I went away on a long weekend shopping trip with a girlfriend and I accidentally forgot my Effexor at home. I didn't think that much of it until near the end of the second day. I couldn't focus on anything; I had a pounding headache and ringing in my ears; I felt like I had vertigo. It was the most awful experience I'd had since I couldn't remember when. Everything was just spinning. I didn't equate the feelings I was experiencing to any kind of withdrawal until I went to a clinic on the 3rd day because I knew I wasn't going to be able to drive and I had to get home. It was then that I was told that my body was reacting to not having the Effexor . It was a very frightening experience and I knew that I wanted to be drug free from that point on. I tried on a couple of occasions to wean myself off of the effexor to no avail. I started to seek out information about antidepressants and withdrawal symptoms and I started to read a great deal of information on cognitive therapy for depression as well as potential alternatives to prescription drugs. I guess I stumbled across the POR site during this research stage and decided to ask a few questions about how the program worked.

I kept going back to the POINT OF RETURN site and read the information over and over again and I finally mustered up the courage to contact them. It was a Saturday or Sunday evening that I sent an email and I just about fell out of my chair when Alesandra responded within the hour! I was impressed! I kept in touch with Alesandra by email for a couple of days back and forth and it was obvious that she knew exactly what she was talking about and she quickly gained my trust and respect. I ordered the withdrawal system and anxiously awaited its arrival. The day I received the package, I read Alesandra's book, "Deeds of Trust" in one sitting. I was amazed by what she had been through and knew in my heart that if she could survive that kind of pain and anguish, I could certainly work through my 'stuff'. I slowly started taking the nutrients, as recommended, and picked up the Natren probiotics. I built up my courage and made an appointment with my doctor to let him know that I wanted to go on the POR program. I was very worried that he wouldn't accept my request because of my attempts to get off of antidepressants previously, but I kept in contact with the POR forum and got a script in my head so I could tackle any questions he might have. I read through the POINT OF RETURN doctor's information booklet provided as well and had highlighted certain areas of the book that I thought would quickly convince him that their system was based on sound research. He kept the booklet with him and told me to re-book another appointment while he went through its contents and thought about my request. In between this initial appointment and the follow up; I was taking the POR nutrients & probiotics. I also picked up some excellent Omega 3 oil (vegetarian brand as I am allergic to any seafood/shellfish) and sought out a compounding pharmacist in my area.

I was pleasantly surprised when I had my next doctor's visit. He not only said he would allow me to do the program; but he also asked if he could share the information I provided him with, amongst his colleagues. So…off I went…prescription in hand.

I followed the POINT OF RETURN program religiously and stayed on the private forum (mostly reading at first) to keep focused. Alesandra would speak with me one on one via email when I had some struggles through the titration and as usual, she was my faithful angel. I know that I will still have days (and nights) where I feel sadness creep up on me…but I also know that I will have days of joy and peace that I could never have had on the anti-depressant medications. I felt flat. Life had no pizzazz! I have tears now and then; but I know now how to cope. I pamper myself with a bubble bath, read a good book, watch a comedy or a romantic love story and of course, keep myself well-stocked with SUPPORT.

My heartfelt thanks to all of the POINT OF RETURN team – the group of participants that provide emotional support on the forum – and most of all – to Alesandra.

 K ellia A. (CANADA) - Effexor

My journey started 7 years ago when I started having severe sleeping problems. I started taking Tylenol PM, graduated to Benadryl, and after that didn't work, I then went to the Doctor. He prescribed Sonata, which gave me horrific nightmares, then we tried a few more that made me vomit, and finally, we settled on Restoril. I was on 7.5 mg of Restoril for a few years, and after a traumatic experience in my life, the Restoril stopped working. I can remember the Restoril was working on and off during that last year, so I really wasn't getting restful sleep then, either. Well, after the life-threatening event that I went through, I went to the Doctor again, and told him the Restoril wasn't working. When I refused to go on Antidepressants, he sent me to a neurologist, whose main specialty was Sleep Disorders. It took a few weeks to get in and during that time, I had to go to the Emergency room because of a 14 day period of no sleep. My body just went crazy, not to mention my mind. After they gave me an IV of Valium, I went home and slept that night, but the problem was still there. I continued on the same path of getting no sleep.

I had acupuncture, hypnotist, chiropractors, therapist, naturopathic Doctors and any other type of Doctor you name, try to figure me out. After I finally got into the neurologist, we did a sleep study and it was determined that I had Insomnia…… Wow, What a revelation!!!!!! The neurologist put me on Klonopin. At that point, I said okay, because I was desperate and knew nothing about the drug. After being on the drug about 2 months, I questioned him about not feeling like myself and not liking how I felt and he said "You are not yourself and you have to stay on the Klonopin". That remark gave me no comfort. I stayed on it as he directed, but my soul was fighting it all the way. It gave me sleep for a while, and then quit working. After a year and ½ of being on it, I went back to the Doctor and again expressed my concerns and he said, "If you get off that medication, don't come back to my office". I then said, well, how can I get off of it? And he said, just quit taking it tonight. Well, needless to say I never came back to that Doctor. I did a lot of research and found out that Klonopin is a hard drug to quit.

After a year of trying to get off of it and many research, I finally came across the POINT OF RETURN Program. What a Godsend! I started the supplement in Apri and within a few months, I was off the Klonopin. YES!!!!!!! I had a lot of support from Alesandra and the other staff members, which I cherish so deeply. It was so great to have a support system and other people going through the same thing I was. I still talk with Alesandra and enjoy her advice on other things. I know God had her go through her ordeal, so she could fulfill her purpose in this life. I am so grateful for her and the whole POR staff. I can't explain how thankful I am to be off that "monster" drug. After I got off of it, was when I realized how bad I actually was. I can't believe that I was such a different person. Even after a few days of being off of it, my feelings started coming back. I was numb and detached from my family the whole time I was on it. My personality had totally changed and I was just existing. Now, I see that my eyes were clouded for those years I was on it. I still have my struggles, but I am here to say that I am so ecstatic that I'm not on Klonopin and I never want to see that drug again. Taking care of my body and continuing with the nutrients has really helped me.

I know for certain, that God directed me to this program, and He gave me the grace to get through the whole withdrawal process, by providing me with his protection, their nutrients and support from POINT OF RETURN. Thank you so much for all your help……I will continue taking products because they help so much!

Jennifer D., (FLORIDA) - Klonopin

I was living a normal life.  I had just started a new relationship after 4 years of divorce.  My son (7) and daughter (14) were the center of my life.  Then, I got sick….a simple sinus infection.  I was prescribed an antibiotic and that's where it all went wrong.  Within 4 days I was having extreme stomach pain, diarrhea, throwing up and extreme pain in my neck.  I was sent to the ER for a test to rule out a blocked artery in my neck (it came back negative, but scared me to death).  The MD then put me on Motrin 800, Protonix and Ativan .5mg when needed (the Ativan was to calm my stomach)…..that was the start of the biggest struggle I ever went through.  I felt good for about 2 weeks then I started having problems with balance, eyesight, stomach, ringing in ears, depression, hot flashes, increased anxiety….I'm sure I left something out but let's just say, it was awful.  I went back to the MD and he increased the Ativan to .5mg 3 times per day.  This caused even more of the same symptoms.  I made several trips to the ER.  They tested me for everything….I was told I had a bacterial infection and was prescribed more antibiotics.  This didn't help at all.  I was slowly dwindling and couldn't take care of me, get to work, take care of my children.  My Mom came to stay with me for a few weeks.  That helped but the symptoms were worsening.  Mom and my boyfriend said you need to get off all the stuff they have you on.….  I went back to the MD and told him I want off it all.  He said it was not the Ativan and wanted to put me on Cymbalta.  I refused and tried to taper on my own.  That didn't work.  It was too late. 

I then found POR and started the program.  Although I felt better….had ups and downs…..I was tapering too quickly.  I ended up back at the ER.  They suggested an outpatient program.  I attended that for 8 weeks.  I struggled going each day.  They wanted me on several different types of meds.  Each time I spoke to Alesandra.  Each time I refused to take what they prescribed. My Mom came back to stay with me and my boyfriend was at my side every day.  I couldn't sleep at all.  I couldn't eat (lost 30 pounds in 2 months).  The therapy did help.  I think mostly because it got me out of the house and I started to research a lot about Ativan.  I had to have 8 polyps removed (3 pre-cancerous) and I thought for sure that was causing it all.  Wrong, it was still the Ativan.  I took 4 weeks off at work and started the POR again and stuck to it.  I got a compounding prescription and tapered each week.  I had good days and bad days.  I got through it though.  I know when I was in deep depression, soaring with anxiety, feeling like I couldn't go on….I never thought I would be back to me again.  I survived with the help of Alesandra, Andrea and Terry.  Each time I made a mistake, they gave me direction on how to fix it.  Thank God they had faith in me.  I thank God everyday when I wake that I never have to live through that again.  I am now almost 3 months free of Ativan.  I spent this summer living a happy normal life.  I feel better now then I did before this all happened to me.  I will never/ever take anything again.  It's a shame most people don't find POR until they are hooked on something horrible a MD told them would help. 

Thanks to all that were there for me and helping me get through this adventure.  I couldn't have done it without all of you.  The forums were my life line.  POR staff (big hugs) thank you for getting me back.  My children, my boyfriend and family thank you. 

Bev F., (PENNSYLVANIA) - Ativan

This dark chapter of my life began in 2004 when my mother's breast cancer returned and metastasized. It was a terminal illness which I refused to accept. I spent every day of her nine month battle crying and angry at God. During this time my doctor suggested that I take anti-depressants, but I would not hear of it because I was not going to do anything that would help me feel better when my mother was slipping away from me. After she passed away, I agreed to take Lexapro because my Dr. said that the depression that I was experiencing was a true medical condition and needed to be treated with medication just like any other medical condition would be treated. She said it was totally safe and non-addicting. It never crossed my mind to question her or doubt a word she said because after all, she was a professional. Initially, I felt so much better that I even encouraged my younger sister to take Lexapro since she too was feeling depressed.

As time passed, I began to feel many symptoms such as aches, tingling, and palpitations. When I mentioned this to my Dr., she suggested that I increase my dosage, but I refused. Throughout this time I saw several specialists because I was very worried about my symptoms, but no one ever found anything. It was very frustrating. None of the doctors ever considered a possible link between my symptoms and Lexapro, and neither did I. However, I was beginning to worry because if I missed a dose, I would get awful brain zaps. I didn't know what this strange feeling was and I couldn't even describe it to my doctor.

This was when I began to worry that I was becoming dependent on this drug, but when I asked the doctor about long-term effects she would simply reiterate that it was absolutely safe to take these drugs for life. So I began to get used to the idea that my symptoms were caused by my depression, not the medicine, and that I was going to have to take this drug for the rest of my life.

I later began to experience uncontrollable twitching all over my body and decided to see a different doctor hoping that maybe this person would finally pinpoint what was causing these strange symptoms. I was also embarrassed and afraid to go to my Dr. with more symptoms because I thought surely this time she would just call me a hypochondriac. Much to my dismay, the new doctor did not show much concern about my twitches, but was outraged that my Dr. had kept me on Lexapro for four years. He said that anti-depressants should only be used temporarily and he asked me to stop cold-turkey. I immediately expressed my fear about doing this, but he asked me to trust him. He was actually a bit harsh and used the analogy of a child walking around dragging his blanket and sucking his thumb to describe what I was doing by taking Lexapro. I left his office astounded that two Dr.'s could have a completely different view about the same medication but, in my desperation to be free from all my strange symptoms I decided to trust yet another doctor.

On the seventh day after I stopped taking Lexapro, I experienced terrible withdrawal symptoms. I was wailing, shaking uncontrollably, and very nauseated. My husband yelled at me to just take the medicine while my three girls watched frightfully from a distance not understanding what was happening. This was when the harsh and scary reality struck me. I was addicted to this prescription drug and without it I could not function, but I had my three girls to take care of, I was working on my master's degree, and was the teacher of 23 first graders so, I got back on Lexapro. A few minutes after I took this drug, my symptoms began to vanish, but then I began to burn up inside from the immense anger I was feeling against the medical community for inadvertently causing such harm to their patients.

I wrote a letter to the FDA informing them of my situation and expressing my concerns. I received an acknowledgment of my letter, but nothing else. I realized that just the way a cocaine addict needed help to be freed from his addiction; I too needed professional help. I prayed to the Lord for mercy and guidance and began a search on the internet. I found that I was not the only one who was experiencing this dependency. This gave me a sense of relief, but also much disappointment in the medical community.

I found an organization that sounded very encouraging so I explored their website, but found their plan to be a bit complicated. Regardless of this apparent complication they were a light at the end of the tunnel so I sent an e-mail. Someone attempted to contact me, but for a while we seemed to be playing phone tag. We just couldn't get in touch.

It was then that I found POINT OF RETURN. Unlike the other place, after I submitted my e-mail, I was speaking to someone in a matter of minutes, and when I talked to Alesandra, I felt an immediate sense of relief that someone understood exactly what was happening to me. I was no longer alone in my crazy battle with this drug! I will be honest and say that I was a bit skeptical and feared that I would be throwing my money away and would remain with my dependency forever. My husband questioned the expense that I was about to make, but I told him that my only options were to either try the program and pray that it worked or to do nothing at all and remain forever on that drug that was making me sick.

With a combination of skepticism and hope I sent out for the POR program. I eagerly followed the instructions and waited patiently until the process unfolded and the day finally came when I took the last drop of that dreadful medication. I will be forever grateful to God for leading me to POINT OF RETURN and to Alesandra for holding my hand every step of the way!

Laura G. (TEXAS) - Lexapro

Last February I went to a walk-in clinic because of some upper respiratory problems.  After examining me, the attending physician prescribed Levaquin (750 mg. for 5 days).  After taking the medicine, I immediately began to experience insomnia.  This went on for almost a week.  After not sleeping for 6 or 7 days, I began to self-medicate...melatonin, Benadryl, etc.  I continued to struggle with sleep for weeks.  After reading online that Magnesium could "flush out" the Levaquin, I purchased some and took it. That night I experienced a rapid heart rate and a panic attack. The next morning I went to see my doctor thinking that I had an emotional issue.  He put me on Xanax. The Xanax did help me to sleep so I did not worry about it.  Some 3 months later my doctor told me that he wanted me to get off of the Xanax.  I began to attempt to wean myself off of the Xanax but was unable to do so.  Another doctor suggested that I wean off of the Xanax by taking Lunesta.  I managed to wean off of the Xanax but then when I tried to wean off of the Lunesta - I was unable to sleep.  I knew that I was in trouble and did not know what to do.  I got online to try to find out if anyone could help me to wean off of the Lunesta.

I found POINT OF RETURN (POR) . I called and talked to a most wonderful and patient woman called Alesandra. She was so reassuring, especially regarding my total sense of panic. She answered my questions and most importantly gave me hope.

Over the next several months, I took the POR supplements. What was so critical was learning that I needed to have the Lunesta compounded. This made all of the difference. In addition to this there was a constant trail of e-mails back and forth to POR.  Alesandra was prompt and patient with my endless list of questions. Her support was as critical as the nutrients as she calmed my fears of ever recovering from this mess.

I cannot thank POR and especially Alesandra enough for all of her help and encouragement. Because of her and POR, I am returning to a normal life. If you find yourself in a situation like I was in, please contact POR.  And most importantly, do what they say.  They absolutely know what they are talking about. I don't know where else you can turn than to a group like POR.

As far as I am concerned, besides the struggle getting off of the meds, I needed hope.  And I got that hope from POINT OF RETURN. Alesandra, please know how much I thank you for your constant support, encouragement and direction throughout this entire process.  I am so glad to know that you are there to help those of us who have struggled with addictive medicines.

Pastor Jim B. (TENNESSEE) - Xanax, Lunesta

My story began 14 years ago when my husband and I moved our family to Eastern Europe to do Missionary Work.  It seemed immediately upon my arrival I started struggling with Insomnia.  I consulted an American Doctor who was there in the same country working to set up a medical clinic.  She recommended several drugs that I took for a time, but none of them seemed to help.  The medicines available in this country at that time were limited and older medications and they were all available over the counter. If you knew the name of the drug you wanted you just went to the pharmacy and purchased it, no prescription was necessary.  I tried Valium and Amitriptyline.  Neither of them worked very well.  They seemed to slow my heart and cause me to want to sleep all day.  But I never felt rested, just drugged.  After a couple of years without a solution, I felt I needed to return to the states to see a Doctor and try to get at the bottom of this problem.  I felt there had to be an answer. 

When I saw the Doctor I tried to explain some of the factors that I thought were contributing to my insomnia or were possibly at the root of it.  He said that he didn't need to know all that.  He proceeded to give me a prescription and said if this one medication didn't work he had several we could try and for sure one of them would work.  The one that he thought might be best was a newer medication called Remeron. 

I returned overseas and things began to smooth out for me.  It seemed that the prescription worked like magic.   I realized that I did experience some side effects but they were not as bad as the insomnia so I over looked them.  Because of our lifestyle of living overseas we would return to the states every 2 years and then for just the summer.  I would bring a years supply of my medication back with me and then in the off year I would have someone bring it over to me. 

I had been on Remeron for about 7 years, when I began to have problems.  It began in the fall of 2003 about a month after I had started a new prescription.  It was a generic form of Remeron. This was the first time I had taken Remeron in generic.  I started having a nightly recurrence of insomnia, usually a gap of about 3 hours.  Since we were still overseas I went back to the American Doctor who had helped me before.  She had been prescribing my Remeron recently and was my closest link to help.  She recommended that I increase the dosage to see if that would help.  We worked together for 4 months trying to resolve the insomnia but to no avail.  Finally in February 2004, out  of frustration,  she suggested that I stop taking the Remeron altogether.  I questioned her, "You mean like just stop it tomorrow?" She said,  "Yes.  It isn't working and besides it will be out of your system in a week."

That was when my nightmare began.  I was fine for several days and then about day 4 my body went berserk.  I was working in our apartment one minute, and the next moment I threw open our front door and was running barefoot downstairs.  I don't know what came over me.  I didn't know what I was doing.  I ran to a neighbor's apartment.  My heart was beating very rapidly and I was having trouble speaking.  Something was really wrong.   She called the American Doctor who said to get a dosage of Remeron back into my body immediately.  We began a process over the next days of trying to get this chemical back into my system as quickly and safely as possible to counteract the withdrawal effects. 

I went back on the Remeron but that didn't seem to be much of a solution.  My body was reeling from the abrupt stopping and starting of the drug.  Because of the abrupt withdrawal I now had a host of other problems.  Not the least of which was heart racing, seizures, panic, depression, anxiety, brain zaps, paranoia etc. I was terrified.  My life had been turned upside down and I was trying to hang on. It was recommended I take new medications to control the withdrawal symptoms.  They included beta-blockers for the heart racing, anti seizure medicine, Ambien for sleep, other antidepressants, and Xanax for panic.  Over all I ended up taking at least 8 different medicines to try to fix the withdrawal symptoms.  All I knew was that I wanted off this Remeron.  I knew it was no longer working and now I had a whole host of other problems.

At this point my American Doctor came up with a 6 week taper.  It didn't seem like things could get worse but going completely off of Remeron again intensified everything. I started having trouble functioning.  I was trying to hang in there as I was just 2 months away from my oldest son's High School graduation in June and then we would be going back to the states as a family.  About a month before graduation, it became apparent that I needed medical intervention beyond what I could receive where I was living.  I was so sick and fragile that waiting was not an option.   I love to travel and had made many trips by myself, but this time was different.  I couldn't travel alone. God provided a friend who escorted me home for the 15-hour journey to the states.  I don't remember much about the trip only that I cried most of it.  I just remember people staring and all I could do was cry.

I entered an inpatient program at a counseling center.  I saw counselors every day Monday through Friday, sometimes several times a day.  I saw medical Doctors and a Psychiatrist.  Not much was getting any better.  I felt so strange, like I was losing touch with reality.  I began to feel like everything was closing in on me.  I couldn't be in a room with a closed door and whenever I was in my apartment I had to keep the doors open.  I started having suicidal thoughts also.  When I voiced these feelings to the counselor, they insisted I had to go back on the Remeron.  They told me that all of these symptoms were telling me that I needed to be on this medicine.  I was too confused to argue.So after 9 months of hell and stopping and starting Remeron twice, I found myself back on it again.  Because my health had taken such a beating and I was emotionally fragile we felt that we should resign our post overseas.  We were reeling from the ordeal.  We spent the next year just trying to put the pieces back together.  It took me that long to get some semblance of normality back in my body.  I had so many questions.  What had happened to me?  What went wrong?  It would be 4 more years on Remeron before I had my answers.

In that time I tried to quit Remeron on my own several times.  I had researched information and understood that my previous withdrawal attempts had been too rapid and that I needed to withdraw more slowly.  I would try to cut pills and this didn't seem to work.  I couldn't seem to get them uniform.  I even tried to cut pills and then came up with an elaborate schedule of my own taper.  On alternating nights I would reduce the dosage by cutting pills.  My idea was to do it slowly and consistently.  This too did not work.

I began to resign myself to the idea that I was stuck on this medicine.  This medicine controlled my life and I knew without God's intervention if I ever got separated from my medicine for more than a few days that I most likely wouldn't survive.

In December of 2007 things were going along normally when I began to experience withdrawal symptoms again.  I thought what is going on? I am not trying to withdraw.  I remembered when I picked up my prescription I noticed it was cheaper than usual.  I went to the bottle and sure enough my Pharmacy had switched manufacturers.  I thought this is crazy.  I felt so vulnerable.  How could some generics work for me, and others not work and throw me into withdrawal!  I was scared.  As I thought about it I wondered if this could have been the same manufacturer that produced the Generic Remeron that began all my problems in the Fall of 2003?

Now more than anything I wanted a way out, but I didn't see an imminent solution….

But GOD….

In September of 2008 while at our public library getting books for a trip my husband was taking, I noticed they had a bin of magazines with a sign "Free."  I don't usually have time to read magazines but some of them had never been opened and were still in the plastic mailer.  I grabbed a couple thinking while my husband was gone I would have time to look at them.  Several nights later I picked one up to look at an article advertised on front about exercise when my eyes landed on an article entitled "Are GenericDrugs Safe?" (Prevention Magazine Feb. 2008).   As I read the article I was stunned to realize that what I had thought possibly had caused my problems I now believed to be the source.  Generic medicines are not monitored, as they should be.  They are often not as strong or potent as the name brand drug.  As I read I became convinced that this was why I experienced withdrawal and the host of other problems that escalated from the generic drug.  Even though I had suspected it, to have it confirmed in my hands in print after so many years was sobering.

After reading the article I thought what do I do?  I initially thought that I just needed to get back on the name brand of the drug, but when I researched it and realized how expensive it was I thought this isn't my solution.  I would still be a slave to this drug.  I continued to research everything I could on the Internet about Remeron and drug withdrawal.  I came across several posts where people said taking Remeron was very similar to smoking marijuana.  This was sobering to me as I have 2 sons who had been arrested in the past year for possession of Marijuana.  I know we are each responsible for our own actions.  However, if there was any connection between Remeron and marijuana I did have to wonder if my addiction to a legal drug had opened a door for them to abuse an illegal one.  I didn't want there to be any kind of link for them to use drugs, legal or otherwise.  I knew at that point that no matter what the outcome I had to get free.

In that process God directed me to the POINT OF RETURN website.  I sat mesmerized by the testimonials.  I couldn't believe that I wasn't alone.  I called my husband who was 3,000 miles away and shared with him how God had spoken through the magazine article and the research.  I cried as I spoke with him.  God hadn't forgotten me and was making a way for my freedom and healing.

I began the POINT OF RETURN Withdrawal Program in October 2008 and finished it in March 2009.  I followed it religiously.  The supplements really worked.  I had some side effects but the protocols in the manual were my guide and I adjusted things as issues came up.  I appreciated the warmth and kindness of the POINT OF RETURN staff and the promptness of their replies.  Withdrawal can put you in a fragile and vulnerable place and they understand that.

Knowing they were just a phone call or email away gave me such confidence.  For the most part of the program I didn't need any extra assistance.  Since finishing the taper I have had some insomnia and I have emailed Alesandra.  She has given me some suggestions.  I have so appreciated her kindness and support.  She is helping me over some rough spots with insomnia and her encouragement has been invaluable.

I know that my body is still healing.  Withdrawal is a process that doesn't just end after you take your last dosage.   After 12 years on the medication it will take some time to heal but the worst is past.

I am grateful to God for His provision and help in this process and for leading me to the POR program.  What the enemy of my soul has meant for evil, God will take and use for Good.

I love what author Graham Cooke has to say, "Father, Thank You for favor and vengeance combined.  That, in our freedom in Christ, You not only deliver us from being victims but You give us a ministry in the very area where we have been robbed and ashamed.  Everyone that we in turn set free is a sign of our payback on the enemy.  To destroy the works of the devil is the evidence of Your power at work."

Bless You!!

Nancy R. (CALIFORNIA) - Remeron

Thank you, Alesandra, for both your wonderful program and your kindness. Thank goodness helping others recover from their own personal version of medicated hell is your calling.

I have been on and off of some sort of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and sleeping pill for the majority of my adult life. I finally decided that I had to find a better way. The thought of going cold turkey off of Cymbalta, Ambien and Xanax scared me to death...knowing of the difficulty going off of these particular medications. I know....I had tried before! I scoured the internet for help and support, and found Point of Return by chance. I felt a sense of calm come over me and I just knew this was going to change my life.

I emailed Alesandra at about 11:00 pm, and received a call from her by 9:00 am the next morning. Just hearing her voice and knowing how much she cared, and believed in the program made me feel better. My product arrived a day later. The healing began.

I am proud to say I have been completely med free for 5 months. It works. The program continues to work. And, if I have a bad moment, the POR team is an email or phone call away.


Pamela W. (CALIFORNIA) - Cymbalta, Ambien, Xanax

Three years ago when I started taking Citalopram for depression I had no idea that when I decided to go off of it, my body would have such a bad reaction. My family Doctor tried twice to taper me off and failed, finally trying to put me back to original dosage to try and relieve symptoms. That didn't work either so he prescribed Lorazepam as needed for anxiety. The whole point was to be rid of unnecessary medications. My life turned into a frightening haze of severe anxiety, physical sickness, depression, hopelessness and the distinct feeling that I was going crazy! I have never had anything so scary happen to me in my whole 57 years of life. Then my husband found the POR Program and I had hope. My horrible symptoms slowly got better. I took very good notes as to what was going on so that I could assist the POR staff in answering my questions. I was afraid at the beginning that I would NEVER feel like myself again. I was beside myself with worry about my family and how they would cope without me.

Now, 3 ½ months later, I am amazed at how my body and mind have come back with the help of these products. I have so appreciated the moderators help and loving care during these months. They helped me to realize that I haven't been the only one with these frightening feelings to try and cope with. They let me know that I WOULD recover in time and feel myself again. With a lot of patience, diligence and especially prayer, I am well on my way to being the person I was before this drug took part of my life from me. I will never forget this experience. Thank you so much, Point of Return (POR) staff.

Terri S., (OREGON) - Citalopram

Life for me now is just so busy with a wife, raising three teenagers, running a remodeling business and now just started a cabinet shop. Life today sure is not what it was 6 months ago or even 1, 2 or 3 years ago – as you know!!  I'm just sorry that I haven't shared my story until now.

My road to recover started at least 4 years ago when I was surfing the web one evening trying to find a way out from what the doctors were telling me. They said I would be on medications for depression and anxiety for the rest of my life! I ran onto a site called POINT OF RETURN. I started reading all the info and was very unsure of what I was reading, but I decided to call.

Andrea answered the phone and as we talked, I finally realized that you understood what I was going through better than anyone else did for the past 7 years – including my psychologist, psychiatrist, counselors, etc… It still amazes me how you picked up that I was struggling with suicide when I didn't even tell you or hint of it. Other symptoms included 20-30 panic attacks a day, weight gain that I couldn't loose, swelling and on and on. 

God used you to save my life in more ways than one. The doctors had me so drugged up, that I felt like a robot with no emotion or feeling. Once I started the program, I gradually started to fell better. The thoughts of suicide began to leave. Within 4 months, I was off the antidepressant medication (REMERON). The Klonopin was a lot slower. It was so neat to hear my wife say, "Wow, you are beginning to care about me and the kids again and life in general!"  Taste, hearing, smell, sight – all started to return. One year later, I was able to get off of disability after 7 long years. Today, May 1-, 2009; things are great compared to what they were!!!  Does that mean no problems? NO, but I have no thoughts of suicide for years now, I had only one panic attack in 4-6 months, my energy is great – even when I only get 4-5 hours of sleep. Before I slept 8 – 10 hours or more and still couldn't get going. I have no more swelling; my weight was around 210 – 220, now I'm 160 – 170.

I have a Christian band called Prepare the Way. Before to get up to perform in front of an audience was torture with panic attacks - now I'm just a little nervous with the ability to control it and I started to enjoy performing.

The most important thing of all is, that God helped me every step of the way. He used Andrea and others to help me. Thank you Andrea and everyone at POINT OF RETURN from me, my wife Debbie, Tim, Austin & Faith. We love you all!!!!

Wayne S. (ARKANSAS) - Klonopin, Remeron

After the birth of my third baby some twenty-six years ago, I was given antidepressants for post partum depression.  Since then I have been on many different meds as they tend to lose their effectiveness and you have to try something new. Two years ago I was put on Cymbalta by my psychiatrist and I must say I felt fabulous on it. After two years on it however, I began to have severe hay fever symptoms that got worse and worse. Finally my eyes got so bad that nothing stopped them from itching and I knew that the med was the only thing different in the last two years that I had done in my life. I had to quit the Cymbalta. I tapered carefully and got off fairly easily until it finally left my system about 45 days later. Then I began to crash. June of 2008.

The doctor put me on Lexapro and within five days I was a bundle of anxiety. I wanted to jump out of my skin it was so bad. In a panic I stopped the Lexapro and took my usual dose of Cymbalta. That’s when a nuclear bomb went off in my brain. I was a mess. I had anxiety, depression and disturbing thoughts. When I went to the doctor he sent me home with sleeping pills, Xanax and Abilify. I went home and threw it all in the trash and knew there was another way. That is when I found POINT OF RETURN.

I got the program and began a painfully difficult recovery because I was a protracted client. I had quit these meds quickly. The anxiety was huge, depression would come and go and sleep left all together. As a result of lack of sleep and all the stress of recovery adrenal fatigue set in and to add insult to injury menopause raised its ugly head. I still have a t-shirt that says, “I’m still hot. It just comes in flashes.”

Well there I am. My brain is off line, my hormones are tanking and sleep left me all together. Easily the worst year of my life. Not even a husband nearly dying of cancer and a child on hard drugs for years but who is now doing fabulous was worse then this.

I tried the wrong hormone treatment for 4 months before I discovered that my body doesn’t like extra progesterone. It makes me more depressed. I switched to an estrogen patch and within six weeks was so much better. Finally, things have started to come together.

I have really focused on good nutrition. I eat very little sugar and take vitamin D3 and C in addition to the products from Point of Return. Whenever things weren’t going well, I would call Alley and she would find what I had added that was stirring things up.

The staff has been so great. Alley has been such a guiding light for me to cheer me on and give me hope. 

I thought I would never sleep again and I hated watching the clock drag on hour by hour all night long. I honestly thought I would die from lack of sleep. Those days were so painful to endure. Now they are gone just as Alley said. I am sleeping well. I take hops, lemon balm, Vitamin C and Tryptophan, which you can only after you finish the program.

The anxiety is under control. I found a program on the Internet call “Panic Away” that I loved.  Depression is under control with the use of Vitamin D and Omega 3 tabs and Tryptophan.

The last piece of the puzzle is the adrenal fatigue. Alley said that too will pass and so far she is always right. I am not a patient person and taking months to heal has been hard for me but if I can recover as well as Alley it will be worth it.

I am grateful to have my brain back and am looking forward to getting my body back.

Depression is hell and I know my family has a genetic predisposition for it. I had a brother who also struggled with it and was so over-medicated that he fell asleep at the wheel and was killed in the car crash that followed. His diet was bad and he drink tons of diet pop and I know he could have had a much better life if he had known of the POINT OF RETURN program.

Doctors don’t have all the answers and as my husband, a doctor, says, “If you are a hammer everything looks like a nail.” Go to a psychiatrist and he’ll send you home with pills. I feel nutrition and exercise are better sources for help.

I wish that 26 years ago I could have had a better care and had been spared so much misery. Maybe the future will be a blood test to check your DNA and blood and prescribe the vitamins and minerals you lack, not a boatload of meds.

Thank you Alley, Andrea and Terry for all of your patience and kindness. We in a fragile state need your extra kindness. You are so professional and such a well-run company.

Thank you for all you have done for me and my road to recovery. April 2009 .  

Betty G.
(UTAH) - Prozac

Let me say, A big Thank You to Point of Return. You and Terry were such a great support for me. The products that you offer are the BEST. So pure and natural. I know without them the withdrawal from Nortriptyline and Ativan would have been very miserable. The books that go with the program were VERY helpful, a must have! I feel great, sleeping just fine. So good to be drug FREE!!!!


Many Blessings,

Morgan M., (IDAHO) - Ativan

I just wanted to say thank you! Also, I love your product/program ... my life is definitely changing for the better. I haven't felt this good for many YEARS.

Love, Melissa B. (INDIANA)

Just wanted to share a little of my progress and how your supplements have helped me. Last July I started to get off Celexa (had been on it for five years) because I had lost all of my drive and passion for life. I bought your books, read them and took the supplements. Gradually my ability to focus came back. My mind felt powerful and steady again. As of September 26 I have been free of Celexa entirely. So it is now almost 5 months.

All sorts of interests resurfaced. Yes I did feel impatient and irritated but it turned out I had many reasons to feel this way and the anti-depressant had lulled me into a foolish la la land. These drugs are lethal and no one tells you how awful it is to get off them nor the long term effects that they have.

Combined with several other aids I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. I'm still struggling with dry eye but I'm going to try flax seed oil. I also have twinges of arthritis that I never had before but am hoping that as I go on I will be able to address this as well. The most precious thing is that my mind at last feels normal - not buffeted by anxiety, depression and a frozen feeling when emotions come up. Now I feel a whole spectrum of emotions but they feel appropriate to reality. I used to always question: is it what is happening or is it just my mind. That was such a frustrating way to live.

It's quite a journey. I never thought it would be so wonderful. When I think back that since I was about 20 years old I have battled with bouts of depression - and it has taken me this long to find real answers. I am 59 years old. I had years of therapy and I'm sure some of that helped. But to be honest I think the problem was in my body and I have had to heal my body with supplements, vitamins, good food and exercise. I've decided to put the health of my body absolutely first. I've found that it is a spiritual journey for me and that the state of my body profoundly affects my mind and spiritual state.

Thank you so much for your work. This is very important and needed. Many thanks and many good wishes. Please keep up your good work. You are helping many many people......thank you again!

Christine B. (OREGON) - Celexa

I wanted to write to you and tell you how much better I am and to thank you for your help. Terry has been a great help and encouragement to me and has walked me through this process along with your guidance. I have gone from a tossing, turning, frustrated sleeper to resting comfortably now each night. My biggest hurdle to overcome was getting to sleep each night. I am an "A" type intensive driver and I swim about 2-3 miles a week. I am a high school math teacher and my daily schedule is teaching 3 honors math classes to 9-12 graders. As you can see I need my sleep...if I am not rested and ready for all 65 of them each day it shows! Most nights I would toss and turn for an hour or so trying to relax into sleep with no success.If I got to sleep I would wake up and then dread the process of trying to get back to sleep again. Medication does not affect me much...I never feel drowsy from medicine...I just feel drowsy from not getting the sleep!

I began this process with 2 T of the Support at night and 2 Relax pills. I have progressed to taking one Relax pill each night now. I am usually to sleep within 15 minutes of going to bed after doing some reading in bed. I get up once a night to go to the bathroom and then I am back to sleep. I am THRILLED to be getting even 5-6 hours of sleep. It does not take as much rest for me to keep going as it does Jim but I do need some! Thank you for your support. A year ago I never thought that I would be here! You have been an encouragement and a great help. Jane B.

I am generally feeling like I have better clarity of thought, my mood is lighter and I have more energy. I don't know if this is just a psychological reaction because I feel like I have some hope now to escape the effects of these drugs or if what I am feeling is actually real. Yesterday though I had a brief bit of anxiety over the upcoming withdrawal process. I have been reading your book and the documenting of your withdrawal process and memories of when I quit Paxil cold turkey came flooding back. I realize now that everything will be fine because of the supplements, and your program and support. I truly thank GOD for leading me to your website, not just for myself but also to tell others about Point of Return.

 Peggy, F. (CANADA) - Wellbutrin, Zoloft

Like most people taking prescription medications received from a family Doctor, little insight was given to the habitual nature of benzodiazepine. After just a month of taking low dosages of Xanax and then Klonopin, I unknowingly developed very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms upon stopping the medications. Of course my Doctor recommended an increase in dosage. I decided to stop altogether. When I did things, of course, got worse. That is when I found POINT OF RETURN and worked with Alesandra and Andrea in getting an understanding of what was happening to me and started taking the recommended supplements. In a world where there is a scarcity on helping others, the people at POINT OF RETURN are an anomaly. Not only are they knowledgeable on symptoms of withdraw, they are full of love and care and their entire purpose in life is to help others. I was able to recover from my terrible experience in about a 3 weeks but I know many others do not have it so easy. In either case, POINT OF RETURN is a caring and thorough method of learning to come off such deteriorating medications. I would have lost my mind without the people at POINT OF RETURN and I recommend them to anyone in similar need. Bless you."

Michael G., (VIRGINA) - Xanax

When my husband first told me about the POINT OF RETURN program, I have to admit I was a bit skeptical.

However, I knew how desperately he had been searching for help in getting off the antidepressant and benzodiazepines that were destroying his health and completely changing our lives.

When he contacted Alesandra and she immediately replied, I could see the light of hope come into his life again. I knew then that the Lord had led him to discover the POINT OF RETURN program. We both finally felt that he had found the help he needed to successfully come off the drugs and return to health. Thank you Alesandra and Point of Return for giving me back my husband. We can now look forward to many more happy years together.

I would encourage anyone who has a spouse or loved one suffering from the effects of psychotropic drugs to enlist the help of the thoroughly researched and proven POINT OF RETURN program. Simply put, It works!

Sandra G. - (ALABAMA)

In May of 2005, I retired from Science (Chemistry / Physics / Biology / Anatomy) teaching after 39 successful and enjoyable years in the states of Alabama and Georgia in which I won numerous awards for teaching excellence.

Eight months prior to retiring, my wife and I built our dream home in the mountains of NE Alabama. The house was "built at a distance" with not enough supervision on our part, as neither of us had had any prior experience with the building of a home. To make a long story short, we ended up selling the house seven months later at a tremendous loss due to the fact that it was inadvertently built over a high water table, which caused problems during heavy rains in the Fall/Winter of 2005.

My wife and I became actively involved in a church in our new hometown nestled in the mountains of NE Alabama where the "mountains meet the lakes".  We hated to leave the area where God sent us, but there were no other suitable homes at the time of the sale so we ended up moving to another location 130 miles away. My wife and I were never really able to "get connected" to another church in this location, even though we visited several. We have since moved again and are attending a church but not actively involved like we would like to be.

My problem began when I commenced to worry about the loss of the money on the house we built, as well as the dashing of the dreams we had carefully planned. Having retired, I was no longer immersed in teaching/shaping lives which I dearly loved, and I felt as though I had lost my identity. Also, the town we moved to didn't have any soft running surfaces which I had always been fortunate enough to have as an aging distance runner. These three factors caused the worrying to escalate.

In May of 2006, I went to see a medical doctor for anxiety/mild depression. He later referred me to a psychiatrist. I was prescribed Xanax (0.5 mg), Lexapro (20 mg), and Temazepam (30 mg). These three meds threw my life into an unimaginable tailspin. I had no idea the drugs, which were supposed to be treating me, would end up almost totally destroying my life. I began to feel more anxious, depressed, and began to have real issues with sleep. The Temazepam was just "knocking me out" but not allowing me to have normal, deep sleep and was leaving me even more fatigued. The Xanax and Lexapro were causing even more anxiety and increasing the depression. I even experienced a panic attack shortly  after beginning the drugs, and my sisters from miles away came to see me. They knew that something was terribly wrong. The psychiatrist admitted me to the hospital for a few days, and told me it would take up to six months for the antidepressant to achieve maximum effectiveness, after which I should be able to taper off within six weeks. However, he kept me on the drugs for over a year after that. By then the drugs were well on their way to causing a total destruction of my personality and life.

Consequently, I had to give up the sport which had become so much a part of my life for 45 years due to the side effects the drugs were causing. Among the side-effects I experienced were increased anxiety/depression, panic attacks, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, bleeding gums, heart palpitations, leg pain, blurred vision, tinnitus, headache, nosebleeds, chest tightness, weight gain, skin flushing, and more too numerous to mention. In the past running had been a great stress reliever, but I was now unable to even enjoy running, or life for that matter. I had attained 492 running awards. The goal I set in 1979 was to get 500 awards, so I fell eight short of the goal. I qualified and participated three times in the Boston Marathon along my running journey with qualifying times of 2:44, 2:48, and 2:49 during the years of 1981-83.

By now, because of my declining health due to being slowly poisoned, I decided I had to take myself off the three drugs which were destroying me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I was a true "basket case" and had intense feelings  of helplessness and hopelessness. On hindsight, I now realize the drugs were causing those feelings as they were altering my thinking. I had no desire to live, and suicidal feelings, due largely to the drugs, began to emerge which were extremely frightening.

From numerous articles written by truth-seeking psychiatrists and other medical professionals, I have concluded that the entire field of psychiatry is completely unscientific. Patients like myself are being "diagnosed" with "chemical imbalances" despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim. There is no clear-cut lab test to prove the existence of a chemical imbalance, and there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like. Totally unrestrained, psychiatrists continue to harm in the name of help. By their own admission, psychiatrists do not know how to cure a single mental problem and they do not know how their treatments affect patients. For more information of this pseudoscientific field, please Google "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" and watch the various youtubes .

I knew in my heart that God had more work for my wife and me to do, so I decided I must find some way to live. God provided me with a wonderful companion in life, and had it not been for her compassionate love and care I could not have made it. I had to live for her. Neither of us fully comprehended what was going on in our lives during the time of this tragedy. As we look back, we know it was the work of Satan whose purpose was to "steal, kill, and destroy" our life together. He did not want us to fulfill God's plan  for our life. But Christ is far greater and had a better plan through POINT OF RETURN.

In desperation, I began to search the web for information on how to withdraw from these horrible drugs.  But much to my dismay, I could not find any answers. I came away with more questions than answers, especially after consulting numerous "benzo / antidepressant blogs". The search essentially amounted to the blind trying to lead the blind. Nevertheless, I had a persistent determination to live and spent most of each day surfing the web trying to find answers as to how to withdraw from the poisons which had been pushed on me by the all too familiar "drug pushers in white lab coats" masquerading as medical doctors.

I decided that if I wanted to live, I had to come off the mind-altering drugs which were literally engulfing every aspect of my being. As a scientist, I started experimenting on my own to try to withdraw before it was too late. I began to taper by shaving off an ever so small amount of the Xanax and Lexapro each day. I knew this was a imprecise process of withdrawal, but I had no other options at my disposal at the time. The withdrawal symptoms from this tapering process initially were not too great. The real jolt to my body came as I continued to reduce for a few more weeks, eventually having to go back on the Lexapro because of unbearable withdrawal symptoms. I was able to stay off the Xanax since my initial prescription for it was very small. The Lexapro withdrawal was presenting real problems however, as anxiety and depression were settling in once again. Within a week I had to go back on the Lexapro just to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay. In addition, the side-effects of the drugs were causing my skin to age drastically along with other horrible side-effects. The health of the skin is a good indication of what might be happening inside which, of course, one cannot see. I was slowly dying and didn't know where to turn.

I continued to search the web for hours on end each day for help. Finally the Lord directed me to the POR home withdrawal program, and the rest is history. On Sunday afternoon, April 13, 2008. I emailed Alesandra Rain, and she responded in surprisingly short order and introduced me to the program. Shortly thereafter, I began the program of supplements and compassionate care by one who fully understood my dilemma because she has been there herself, and she was ready and willing to offer the help I so desperately needed.

I followed the program religiously and listened intently to Alesandra as she led me out of darkness and despair which had plagued my life for the past two + years. She is the best encourager I have ever encountered in my 63 years of existence. I discovered quickly that Alesandra has the "patience of Job," as evidenced by the fact that she patiently and quickly answered seemingly hundreds of questions I posed to her. I was in "good hands" with POINT of RETURN and on the road to total recovery. She "stuck" with me to the very end, as she kept promising she would do in seemingly voluminous emails I received from her throughout the withdrawal phase.

I was able to withdraw from Lexapro first and then the Temazepam with little to no withdrawal symptoms during a period of seven months while on the POR program. I took my last amount of the final drug (Temazepam) on the 19th of October, 2008, and today I can honestly say I am on the road to total recovery from the horrible drugs. Had it not been for POR, I would not be writing this testimonial today.

To celebrate my freedom from drugs, my wife and I scaled the 3rd highest peak in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee (Mt. LeConte) a couple of weeks ago. It was an 11 mile round trip journey which we completed in six hours. This challenging hike is something we had always wanted to do, and I thank the Lord that we were able to accomplish the task which would have been unheard of for me just a few short months ago.

My advice to anyone who is on psychotropic drugs, and intent on getting off, is to utilize the POR protocols. Follow the team's advice and you, too, can be set free from these horrible poisons. I tried to withdraw on my own, as I was ignorant at the time of any such program in existence. The POR program needs to be proclaimed on every major news network in the world!! I know that such proclamations will never happen because of BIG PHARMA, the FDA, the FTC, and the AMA (Medical Doctors) who can all be viewed collectively as the "good ole boy network." This united group feels that the way to sell drugs is to sell psychiatric mental illness. They are all "in bed together" with a desire to push these horrible poisons on the unsuspecting public for monetary gain.

Today I received a Certificate of Achievement for having completed the program. That certificate, along with about a 3/4 inch stack of emails from Alesandra which I bound in a folder, is something which I will always keep and treasure. They represent the saving of another life. Add me, dear Alesandra, to the 15,000+ in 47 countries which have been miraculously saved through the thoroughly researched program of drug recovery you and Andrea co-founded.

My wife and I would someday like to meet Alesandra and the entire POR team (Andrea, Terry and Dr. Code), and we would like to personally thank them for saving my life. Maybe it will happen if we can go West to visit the Grand Canyon and hike to the bottom and back, which I once did 42 years ago with a college classmate (Joe Lary). The next stop after the hike on our trip out West will certainly be Malibu, California and POINT OF RETURN, the saving oasis of my life.

What does the future hold for us? Well, I am slowly recovering my health, and we are ready to move back to the area of NE Alabama where the Lord initially sent us, to work in the harvest field before being temporarily side-tracked by Satan, the enemy of everyone's soul.

My skin is taking on a more youthful appearance, and I am beginning to sleep normally and deeply once again as Alesandra promised. My wife and I are consistently walking eight miles each day at a 15-minute per mile pace with wrist weights. I hope to soon get back to running as well. It's a great feeling being fully alive rather than half dead. The main lesson I have learned from this tragedy is that life is fragile and should not be taken for granted, and that we should live each day as if it were our last, because it very well could be. My wife and I now believe our best days are ahead of us. We will spend the rest of our days enjoying life and singing the praises of POR to which we owe a debt of immense gratitude.

These messengers of God, helped me out of the murky clay and back to life. Believe me and countless others, it can be done if you will only take the first step. Each additional step will become easier. I can truthfully promise that you will make it though all this, as I was reassured countless times. Trust me, you will not be alone on the journey, for God's messengers will be there to help you every step of the way to RISE above the drug problems you face!

Tom G. (ALABAMA) - Temazepam, Lexapro

I want to give you an update on my withdrawal from the Klonopin. Today I am 70 days free of Klonopin. I could not have been this successful without your support and the help of the supplements. It has been difficult at times but I think the worse is over. Nearly all the withdrawal symptoms are gone now including the ringing in my ears. I will Attempt to withdrawal from the Elavil in about 2 months. That is not so urgent. Thank you so much for your kindness, support and help. Thank you again so much.

Love, Roger C. (OREGON) - Klonopin

I cannot thank you enough for your help and personal attention during my "time of trial" this past summer. While suffering from a painful condition with searing, constant nerve pain in my right arm and hand, I was overmedicated with antidepressant and tranquilizers (which did nothing to help the pain). Thankfully, when searching the Internet for "effexor Withdrawal," I found Point of Return and began your program on Memorial Day weekend.

W henever I had a question or concern, you were there for me. Most importantly, you gave me hope~ You answered my emails (sometimes within minutes) and helped me over the wrought spots. I appreciated your honesty and encouragement. Since your personal battle also involved nerve pain, I was comforted by you personal insights. Also, you personal attention in modifying my program to improve sleep and lessen pain was definitely a turning point. Thanks to you and your products, my three withdrawals were painless and relatively symptom-free, and I finished the last one earlier this month.

Nerve pain is unending and merciless. It's 24/7 – you can't get away from it. My life was a fees. I could not eat, sleep, work, or interact with my family or grandchildren. I wanted to cry but did not have the energy. At times, in the idle of the night, I thought it would be so easy to end this… Thankfully, my faith in God helped me through those dared, dark nights. As someone wise once said, "even good comes from bad." My problem (caused by a blockage of blood-flow to a major nerve) forced me to look at my life an eliminate things that weren't working. Now, I have new doctors who are competent and responsive and I also made changes in my personal life (joined a new church, joined a gym), and am no longer a "door mat" at home.

I could not conclude this letter without thanking Terry for handling my orders quickly and efficiently. If he had a question, Terry would call me right away. Again, personal attention made all the difference. His recommendation to utilize the auto-ship program helped me save money, and I could easily change what was sent each month.

I am drug-free now and my mind is clear and sharp. I returned to work in mid-August. My energy level is wonderful and I will be 59 years you in November! The nerve pain is much, better and my life is full. I plan to continue taking the nutrients forever. In closing, Alesandra, you are an angel!.

Anna E. (PENNSYLVANIA) - Effexor

Hey thanks so much for all you're doing, not only for Rachel, but for all the people you work with..You guys are troopers! Rachel has really got a new lease of life working as a moderator with you - she just LOVES it! I'm very proud of her and I love her to bits! It's so great to see her doing so well after all these years of...well, you know. I just can't thank you, Andrea and your team for all you're doing!

I'm not sure how much you hear from the spouses of those you're helping, but please hear it from me that there is nothing better than to see the most important person in the world to me come through all this! I must admit that the night before Rachel stumbled upon your website, we talked together for a long time and we really didn't know where to go from there. We men really like to fix things, and I have to admit, I was stumped! It is by the grace of God we (she) found you and I am eternally grateful.

We both look forward to heading you way one day to thank you all in person...Until then, get some sleep, girl - you sound exhausted!!

All my best - Quinn, (CANADA)

Hi - I just want to say hello to all the staff at POINT OF RETURN. I am doing fine. I am now 2 1/2 years without drugs. Without all your support it would be impossible to get off those drugs. I am taking just nutritional supplements for support. There are hard days now, but I can handle it by myself without drugs. Hope all of you are doing great. Congratulations for the job well done.

Sincerely yours, Luis D. (HONDURAS) - Cymbalta

My chains are gone and Ive been set FREE!!! Freedom, Freedom, Freedom! To my three precious angels that have been encamped around me for the past 13 months. Thank you! I would like to personally thank Alesandra, Terry, and Andrea the staff at POINT OF RETURN! Their support, care and love is more than I could have ever hoped for! After a15 year battle with prescription drugs I am now free! It all started 15 years ago when my youngest son was 2. I was in an accident that left me with migraines and pain. That is when I was started on pain killers and antidepressants for pain. From there it progressed, so started my fall into the pits off Hell! For the last 4 yrs of my life on prescription meds I was in a comatose state. Not able to speak, walk, or talk. I lost my hair, fingernails, and toenails. My body had all but shut down. Not only was my life being destroyed, but lives of my precious husband of 20 yrs and 4 children. I went off all meds in July of 2005. I thought I was in Hell before. This was the beginning of a 3 year withdrawal process. I was put back on 1 med to keep the seizures down and to calm my withdrawals. For 24 months I shook uncontrollably, did not sleep for days on end, was in constant pain, and had unending anxiety. I was bound and determined to live and find an answer to this misery! In Aug of 2007 I went back into a protracted withdrawal and was ready to give in and hand my life over to the enemy that had consumed my life for the past 15 yrs! It was then I found POINT OF RETURN (POR). After a few weeks I improved and as of March 27, 2008 I have been drug free. I give all the praise and glory to my Father in Heaven for leading me to the POR products and to the staff that would help me regain my life! My life is now full of abundance and Joy! My health is being restored and strength has come back into my life. It is now for this cause I l live. I live to free all from the bondage I lived in for 15yrs.If your are asking if this program is the answer, Yes it is! There is freedom for ALL through this program! Prayers of thanks for the POR staff will forever be on my lips!

Blessings and Favor,

Karen L. (TEXAS) - Trazadone, Lexapro, Depakote, Klonopin, Ativan, Ritalin

In 2006, when I really went insane......I had NO IDEA Xanax tolerance / withdrawal was the cause. I just thought I was going out of my mind and that was really, really scary. Needless to say my husband was scared too (even though he didn't say he was). I lost all confidence in my ability to ever being able to function again in this world. I just want to thank you again for showing me and so many other suffering people that there IS light at the end of the tunnel. May God be with you and the other wonderful people at POINT OF RETURN. May He continue to keep you all safe and well......without POR, many of us would be goners.

Lydia K. (NEW JERSEY) - Xanax

On my most blessed days I am asked why I look so good and I am ecstatic when I’m given the opportunity to truly answer that question.  Recently I was told that I “look like a million bucks” and my reply was “I feel like five million!”  It is very difficult to explain to others who may not understand how truly amazing it feels to finally be happy, joyful and full of life.  These are the results of my experience with Point of Return along with my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I spent 15 long and frustrating years on prescription medications and by all of the world’s mindset I had every right to be on most of those drugs.  I had struggled thru my mother’s suicide and a young failed marriage that produced a severely handicapped child.  After my second marriage, my older brother and best friend committed suicide also.  It was then that I was diagnosed with clinical depression and the roller coaster ride of legal drugs began.  I was later diagnosed as bipolar after the tragic, accidental death of my second son at 12 years old.  The merry-go-round of prescription drugs ensued while I voluntarily continued my addiction to smoking and a few illegal drugs for added misery.  I joined the ranks of poor souls admitted to a mental facility and was tossed around from one diagnosis to another.

Eventually, I decided to stop the madness but not before I learned that I was entrapped in the worst kind of addiction… benzodiazepines.  I was the host to several different types of the legal poison including KLONOPIN, XANAX, ATIVAN and RESTORIL.  Enhanced with several other glowing additions of drugs for added spice I ignorantly embarked on a cold-turkey withdrawal that produced the very worst kind of misery and torture known to mankind.  I went for literally weeks at a time without ANY sleep and my body was in turmoil to say the very least.  I searched high and low for answers and tried every natural remedy and supplement known to man with no success.  Still I was determined.  With my faith in Jesus Christ and my eye on freedom I pressed on.

In April of 2007 my life changed forever.  I found the POINT OF RETURN website.  I had been conducting the exact same search on the web for months but had come up empty.  On that day I found my answer.  With a guarded heart I sent my inquiry in via the website and within THREE MINUTES my cell phone was ringing.  The voice I heard on the other end was the softest, most loving and understanding sound I had ever heard.  FINALLY, someone understood and had a clue of the private living hell I had been enduring.  Alesandra Rain became my friend and partner in the quest to be free.  She immediately sent me the program by over night delivery and when I hung up with her that night I fell down on my living room floor all alone with God and I cried.  Finally, I was crying tears of relief and not tears of pain and frustration.  For some reason, Alesandra had given me hope and I had no doubt that I had found the answer.

I was a poster child for the program.  I followed it religiously and strived to make every day count toward my success.  Within a few weeks I was feeling better.  Every time I thought I couldn’t feel any better I learned I was wrong and it just kept getting better.  In mid-November of 2007 I took my final dose of prescription medication and I have been drug free ever since!  The nutrition on the program was the answer to my prayers and assisted with the restored health to my brain and my body.  As Alesandra and her loving team continued encouraging me to be patient I regained my health and most importantly I regained my joy and my zeal for life.  I don’t remember feeling so good.  I now sleep like a baby and live every single day to its fullest.  I live in a small town and people have known me for many years.  Not many days go by in recent times that someone doesn’t comment on how good I look and seem to feel.  I am so overjoyed that my health shows in my attitude.  I am enjoying my marriage of 23 years and also my youngest son who at 16 is the light of my life.  I am pursuing bible college and will be certified within the Assembly of God Church as a pastor very soon.  It will be exciting to see what God does with my life as I grow to spread the good news of all that He can do with a little faith and determination.

I was recently blessed to meet Alesandra in person and the experience can hardly be described.  Needless to say we were destined to cross paths.  My passion for telling others of the horrors of prescription drug use and abuse is huge and I am delighted to help others to find the peace and freedom that I have found.  It is my hope that God will continue to allow me the pleasure of sharing the story He has given me for the sole purpose of encouraging others.

Wendy H. (TEXAS) - Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan, Restoril

Alesandra - Thank you for always taking my calls. It is so comforting to have the direct connection to you and to get my questions answered. This entire experience with POR has been of incredible comfort to me. With you, Terry and Andrea.... and to read the testimonials of others who've been in the same hell. I just never, ever thought that there would come the day where I would be understood. I was being treated like I was crazy, and pretty much told so by the doctors. I have searched for the last seven years for an answer to all the health issues that plagued me: severe anxiety, agoraphobia, severe depression, severe insomnia - I would not sleep at all...for weeks!...the several neck surgeries/steroid injections that literally sent me over the moon. I really did not want to live any more.... I was in horrible pain from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head.... I couldn't sit, I couldn't lie down...there was never a moment when I was even ok. The great news is that things have really started to change for me: I am already doing 75% better than I was before I started the POR - my hair is starting to look normal and pretty again....my emotions have really balancing out, I hardly ever cry (used to be an hourly thing for me), the color in my face is returning....my skin tone has completely changed...my fingernails (and hair) are growing in quickly. I just have this little bit of muscle/jaw/neck discomfort still going on (which has already improved greatly), and I am so excited for it to be completely gone when I'm finally off the meds.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you!! I will keep you posted!

Take good care,

Holly - Klonopin

Eighteen years ago I went to a counselor because of a troubled relationship. In order to continue her program, I was required to go on Prozac....thus started my journey. Today, after three months of faithfully using the products and following the directions in the POINT OF RETURN program, I am free. I sent in an email questioning if I should feel this good!! My greatest fear was that I would reach this emotional clarity and then crash to a new low.

To my joy, I continue to feel clear, calm and free. I am sleeping again, have energy and no longer suffer from constipation or anxiousness. My weight has started to come down to a normal range.


1. Clarity- I can really see things around me with my emotional eye in such a clear state, no emotions to block.

2. My emotions feel like I am on a " high", but not exactly a nervous state, just a state of alertness.

I have not hit a brick wall, I have not been let down. As far as the eighteen year relationship...still there, but I am in a much better condition to take control of my life and make decisions based on clarity, rather that emotional turmoil. -

Marilyn F. (CALIFORNIA) - Prozac

I am writing to let you know that I have successfully completed my taper from 7+ years of 150 mg of EFFEXOR XR using your program. I have been EFFEXOR-free for almost 3 weeks now. I initially communicated with you in late January about how to taper from an XR medication. After much deliberation I switched to the tablet form, prepared for my taper with the supplements, took my full dose in two half-doses a day for two more weeks, and finally started my taper. I actually tapered at a slower rate which worked out well for me. I had mild symptoms at the points of tapering but they typically resolved after a few days. I had only one severe event and I knew it was because I had tapered one day and then took my next dose a little late the following morning. My final taper (actual withdrawal) was thankfully, "uneventful".

Again, I thank you so much for your help.


Laura P., (WASHINGTON) Effexor

It's been 170 days since I my last dosage of LEXAPRO and I just wanted to say that I feel great. Although I was only on the meds for 3 months, nothing prepared me for the strange and scary symptoms that were to follow. Thank you so much for your help and to Alesandra especially thank you for your wisdom that you shared with me during this nightmare ordeal. Your story and the testimonials of others on this website have truly been an inspiration to me and were so compelling I had to give your program a try. As I came off the medication and started experiencing the withdrawals, I had so many fears and questions that I needed answers to, but I thank God that Alesandra was able to help and reassure me that things would get better for me. Also, I have to say thanks to Shawnda, Janet, and Laurie - your advice and personal experiences helped me through this as well. Now, I can honestly say that I reached that moment of restoration and now I can actually have a good night's rest and I am back to my old self again... I could have never done it without your program and most of all your encouragement. Thank you so much for helping me to recover. I personally believe that God does not mean for people to be on these medications, and I know He helped me find you guys to lead me to the right path. May God bless all of you for what you do. I have given testimony to many at my church about how your program helped me to come off the medication and I pray for more people to be openminded enough to try your program as I know some people have been on medications for years. You are truly doing a wonderful service to mankind. In this day and age it is nice to find a place that offers Hope. There are better alternatives to treating depression and your program has proven that to me .

N.L., (NEW JERSEY) - Lexapro

My name is Michel, and I took high doses of SSRI's for about 12 years. On the rare occasions that I tried to get off of them on my own, I would soon begin to cry for no apparent reason. With my wonderful psychiatrist's supervision and the encouragement of the folks at POINT OF RETURN, I used the nutrients diligently over a period of several months and had the compounding pharmacist taper my EFFEXOR according to the instructions. I did well, except for the last 3 weeks of withdrawals, which I was told to expect. But I held tight, and I finally made it off these drugs and have been thriving off of them for a year! Sometimes I return to taking the supplements if I am under a bit of stress, but I can then go back off of them when things calm down. I really appreciate the gift of being able to be off the SSRI's because of the negative side effects they had. Thank you!!!

"'But I will restore you to health
and heal your wounds,'
declares the LORD..." Jeremiah 30:17

Michel B.L. - (SOUTH CAROLINA) - Effexor

Everything is going great for all of us. It still amazes me how good I feel mentally and physically! Things I took for granted before getting sick and then not being able to do just the most simple things. Gabe and Shaggy and I walk a mile every night. I am closer to my boys and Gabe than ever. I was standing in the line at the grocery store the other night, and my heart wasn't beating fast, I wasn't sweating, and I was not freaked out that the line was really long, and I just smiled and at that moment I realized how much we all take for granted. I guess I would never have appreciated everything that happens to me now. It all seems TOO easy. I did have a panic attack the other, but I took my calm supplement, chalked it off as a POWER SURGE of my brain, and went to sleep!

I still check your website and it gives me goose bumps when I read more testimonials of the people you have helped. We will be indebted to you and the rest of the staff forever for the kind words, and persistence from you (in my case ) and just knowing we were not broken forever.

Take care of yourself and stay cool.

Love, Janet (TEXAS) )

I am doing well. Life has been very busy and haven't had time to properly reflect just yet, but I can say this:

I am Stillnox free, for I think two plus months and have lost the final withdrawals. I sleep most, but not all of the time, which is ok by me. I know that this too will resolve itself as my life slowly becomes my own again (manifesting big changes in my personal life). I have confidence in my body's ability to sleep again and do what it needs to do - incredible!. Its like re joining the rest of the world! I can't tell you how this feels, to have a basic belief in my ability to sleep again without being held ransom to these life/mind sapping drugs - they really were doing me in! It only begs the question - How did this happen to me in the first place??

Thank you dear Alesandra and your team. If you didn't personally understand it so well, I would feel frustrated in being unable to describe to you the extent of my relief and delight, as well as my enormous heartfelt gratitude to you and your wonderfully liberating programme.

I am healthy and expect to get even healthier as time goes on. I have not come down with the flu and chest infections which were a normal part of my winter - I am able to fight of bugs properly for the first time in years. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

with Love - Anna B. ( AUSTRALIA) - Stilnox

I will always be indebted to the great help you gave me during a critical time in my life. You were there for me and sometimes someone like you may not get all the thanks they deserve. I will be forever grateful to you because my life has changed DRAMATICALLY! I'm not even getting anxiety attacks anymore (which I got for months even after I was off the meds). My body is getting stronger and stronger...and my brain function is getting better and better too. I can still tell there is still healing and rebuilding going on...but I don't feel like an anxious, sick, 80 year old anymore!

I saw you on Geraldo and how AWESOME was that. Thank you for caring and being a life changer!

Love and blessings, Kristie V. (CALIFORNIA) - Vallium

I'm not sure if I'll ever forget April 20, 2007. But, I am sure that I'll never forget June 1, 2008. April 20, 2007 was the night that, while on a leisurely walk with my dog and about 100 yards from home, I had an anxiety attack. I made it home, but the odd sensations persisted. So, my wife took me to the hospital. The emergency room doctor ran a barrage of tests, including some x-rays, before declaring that there was nothing wrong with me. Two days later it happened again. , I saw my family doctor the next day. By this time I felt extremely tired and “low”. He confirmed that I had experienced anxiety attacks, and that I was probably also depressed. He immediately prescribed two medications which I had never previously heard of, Xanax and Celexa. So, I took the prescriptions and filled them. I took one of each pill and within a short period, I felt far worse! So, I stopped them.

The next day I called my doctor back and told him how I felt. He told me that I was “profoundly depressed” and needed to check into the hospital. I followed his advice and did so. At this point, I really did feel awful. It never dawned on me till months later that I felt so much worse AFTER I took those two pills. Well, after spending 3 days in the hospital and after various other tests I was sent home already started on two different medications, Prozac and Klonopin.

By now, some time had passed, and some natural “calming down” had occurred. So, although I was still shaken up, I was feeling better. But, I was feeling some symptoms that seemed a little different than before, but I didn’t connect the dots that side effects from the Prozac might have been the cause. I was ignorant of such things back then. So, I continued on the Prozac as per the doctor’s prescription, but only took Klonopin when I felt a little worse. Something told me that something wasn’t right, but I trusted the doctor (again) so I continued with the Prozac. The dose was 20 mg.

After a few weeks, at a follow up visit with the doctor, when I wanted to discuss stopping the Prozac, I was told I needed to do the opposite. That nagging feeling of something “not feeling right” continued, so I followed his advice and upped the dose to 40 mg of Prozac. Within a few days, some terrible side effects, not the least of which was terrible jerking movements of the extremities, started occurring. So, I went back to the doctor and told him what was happening. He ordered me to reduce the Prozac by taking 20 mg one day, then 40 mg the next as perhaps 40 mg a day was too much. Then, while driving to work one day about a month after he reduced the dose, I started crying uncontrollably in the car for no reason whatsoever. I wasn’t even sad. When informed of what was happening, the doctor stated, “Well, just stop taking the Prozac. Its not working for you. I want you to take this instead.” The “this” was a free sample bottle of Pexeva, 10 mg. Now I knew he was experimenting!

The feelings I was having which led to the drugs were caused by fear of symptoms, the symptoms which were likely caused by the huge quantities of caffeine and artificial sweeteners I was ingesting. On a daily basis, I was ingesting ¼ to ½ a gallon of strong black coffee as well as a 2 liter bottle of Coke Zero!

So, now that I was sure that “I” was fine (I had ceased all ingestion of coffee and soda by this time), I decided to just slowly trim a little bit off each pill to wean off. Please recall that I had only been taking the Pexeva for 6 weeks at this time.

Over about 2 ½ weeks I tapered down off the Pexeva fine. When I was down to roughly 2-3 mg dose, I awoke one night in a terrible sweat, and couldn’t feel half my body. I knew at this point, that this could be withdrawal from the drug. And, I stayed on this dose for another 5 months, where I researched all about SSRIs madly. I then knew for sure that what I experienced WAS withdrawal and that countless others had experienced the same things when trying to discontinue the drug.

This is when, like other times to come, when an angel came my way. But, mine didn’t have wings (at least I don’t think so) and was named Laurie. I found Laurie on www.paxilprogress.org. She, like many others on that board, experienced the horrors of SSRI withdrawal. But, unlike so many of the others, Laurie also seemed to have a way out. So, after a number of emails back and forth, I had the number of Point of Return.

This is where I found my other angels! That very day I called and spoke with Alesandra, Andrea and Terry. They got my whole story (much like this letter is becoming) and their warmth and compassion radiated through the phone. I could tell that they were genuinely concerned and genuinely compassionate. To this day I am thankful I made that call.

It took me a few months to wean off of the Pexeva, which is nearly as long as I was on it before I started the taper.

And this is what brings me to the second date mentioned in the first sentence of this letter. I'm happy to say that on June 1, 2008, I ended the taper! To be ultra-conservative, I actually tapered the Pexeva all the way down to 0.05 g before ceasing it. Overkill perhaps, but I was taking no chances!

For general health, I plan to continue the POINT OF RETURN supplements for life (albeit in dosages reduced over what was required during the taper). In ending, I need to acknowledge that I could never have been so successful in tapering off of this drug without the help of the POINT OF RETURN program. While the products obviously help me with the physical parts of withdrawal, the emotional supported offered is equally as valuable. Just knowing there is someone to talk to if you need to provides a wonderful feeling of not having to feel as though you are “going it alone”.

Today, I feel absolutely fantastic. I know this ordeal is “behind me”. My favorite quote, and one in which I have endeavored to live by during this experience-- "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."

You have all been the single candle. Mine has been lighted from yours and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Larry J. (FLORIDA) - Paxiva

Thank you so much for your quick response & the concern & caring that you have & give to everybody who calls on you for help. This program is truly a miracle & I don't even know how I found it, but it was meant for me to find. I can't give you guys enough praise for starting this program & for putting in all your effort to save people who need help so desperately. Please take care of yourselves!

Lots of love,

Lois P., (NORTH CAROLINA) - Cymbalta, Lorazepam

Hooray! I simply can`t believe I`ve been Citalopram (Celexa) free for over a week! I was first prescribed anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants 10 years ago and truly never thought this day would come. The side effects of the various medications have always been far worse than my original symptoms but trying to come off the medication seemed impossible. Having gone cold turkey several times with devastating withdrawals I was trying to wean myself off of the Citalopram slowly. Again the resulting withdrawals were such agony that I was thinking I would just have to increase my medication again and come to terms with the fact that I would probably be on anti-anxiety medication and antidepressants the rest of my life. I felt lost, hopeless and a complete failure. I was surfing the web in a last ditch attempt to find someone – anyone – who had withdrawn successfully from Citalopram and all I kept finding were more stories of other desperate people like me trying to withdraw but unable to. I then came across POINT OF RETURN's website and well…… as they say…….. the rest is history!!!!!!!!

This program is truly the way to freedom from these awful medications. Thank you Alesandra, Andrea and team from the bottom of my heart. Your patience, knowledge, wisdom and love were my saving grace. The debt of gratitude I owe you is something I can never repay. My family and I will be forever grateful.

I HIGHLY recommend this organization and program if you are looking for help with anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. The only side affects of this program are great skin, glossy hair and a big smile!!!

If you are reading this and wondering about the program PLEASE don`t hesitate – start the program as soon as you can - it will be the VERY BEST thing you ever did! You CAN be FREE!

 R achel C. (CANADA)- Citalopram (Celexa), Paroxetine (Paxil)

I was diagnosed with Hepatitis A in 1999.  I felt as if I was dying.  My doctor gave me Ambien to sleep.  I was eventually told to take it for 10 days and stop for a day and then resume so as not to become dependent.  Too late!  I already was.  For the next 8 years, off and on, I required AMBIEN to sleep.  I tried herbs, melatonin, sleep teas, 5htp…everything  that I knew about.  I began to develop respiratory symptoms in the nature of repeated pneumonia, year after year, never making any connection with the possible root cause being AMBIEN. Doctors were puzzled about my depressed immune system when I was doing all the “right things”.  As a result of the antibiotics for the pneumonia, I needed more AMBIEN. Yeast infections were next necessitating strong anti fungal drugs which required more AMBIEN. Strange digestive problems began to surface. Food became my enemy. Weight gains from eating almost nothing. Anxiety fought to control all my thoughts. I wondered at times…am I losing my mind?  But I was determined to get off that drug and re-train my body to sleep on its own again.

The folks at POINT OF RETURN have so educated me now that I can look back and recognize why there were so many strange health issues. The cycle was debilitating and frightening, even tormenting. As a born again Christian I believe that the Lord Jesus heals all diseases.  I was praying but not getting any “apparent” results.  However, good things, it seems, take time.  My healing was not to be just about me. 

I found a doctor who helped me get off the AMBIEN by prescribing LORAZEPAM and I got addicted to it. After one year of treatment using this prescription plus other alternative treatments , he stopped and prayed out loud for me.  As soon as he finished praying, he remembered POINT OF RETUR. My heart raced with excitement.

I contacted Alesandra immediately who helped me not only get started with the nutritional support my body would need to begin the tapering process from LORAZEPAM, but also spoke in such a calm and reassuring way that I was able to calm myself from the frustration and fear that had followed me like a black cloud for almost 10 years. 

I followed exactly the protocol, kept my diary daily, and was able to get off that drug without losing my mind. When I told my doctor about my success, he hugged me and congratulated me over and over.  He even reduced my bill ! Other doctors told me that most people cannot get off this drug or that  they end up paying thousands of dollars to go into a rehab hospital.

I do discipleship counseling at my church and almost everyone who comes to me are on a “cocktail” of these drugs and feel awful. They have given up on doctors and feel hopeless.  In addition to helping them recognize and deal with unresolved issues that may be contributing to their illness, I can point them to POINT OF RETUR, raised up by God for such a time as this.

I believe that God led me to POINT OF RETURN and gave me three precious angels to walk me through this difficult time in my life. Thank you, Alesandra, Andrea, and Terry.  Freedom feels good.

Pam A. (TEXAS)- Lorazepam

Dear Andrea and Alesandra - I just wanted to thank you both for the wonderful program you have developed. I thought I was at dead end and had no other options to successfully quit XANAX. After 2 seizures and no health insurance I didn't know where to turn. Someone told me about your program and once I spoke with Alesandra I wasn't as scared anymore. Your program helped me more than I thought it would. In a few months I was able to wean myself off completely with little or no withdrawal symptoms. It has completely gotten me back on the right track with every department of my life. I feel better than I have in years and being only 23, I have a long, happy life ahead of me. . I was young and wasn't aware of the dangers of benzo abuse until I tried to stop. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will forever spread the good news about your program and the dangers of benzo abuse.

Rachel D. (CONNECTICUT) - Xanax

Dear Alesandra,Terry and everyone at POINT OF RETUR. A few weeks ago I emailed Alesandra about the fact I had gone off effexor cold turkey and was suffering horribly. I called and talked to Terry and ordered the program. At nearly two weeks out I can say that I am feeling SO much better. The electric shocks to my head have diminished and the dizziness is pretty much gone. I am still rather tired, but not that bad. As a matter of fact I start a new job on the 6th doing what I used to do and left due to burn out and simple drug poisoning. I will be seeing to the recreational needs of the elderly in a nearby nursing home. Its smaller than the last one and should be alot easier. I also notice in a general return of being interested in living. I haven't been excited about anything for so long! Now I do look forward to getting out and meeting people like I used to. And while I do have tearful moments of grieving for what life dealt me, I also know its time to move on. Thanks for being there and letting me know,life needn't be hopeless, or without light and possibilities. I will stay on the program to the end and am sure I will continue to mend.

- Don N. (NEW YORK) - Effexor

My name is John. I am a 63 yr. old commercial photographer living in LA. 2 years ago i had a series of shoulder operations that left me dependant on valium. I had no clue how addictive they were. In Nov. of 07 i realized that i would have to double my dose and also that i did this, i would be "stupid" on the job. I decided to stop, not knowing what an ordeal I was in for. After about a week of stumbling, I found POINT OF RETURN on the internet. They saved my sanity and my life. They coached me and had product that really worked.

Tapering off VALIUM was one of the hardest things in my life. My sleep was totally messed up and without sleep, life can get pretty scary. Alesandra, Andrea and Terry were always there for me, always had time for my phone calls.

It has taken me 5 months to "get straight". I am clean as a whistle and sleeping great. Without POINT OF RETURN and the 3 angels who own and run POINT OF RETURN, it would have been a millions times harder, if not impossible.

   John D. (CALIFORNIA) - Valium

Read More Testimonials

*Results may vary from person to person.

*Testimonial statements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Point of Return.

*Because prescription medications can cause severe withdrawal reactions, do not stop
taking any medication without first consulting your physician. The decision to taper any medication should be discussed with your doctor and done with their consent and support. More...

*Always consult with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking or stopping any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have any health problem. More...

*The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The products and labels mentioned / sold are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.  More...

*While great care has been taken in organizing and presenting the material throughout this website, please note that it is provided for informational purposes only and should not be taken as Medical Advice.

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